DFW Trade B5/SPRv-CS 981217 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: D/FW TRADE CENTER, LOTS 1 AND 3, BLOCK 5, FINAL PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: December 17, 1998 (Planning Commi~ion was given Final Plat approval by City Council on July 11, 1995) LOCATION: Northeast corner of N. Freeport Parkway and Trade Center Drive. SIZE OF AREA: Approximately 29.21 acres of property; Lot 3, Block 5 - 15.167 acres; Building "G" 290,000 sf Lot 1, Block 5 - 14.049 acres; Building 'H" 252,776 sf CURRENT ZONING: PD-Light Industrial and City of Grapevine REQUEST: Final Plat approval. APPLICANT: Owner: Engineer: IDI Goodwin and Marshall, Inc. 5420 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 1275 6001 Bridge Street, Ste. 100 Dallas, TX 75240 Fort Worth, TX 76112 (972) 991-9399 (817) 429-4373 FAX: (972) 991-9414 FAX: (817) 443-3116 HISTORY: City Council approved a preliminary plat for the entirety of DFW Trade Center on July I 1, 1995, after a favorable recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission. TRANSPORTATION: Patriot Drive is a 41'-wide undivided street within a 60'-wide right-of-way, which intersects with Freeport Parkway, a 4-lane divided thoroughfare within an 80'-wide right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Office/Warehouse (Building D and F); PD-LI, Planned Development, Light Industrial South - Office/Warehouse (Building I); City of Grapevine East - vacant; A, Agriculture West - Office/Warehouse (Building A, B and C); City of Grapevine Item # 10 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for light industrial and showroom uses. DISCUSSION: As per the February 13, 1998 agreement (attached) with the City of Grapevine, Coppell will not be responsible for site planning nor site engineering activities and related process for IDI's buildings split by the two city limit lines. Therefore, the scope of this review will only pertain to the final plat document. The final plat does conform to city code. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: The planning staff recommends approval of the final plat. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final Plat 2) Agreement document Item # 10 ~ ~ ' 972~ ~ ~e Ci~ With A Beautiful Future ~ ~ EO. BOX 478 COPPELL. ~ 7~19 F~ 13, 1998 Ci~ of~ ..- Pursuant to our p~iom c~r~liom, and the me most momtly ~ m T~, F~ I0, I will attempt to oudinc what appears m be tim tirol solulion to the clevclopnu~ of lira IDI property whose bounclarics mcompass areas of both th~ Citi~ of Crmpcvi~ and Coppeil. 1. The City of Cn-apevine will be responsible for aH sito planning and sim engineering activities and related processes. 2. The City of Col~pell, ~or l~,il,4i~ wholly in CaDDeH o~ partially in CoDpelI, will 1~ resPm~ ~r ~ buildinE inqlXx~iOn pl'o:odur~, Thc ID[ ~l~rcscttt;~v~, tl~rc~rr., will CoppeH staff for any builcling-relatod issues only. fi'you ~ this oonsistent with our oonve~ation on Tuesday, February 10, plea,so sisn the space provided below and r~mrn a copy to my office so it can be dism~outecl to the appropriate departments. the City of~ in other at~s ofjoint JW:kb '~~~APPROVED: , / City of ~