Denton Tap1P/PP-CS 970911 SEP-11-1997 18:32 CITY OF COPPELL P.01
'""~ 500 Southwestern Blvd., Coppell, TX 75019
~ Tel: (972) 304-3~00 Fax: (972) 30~-3514
DATE: September 11, 1997 NO. OF pAGES: 11 (including cover)
TO: Isabelle
FAX #: 304-3570
FROM: Mary, Beth
Building Inspections
SUB J: Denton Tap Development - lsd. of Adjustment
Isabelle, I'm enclosing a Bd. of Adj. agenda, as well as Greg's explanation which was
provided to board members. In addition. I've included a copy of the letter which the
applicant submitted: we also have an assortment of supplemental materials submitted by the
applicant, bat nothing really specific, so I didn't inclgd¢ it here. I thought you might aIso be
interested in the letters we've received since the sign was posted. The anonymous letter was
written by a person who is a member of the current t]tness center, and is questioning the
validity of Mr. Lewis' request.
I hope this information is helpful_ It-you'd like to review the entire packet, Gar)' Sieb has a
copy of it.
Thank you.t
SEP-ll-1997 10::~ CITY OF COPPELL P.02
Coppel;. Texas 7§0~9
~ ~ Pw BOX 478
~ COPPE~L 'r~s 7~19
September 4, 1997
TO: Board of Adjustment Member
FROM: Greg Jones, Chief Building Official
SL'.iLIECT: Agenda Item Number 5
Public Hearing to consider a request for a special exception from Section 31-6-26 of the
City's Zorfing Ordinance. concerning the number of required parking spaces based on use.
Mr. David Lewis, owner of the proposed North Texas Family & Sports Complex, is
requesting a reduction of parking spaces to allow 116 spaces, for the property Iocated in Lot
5 of the Denton Tap Development. The City's Zoning Ordinance requires that private clubs
provide one parking space for each 150 sq. ft. of floor area or for every five members,
whichever is greater.
The proposed facility is planned to be 49,917 sq. ft. in area. It is to be constructed to house
North Texas Family and Sports Complex.
If the facility would be considered a private club or country club. it would requh'e one
parking space per 150 sq. fl. (333 parking spaces) or one space for every five members (200
spaces), whichever is greater.
However, in July 199~,. the facility before the Board of Adjustment for a parking reduction at
its current location and ~'as approved for a parking ratio of one space for every 500 sq. ft.
of floor area. Based on this ratio, only 100 spaces would be needed for the new building.
The applicant proposes 116 spaces with the possibility of over'flow parking onto the
Cormell/Skaggs property to the South. There is a Ie~ter in the packet to this effect.
SEP-11-1997 10:~ CITY OF ¢OPPELL P.05
Staff has nor received any parking complaints on cqrrcn~ accommodations at their Norr~lake
Drive location. There was a shared agreement witl~ Riverside Church of Christ and Maxi-
Car (now defunct) to use their adjacent parking areas a~: thc time of r_he Board's approval in
1994. At the time of that agreement, the shared p~king was with business that would be
normally shut down at NTGA's peak times (Friday!night, Saturday and Sunday afternoon).
The shared parking agreement was for a total of 19~ spaces, up from NTGA's provided 60
Attachments: 1. Application
2. Copy of Section 31-6-26
3. Drawings
4. Location Map
SEP-11-1997 10:35 CITY OF COPPELL P.04
August 5, 1997
TO: City of CoppeU
Board of Adjustment~
RE: Required number of parking spaces
Denton Tap Development Lot S
North Texas Fsmil..' & Sports Complex
FROM: David Lewi~
Dear Board Members:
This letter ia written to request that our facility, be ~'ecognized as n special use facility and
not be required to build commonly required parki[Jg which would be excessive for our
bnsiness. We do unde~tand that if our special fadlity were ever to be converted to a more
standard commercial use, additional parking wouM most probably be required. We also
unde~tand that the cost of adding parking at a future date would most likely cost more
than it would cost today. However, it is our inten{ and commitment to continue our use
(family, sport~, health, and fitness) at this location.for generations to come.
The programs to call this g~'m home are already producing Ol~rnpic caliber athletes. The
fotlowing are the points we bclieve are important exhibiting the appropriate number of
parking spaces for our new facili~'.
· Our gym exists today with over !,000 n~embers and only 30 parking spaces.
· The new I~nn will have almost 4 times .qbe number of parking spaces, and with
optional 45 more spaces, S times the number of parking spaces.
· There are approximately $0 additiona[parklng spaces available for lease behind
the Albertson's shopping center. ( 50 spaces for lease on a full time basis or
offered free of charge for overflow in special event parking, thanks to Mark
Connell of Connell Development Inc.)
