Coppell Rd BP/FP-CS 870319The City With A Beautiful Future P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 STAFF REPORT DATE: March 19~ 1987 Planning and Zoning Department RE: Case ~: Coppell Road Business Park Final Plat (Resubmittal) LOCATION: 204 feet north of the intersection of Bethel and Coppell Roads. Approval of a final plat that is required per the Subdivision Ordinance to be resub- mitted. Mr. Dale Veenker 133 Cottonwood Drive Coppell, TX. 75019 REQUEST: APPLICANT: GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Applicant is requesting approval of a final plat. This plat must be resubmitted due to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance Section iO,A that states: "If a final plat has not been submitted for signatures by City Officials within six (6) months after approval by the City Council, the plat shall be deemed null and void, and resubmittal will be required. Coppeli Road Business Park was originally approved by the City Council on March 25, 1986. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of final plat. PLATTING PRELIMINARY Item 8: Consider approval of a Preliminary Plat for Frank Addition, located 630 feet north of the intersection of Bethel School Road and Heartz Road. Date of Planning & Zoning Meeting Decision of Planning & Zoning - March 19, 1987 - Approval (7-0) Mr. Greg Edwards of Metroplex Engineering representing Mr. Frank made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Edwards was requesting approval of a preliminary plat for Frank Addition located on Heartz Road and requesting three variances from the City of Coppell Sub-division and Zoning Ordinances. These variances are requested to allow alley access only in lieu of an alley along the rear of the property, allow for driveway access to Heartz Road, and allow a 10 foot side yard set-back for Lot No. 1. Following further discussion Councilman Morton moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for Frank Addition located 630 feet north of the intersection of Bethel School Road and Heartz Road. Councilman Cowman seconded; motion carried unanimously with Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Stanton voting in favor of the motion. FINAL Item 9: Consider approval of a Final Plat - Resubmittal for Coppell Road Business Park, located 204 feet north of the intersection of Bethel Road and Coppell Road. Date of Planning & Zoning Meet~r~ - March 19, 1987 Decision of Planning & ~o~\~\ - Approval (7-0) STIPULATION_ ~~~tl.~~~ address the easement to Mr. Dale Veenker made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Veenker was requesting approval of a final plat for Coppell Road Business Park, located 204 feet north of the intersection of Bethel Road and Coppell Road. He stated that this plat was approved by Council last year but went beyond the six month time period and he was resubmitting the plat and recognizes the right of ingress and egress to the Duncan Tract. There have been no changes and all fees will be paid within ten days. Following further discussion Councilman Wilkerson moved to approve the final plat for Coppell Road Business Park, located 204 ~eet north of the intersection of Bethel Road and Coppell Road. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion; motion carried unanimously with Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Stanton voting in favor of the motion. REPLAT Item 10: Consider approval of a Replat of Northlake Woodlands East #6, Lot 3, Block H, located at the southeast corner of Moore Road and Christi Lane. Date of Planning & Zoning Meeting Decision of Planning & Zoning - March 19, 1987 - Approval (7-0) Mayor Duggan stated that this replat was brought before the City Council to incorporate the newly found cemetery. Mr. Parsons has agreed to build a cemetery fence around the cemetery and Mayor Duggan was requesting endorsement of the replat by the Council. Councilman THE CITY WITH A BEAUTIFUL FUTURE HANDWRITTEN MEMORANDUM Phonic 21 ~I'~bZ.U~Z2 BOX m478 Coppe:ll. Texas ?~,019 Mr. Norm Kruger made the presentation to the Council. He is requesting a "Specific Use Permit" for a restaurant in the Towne Oaks Shopping Center~ Mayor Duggan declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak for the proposed change. There were en asked for those persons who wished to speak against the .one ~e ~___ A~in there were none. The ~'~blic he~ring wa~ ~, ~ ~posea cnang~. ~- .. __~^~ ~ouncilm~ Pettijonn move~ i~aclared closed. Following emscu~* .... ~i~is zoning change be approved for the zoning classification that exists Lo date with a "Specific Use Permit" for a restaurant. Councilman Bailey seconded; motion carried unanimously with Mayor Fro Tem Thompson, Councilman Bailey, Councilman Ware, Councilman Pettijohn and Councilman SmotI~;~:mon voting in favor of the motion. PLATTING ACTIONS - FINAL Item 12: Plat Application #86-01-20 - to consider approval of a final plat for Coppell Road Business Park on property located on the east side of Coppell Road, 500 feet north of Bethel Road. Date of Planning & Zoning Meeting - February 20, 1986 Recommendation of Planning & Zoning - Approval Following discussion on this item Councilman Ware moved that this plat be approved subject to the payment of fees. Councilman Bailey seconded; motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Thompson, Councilman Bailey, Councilman Ware, Councilman Pettijohn and Councilman Smothermon voting in favor of the motion. STAFF REPORTS AND REQUESTS Item 13: Discussion and consideration of staff recommendation on the 2.2 acres located at the Coppell Town Center. City Manager Frank A. Proctor, Jr. made the presentation to the Council. Following discussion on this item it was the consensus of the Council that a work session would be scheduled to further discuss this item. Item 14: Discussion and consideration of approval of plans for the realignment to the Beltline/Denton Tap/Southwestern Boulevard intersection. City Consulting Engineer Wayne Ginn made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Ginn stated that in reviewing plans for this intersecton they have found that no dedication of right-of-way from the railroad exists at this point. Mr. Jerry Baumback of St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company was present in the audience and indicated that he felt the railroad could not agree to the dedication of right-of-way needed for a six-lane road. Mr. Jim Necce representing the Dairy Queen located at the northwest corner of this intersection was present as well as Mr. A1 Rodgers representing Mobile Oil Company at the northeast corner, Mr. J.W. Whitehead and Mr. Frank Mustermann also property owners at this intersection were present for the hearing on this item. Following discussion Councilman Smothermon moved that a 90 degree intersection be approved for construction. Councilman Bailey seconded; motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Thompson, Councilman Bailey, Councilman Ware, Councilman Pettijohn and Councilman Smothermon voting in favor of the motion. Stem 15: Discussion and consideration of status report on the construction of the cul-de-sac at Warren Drive. City Engineer Ed Powell made the presentation on this item. He indicated that Triland has stated that they are progressing on the