DFW Trade ROW/FP-CS 971125-~ 'i' DALLA> (.(..~ NT~' ".i~-: ~OUN'r-' Y C:Eq": PLAT MAP RECORDING SHEET i~_3C)087 1 11/,%/97 Maps iNSTRUMENT # Any provismn he~;n which restrict.< the sale. rental. '~ use ~ t~ descr;bed real proped7 ~ecau.<e of color o4' race is invalid ami unenforceable under federal law. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS stamped hereon I:y me and was duly recorded in the volume and page ol the named recoils of Dallas Count~, Texas as stampeli hereon by mi. DATE NOV 26 COUNTY CLERK, Dallas County, T VOLUME & PAGE OF RECORDED .. PLAT MAP Og :11 HV §g AOIt L6 ,1, ...h: ,..; 3'."l-frO ..~,~]-~ ~ · . k. ~.~-'. '- 0002 NAME OF FINAL PLAT D/FW TRADE CENTER- TRADE CENTER DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY, FINAL PLAT Date Final Plat approved by P & Z Commission: October 16, 1997 Date Preliminary Plat approved by City Council: July 11, 1995 In order to execute this final plat, the following signatures are necessary prior to submission to Dallas County Records Department for execution. Please initial this form and place your signature where necessary, on all copies of the final plats. DATE INITIAL FLOOD PLAIN ADMIN. P & Z CHAIRPERSON P&Z SECRETARY CITY SECRETARY DEPT. /'J- After filing with the Dallas County Records Department, this form along with along with eight (8) folded paper originals and two (2) rolled mylars, must be returned to the City of Coppell Planning Department for proper execution. Date Received Frwd/Rcd Rtnd to Developer Date, Vol & Page #