· The g.vnn has a great demand for traffic flow and not for parking similar to a
chiJdren's day care center.
· At busiest times, up to 150 vehicles pick up and/or drop off in a 15 minute
interval at class change t~rnes, and rarely park..
· Ir is most common that we average less than 20 parked cars outside these
changeover times.
· One event exception to this rule would be our annual turn to host a circuit
tournament. At this annual event, onl~ 86 athletes are ranked and invited to
compete with teams frequently attending as a group in team vans. Our 116
parking spaces would be adequate for this event without thc use of the
A/bert~on's overflow parking and without building out the optional parldng.
SEP-11-1997 10:3~ CITY OF COPPELL P.OS
We believe that we have in our site plan an ideal facility for traffic control, stacking of
waiting cars, multiple exit points, and the ability tomaintain an open artery for traffic flow
and emergency access.
If our membership were to triple over the next ten years, we project our employee parking
count would peak some bouts at 20 spaces. If the number of parents spending an hour to
watch their children was proportionate to our gym today, an additional 30 spaces might be
used. Therefore, other than the transition of classes, only about 50 spaces would be
frequently used.
Please endorse our request for a specialized facility such as ours to begin with 116 spaces
with the 46 optional parking spaces (designated on the West side of the building) to be
added as and when needed.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Lexvis
SEP-11-1997 10:34 CITY OF COPPELL P.06
. o A 1:rarch~$ee of
Taco Bel! Corp and KFC Corp
1 O' East Cherokee
Jacksonvifle. Texa~ 75766
Teieoho=e (~3) 586-1524
Fa~ (902)
September 5, 1997
Mr. C.n-eg Jones
Chief Building Inspector
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, TX 75019
Re: Zoning Ordinance 31-6-26
Dear Mr. Jones,
Southern Multifoods, Inc. supports the development proposed by Mr. Lewis and would
request that the special exception be granted. It is of our opinion, that the type of traffic
generated by his use would not devalue our prop~y nor cause any parking problems for
our customers, ffyou have any questions feel free to contact me at
(903) 586-1524 ext 19.
Sincerely yours,
Kenneth Durrett
Director o£ Development
SEP-11-1997 10:34 CITY OF COPPELL P.O?
-____ - -'.$
September 9, 1997
Mr. Greg Jones
Chief Building Official
City of Coppell
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
RE: Public Hearing on September I I, I997
Dear Mr. Jones:
I am in receipt of your Notice of Public Hearing reg.arding Mr. David Lewis' request for a special
exemption from Section 31-6-26 of the City's Zoning Ordinance.
I am the Property Manager/Leasing Agent, and the representative of the owners, of the Woodside
Village Shopping Center and I would like to express our objection to this request.
As the owners of a property that is within walking distance of the subject property, our concerns
are multiple. Not only do we not want to set a precedence for fi~ture property owners, the
potential effects that the lack of parking, at a specific property, could cause to other property
owners could be detrimental.
After inspecting the geographical area of the, it is evident that should the subject
property, as a result of exemption from the present Iqoning ordinance, ever experience a lack of
parking facilities, our property is the natural pi[ce fdr tiie :~overflow" rra~,c to seek parking.
Because of our current occupancy and variety of tenants, we are unable to accommodate any
"overflow" without inconveniencing and potentially jeopardizing the customers and success of
our tenants.
As a veteran Property Manager, I know that no matter how hard an owner tries to control the
actions of it's customers, they can't. As a result, no matter how many promises are made to
control where any potential "overflow" parking would be directed, these attempt~ would be futile. ;
Mr. Jones, please understand that our objection to Mr_ Lewis' request is in no way made with
prejudice or malice. However, as a professional whose responsibility is to provide the best :,
possible service and facilities for my tenants, I would be acting irresponsible ifI did not object to
SEP-ll-l~9? 10:34 CITY OF COPPELL P.08
Mr. Greg Jones
September 9, 1997
Page Two
Mr. Lewis' request ~'or exemption from the City' Zoning Ordin~ce.
I thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter. Should you have any questions
regarding my comments or opinions, or should you need any additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
June' Burrow :
Regional Property Manager
cc: (3 & B Dallas Investments Inc.
Woodside Partners L.P.
SEP-11-1997 10:35 CITY OF COPPELL P.09
~j Building ~spections
500 Southwe~ern Blvd., Cop~fl, TX 75019
Tel: (972) 304-35~ F~: (972) 304-3514
DATE: September 10, 1997 NO. OF PAGES: I (including cover)
TO: The Mail Bag
FAX #: (972) 393-4590
FROM: Mar2,' Beth
Building Inspections
SUB J: Your fax letter regarding Board of Adjustment
We received your taxed letter of protest regarding the request for a parking reduction for the
proposed North Texas Family Fitness Center.
