DFW Trade B4/FP-DR 961226 (6)SEXT BY:TL' FAR~ER$ BRANCH :12-20-06 : lt:$0 : T[ FAR~ER5 BRASCH~ 21~ SOt S570:~ 6/ 6 II~bLECTF'IC " nEC ~, O l°J°J~ Comments !or tile City of Coppell Dcvelo[3ment Revicw Committee ~asements: wi. il b~.~ required I'or' pr{.)po~cd electric facilities. A plat with easement. ~'cquirenents will be provided to thc developer. ~T.oad (size et' s;tYu~:l~re, A/C / Load) ,~ill be required from the dcueloper before casements ca~ determined. Otl%ec comments Please call me at -888-1307 if you have any questions. Tim Brancheau 14400 Joqcy I.Ir, c I-t;rn'~ri Bla,luh. 'l~,a~ 75234