DFW Trade B4/FP-DR 961226 (2) · DEVELOPMENT It RVIEW COMMI EE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: D/FW Trade Center, Lot 1-$. Block 4. Final Plat, to allow the creation of two lots and the e__rt_ension of Patriot Drive eastward from Freeport Pmtovay and continuing south to State Highway 121 through property located northeast of Freeport Parkway and northwest of State Higkway 121, at the request of C, oodwin and Marskall, Inc. DRC DATE: December 26, 1996 and January 2, 1997 CONTACT: ' Mike Martin, E.I.T., Assistant City Engineer ($04-$679) I I · COMMENT STATUS: ,/PRELIMINARY FINAL REVISED AFTER I~&Z 1. Both the existing and proposed 100-year floodplain limit should be shown. 2. Show the entire floodplain signature block.