DFW Trade B4/FP-DR 961226 (5) :l JAN 0,9 1997 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI~,'~'-'':'::~- ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: D/FW Trade Center. Lot 1-$. Block 4. ~ Plat. to allow the creation of two lots and the extension of Patriot Drive eastward from Freeport Partway and continuing south to State Higkway 121 through property located nortkeast of Freeport Parltway and northwest of State Highway 121, at the request of C, oodwin and Marsludl, Inc. DRC DATE: December 26, 1996 and January 2, 1997 CONTACT: 1Wtke Martin, E.I.T., Assistant City Engineer (304-3679) · ~'PRELIMINAR Y RE VISED AFTER P&Z No Comments