Dickey's/MP-CS 990519isa beiie ~ M 0~5 :D'i~ ~'E¥~,'$'AND"'~COp'P'EEE~'C RO~SiI~ G .............................................................................................................................. Page 1
Travis Crump
Wed, May 19, 1999 8:20 AM
The only change on the Dickey's site plan would be the need to show the 30 feet inside radius and 54 feet
outside radius for the fire lane.
I am concerned about the wording that Vexler is wanting to add to the plat. Since the access road has
already been cut, is this a way for him to use the city to make the Hollows move the road (at considerable
expense)? I would think that this wording belongs more to some sort of agreement between Coppell
Crossing and The Hollows instead of being on a plat. If the Hollows places the gate, irrigation and
associated items off of Coppell Crossings property, I wouldn't think Vexler would have any say in how it is
designed and installed. Let me know what you think.
Also, I have been working with AT&T on the placement of their temporary emergency access road. This
road would only exist until the next phase of Coppell Crossing is developed. As such, I don't have any
problems with them using the access road already installed to the Lone Star Gas metering station. This
existing road is also a temporary road that has to stay until the next phase of the shopping center is
installed and then is to be removed.
Call me if you have any questions or comments. Thanks so much.