DFW Trade ROW/FP-CS 971017 (4) · ~,~---, ,,-~ ........ ' ...... ~,~: .... . _, ..... ,..,"~ t --'".- I .... '.'.,"'" i 1 AU~ fi,' 0897229 .,' ; SEP 17't9~7~i ''' ' -. . -.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ; ":' ! RSf. 973130/T~ . - ~ I · ..~...~..,....-~ ~~~ ~ ..... .,.~..~.<,,.~, ....... .... .., -.. , ........ .,, 1 0B97233 I 82.00 ~2.0C ' 82,30 0.00 I 82.~0 i BURR WOLI ., L.P. I-X-VOIC£ A T~xas r ;mlt.~t Pam~-~h':p DAL97.32~33 1540 C~-nr~'y C.~nmr Pxk-wav '~! ,~ 5.~96,00 ~ ' ~ C~: 8014738 .%CCOb~ 65179~~3~ C~SS iz cur negc~a~o~ wi~ ~m A~pr~ D~: on ~/23/97, L~m 1997 pr~c~ I I ! ~ estimated property mx s~vings for 199'7 L~ According to our agr~e,a~ our fee is ba.s~ on a cc~- ~tir. ger. c'7 f~ of o.~ of ~e ~timated ~,.rope.ncy tax savin§-~ · f~r 1997. P::ase pay th~ Total D'~ ~mount $how~ at ,~ top of Q:i~ page be£om 911/97. you lave ~ue:dona tbout =L~ ~lvcico, please call B~'T. '~'oiff ~ 7'.3~Z2-9800 t ' :.=-- :Zi '-;.~Z- =.=. BL"RR WOLFF, L.P. ,.-rN'vOIC:E A T-.xas ~ l~alr, m--~p D ~--.4PL iD 76-825g&37 D ~.~ - ~'I~7 :640 tearer'/C,¢r.z~r Parkway '6S1772:'3010120000":?~'91L/97"-'::;.2 i b'2.80S.00i ~ am i01 "'~"'" ..... ":"'~""'~"~'""~"'""~'~'~'"'""~" .x,~_, CN: 801472.8 ~Uu 9 4 19~7"; ' , COUNTY TX-DALLAS 1397 §41.4t ?ROTF.,ST .4.CCOL~ ~-~ 177243010120CCC, CraSS L: our v~§oQatiora '-,,i'.~ ~ Apg,'z.i.s~ Dh~¢. on Si23/97. ~e 1997 ~oTe~d propc~! on r.%e fo~o~g r~o~: 1) P~.c~t~ sales s .uppon :h~ lower 1997 ~ v~luc PROPERTY VALUATION >> $1.S19,473 ~ OF ~PP~ .~$ 1 :~:~ 7,425 COPP~ ~D t,~ J T.~ C~Cb~ON >> sa~2 ~o: ~e asfimamd prcp:..-y mx sawings fcr 1997 -~ $11,21I. A~ordLug to our agree:mcnt, our f¢¢ is based or: a confiug---'.cy "~" of 25G of ~c :, 'qlmamd ?rope.? :ax savings for 1997. P!.~a,~ pay t.%~ Total DM amctmt showa -:u: tho ~p of t.hU page %efore 9/1/97. you bm,,,~ q'-,omUO,~s abm:t alu invoi~, Fle.,a~a ~aLl l:h.~. Wol~/.t 71:13,'62~.9800 BURR WOLFF, L.P. LN-VOICE A T~x~s l. km~d Par~a:r~..aip PROP~ ~3 ~~KT P:~ (D~ ~E ~N~_~) FOR PRO~ON.~ C~S DIST W~HOU5~ ~ our ~go~ans -~ Uu~ Ap~ D~W~: ca 5/2~97, ~e 1997 p~po~d pro~ ~'~ue w~ 1) Co~t cf ca~on suppo~ the i~ v~. PROPERTY VALUA~ON >> ~.~8:~ [ ~,2~1,830 ~ , I T.~ C~CL~ON ~ >> m~,*~ ~,~. The e$'dr',.,amd prope.m:' ,.ax saviags.,~.~-- 1997 is $a3,748. Aczordi.~.g to our agreement, o~ f~ ia based on a con'Angenay fe~ of 25% 0£ ~.e ~'=atad prol~-..'zy tax $aviag~ 1997. Plea.~ pay u',.: Total D,.~ amo,,r--t .~hcwn at ~ :op of tl,.ia ~ag~ before 911/97. BL-R WOLFF, L.i 'VOICE A Texa~ ;Limiled ~~ D~-3~ - · ~-~... ~'~-~'~u,' ~-~' - ' [ ' ''~ ~_ . ~-'~' ~ ~ I S'~m 10~ :- ~' -':~:'~ ~~.~~~-_ :~z. "~.- .:- - ~,' ~:~8~.7~ AUG ~ a I~7 Eo~ ~ROP~ i~ ~~RT P~ FOR PROFESSIO~L COL~ ~-D~ON ~7 ~1.41 PROT~T ACCCL~ on nba foao~g ~: · ~ F~c~n~ ~p~on w~ co--md. PROPERTY. VALUATION >> I TAX CALCL'LAT!ON >> ~ ~ The ~,mar~l pro.~wf tax .savings for 199'7 i~ 5'3211. According to our ag;'t~nh our .~ ~ ba.~6 on a conthag~.ncy f¢¢ of 25% cf '~ es~.mau:d prc;~.~'y, tax ~av~mgs for I997. P!cu.sc pay the TcmJ Du: amount shown a~ '.he :op of tl~ page b~fom 9/1/97. ., · ~,.~,~.~:~-... ~ .-- ? . ~ ..... - ~OP~.. ~51 STA~ ~ iii t~ ~E FOR PROFES~ON.~ COL~ ~-D~T l_~ ~ ~4~.4~ PROT~T ACC 0 b~ 9~~!~1~ C~S DI~ W.~OUSE Cos: of cons~;~Jon suppc~ ~ !ow~ v~ !997 ~m~ose~ wai~ : 997 filial Ac,;or~g m our agreement, our fee is based cn ~ contingency ~ee of 25q~ of ',.he ~timat~ prop~..-y +.ax savi.n~' 1997. Please pay ~ To'al Due amount shown at the top of Ubs page ~,efore 9tl/g7. BURR WOL=F, L.P. Ex-VOICE 7, T-,.:~.~ ~Limi.'~oL Psm~.~p D~-~ ~ ~ 7~7 D~ - ~/~7 .~. M~ ~ SLmmons .~-.~.....~.~:~~_.~ 1~ ~ ~n~r P~av ':~'~90~-~~9~'~t 56.587.~1 Sram 191 ' ~.~,c, - ~ ~ _l~"a.~~ _ [ M~ ~ ~: ~ ~. L~. ,- ~i/~5-70~ . , PRO~f ~ 121 (D~ ~E~N~' FOR PRO~SSlON~ ACCOL~ 0690~CG5 C~S W.~OUSE The ca~,.mamd prop~,-Ty tax ~aviags for 1997 ;~ $26,746. AccordLug to our a~r~ment, our f~ L~ based oW a confinger, cv f~. of 25% of ~',~ ~stimat~d propc.--.! tax savin~ for 1997, ' P!ca~ pay u',.¢ Total D,~ amount show~ at ~c top of ~ .~ag~ -~.~fom 9/1/97,