However, we know from past experience that a leSer has more impact if it is signed by
someone. If you want board members to seriou$1~ consider your letter, we suggest you sign
it, rather than submit it as anonymous. And, then~ please fax it back to us yet today; we will
then furnish a copy of it to each board member.
Also, please note that the information provided to you by phone yesterday, is incorrectly
stated in your letter, as follows:
Paragraph 1: Ille reduction in number of parking spaces is to 1 i6, not 160.
Paragraph 3: The requirement is one parking space for every 150 square feet
of floor space, not 100 square feet.
Thank you!
SEP-11-1997 10:55 CITY OF COPPELL P.10
September 10, 1997
Dea~ Mr. Jones;
The fo/lowing/nformation is being provided as a ln'otcst to the Zoning Variance Request
of Mr. David Le~s with respec~ to the proposed North Teyan F=_mily Fitness Cea~er
property located along Denton Tap Road in Coppell near Taco Bell and Albertson's food
store. Based on information provided by yom office, it is my und,:r~snding that Mr.
L~wis is requesting ~t reduction in the number of parking spaces required for such a
facility from 250 ~o 160.
Based tm the requirements set forth by the Zo,,;,,g Commission for the City of Coppell
and information provided by IVIf. Lewis to othee clients of his current facility (North
Texas Crymnastics and Ballet) even 250 parking spaces would fall far short of the zoning
The Zoning Comraission's formula requires
· I space for every 100 square feet of floor space or,
· I spate for every $ members,
Based on the detailed drawings of the projected floor plan for North Texas Family Fitness
Center which were on display for several weeks at North Texas Cornum~c~ and Ballet
(current facility), the new 2 level facility will occupy approximately 75,000 square feet.
Not, ation~ were attached to the floor plans which stated that the new facility repr~entod a
3-fold increase in the square footage over the 25,000 square feet facility currently
operating as North Texas Crymnmtigs and I~11~. Mr. Lewis has quoted to myself and
other members that the current cmollment is near ,1,200 members. Using his enrollment
a.,,,d/or square footage estimates, thc necessary parking spaces for the current facility
would equal 250.
The current membership is comprised of' comig'titive gym~, recreational gymnasts,
ballet students, tae kwon do students, bitthclay party groups, patent drop-off groups and
summer c, amp paaicipants. Mr. Lewis' floor plans for the new facility include an outdoor
pool and an office for a physical therapist in addition to the floor space required to
accomodate the proje~ incrcams m ~m'olim~mt in the aforemcntionexl programs and
classes. One would assume a 3-fold expamion over the size of the current facility would
lead to an expansion in era'ollmcm well beyond thc 1,200 currently enrolled.
Granting the zoning variance requited by Mr. Lewis would
traffic flow along Denton Tap Road. The potential~ congest/on of a major throughway in
Copper would only be exaslgrated by the additional traffic associated with the YMCA
Fun and Family Fitness Center located in thc lot across the street which is projected for
completion by the Fall of 1998. Granting the zoning variance requested, decreasing the
SEP-11-1997 10:]6 CITY OF COPPELL P.11
number of available pa~n~ spaces to 160, will compel the 1,200 curren~ moml~"r~
any additional membe~ to ~ in the adj~ lots ( i.e. Taco Boll and Albertson's) or
along the en~x:c why to North Tex~ Family Fitness Centc~ which will inevita~Iy cause
tru.~c to spill ove~ oato Dcttton Tap
Apparently ttds situation is already evident at ~be ex/sting North Texas Crymnmtics and
Ballet ~tciltty. Parked vehicles line the st~eet wl~ch scrvc~ as an ,~ntrance to both thc
~a~house space occupied by neighbori~ businesses and the church adjacent to the
warehouse. Not=s are frcqucntly left on windshields of cars parked in spaces allot~d to
thc busines.~ on either side of North Tcx,u (~nnas~i~ and Bailer requesting ~ci~
removal at thc thrcal of havin~ thc vehicles towed 1way.
ti is unclear why the City of ~!1 is takinl~ the time to honor ~ ~ ~n ~
350 ~ if o~y ~ ~ ~c ~om~m~g I I~1 ~ t~ n~ ~cil~ is ~ in
~ ~~ P~ ~ ~ a ~p (2~) on~ n~ of ~ s~ ~
by ~ilifi~ w~ch ~i ~ ~ ~e~ ~pli~ to ~e ~w ~cili~. Al~u~ ~w
~m~ b~ng ~11~ m ~ ci~, m o~ ~ ~ ~ ~vc ~ fl~ ~ ~c
al~ ~ton T~ Ro~ ~ ~ m~etic ~l~ of ~ ~ the ~ ~lis~ zo~