Coppell Rd BP/FP-CS 851209PROJECT DATA: OWNER: Phone: Name: Address: ~, ~W ~~/ ZONING: Existing Zoning: ~ Request zoning change to ~- Date: Approved by P&Z: Approved by Council: LAND STUDY: Received: Reviewed by:__Date: Returned' Comments: Approved by P&Z: Approved by Council: *********************************************************************************** PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANS: : Received: Reviewed by:~~ Date: Returned: Comments: P&Z Agenda:/Z/[~~'- App'd: ~ Council Agenda: App'd: FINAL PLAT AND PLANS: Received: Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Returned: P&Z Agenda:~~~¢ App'd: q.O Council Agenda: Final construction plans approved by City Engineer: Begin construction: Acceptance of improvements by City: Submission of as-built drawings: One-year Warranty Date: App'd: End construction: Additional maintenance bonds: COI~IENTS: