Devonshire/PP-DR 901025su~divl si on?
5t~ee~ haloes (Carei~,gton and fle~pc~r~ ) a~e confu~ing. Please
discuss ~ith Building Inspections and the Ftpe
In o~de~ ~o co~d;l'nue -ce¥ie~ of this prellmi~ar'~ plat
piease su~rel~ ~6 ~lsed ~oideO se~s of plans ~y Tu~day~
50. R~i~ ~i I 1 ~on~ ir~ue a~ ~he nex~ ~el o~e~
The hea'cir~g fop co~slOer-atior! an~ ~-evie~ ~ the Piar~i~g and
Zoning C~mnissi~ Is s~e~ule~ on Thups~ay~ i~ov~b~ 8~ 19~ a~
7:30 p.~. anO ~ the City Council ~ Tuesday~ De~0~ il~ i~
a~ 7:00 p.m. Both hea~ings ~ili be cond~ed iw ~he Cou~ctl
Cha~be~s a~ City Hall. A ~e~es~ive fo~ ~his ~o3e~ mus~ be