DFW Trade B5/SPRv-CS 980213
P.O. Box 478
Coppell. Texas 75019
February 13, 1998
Roger bi&mn
City Manager t,' ~ '~',
c tyot
P. O. Box 95104
Grapevine,, T~xas 76099 '""
RE: IDI Industrial Tract
Pursuant to our pvzviou.s conversatioms, and th~ oao most receatly lw. ld on Tuesday, February 10, I will ~_n___~apt to
outlin~ what appears to be the final solution to tho development of the IDI property who~ boundarie~ eacompass
areas of both the Cities of Grapevim and CoppeR.
1. Thc City of Cnapcvinc will b~ responsible for all sit~ planning and sit~ engineering activities and related
2. The City of Coppell, for buildings wholly in Coppell or partially in Coppeik will be responsible for aH
building inspection procedures, including shell constructio~
CoppeH staff' for any building-related issues only. If you ~ this consistent with our conversation on Tuesday,
February 10, plcasc sign thc spacc provided below and rcturn a copy to my office so it can be distributed to the
appropriate departments.
Once again, I appreciate your patience and cooperation on this unusual matter. Wc look forward to working with
the City or'Grapevine in otlm' areas or joint interest.
Ci~Manager ~/,.~?'//.,,4.- ~ " / /7'~~'c //
City of~