Dry Clean/MP,SP-ES0106013-19-1995 11: 03PM FROM WA I NSCOTT, ASSOC T NC. 214. 4.4.7 911 0 ~$/01/~001 08:~$ B72~621~,24 I~RK ~ PAGE 02 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § THAT, LEE PROPERTIF~, INC. EMPLOYEE PROFIT SHARING PLAN (lime "Grantor"), for an in consideration of T~n and No/X00 Dollars ($10.00), and other good and vah~ble consideration, the receip~ and sm~ficicncy of which is hereby scknowl~l~ed, do hereby gram, s~ll and convey to P AND N STAR ENTERPRISF~,. INC., a Text, Corpo~ti.o.,(t? "Cvrant~e"), a non-exclusive e2smnen! upon and across that cci'tam parcel of lan~ mor~ pamculany dcscribod on ~ attached ~ and incorporated ha, ein for all purposes (the The location of ~ ~ atuched l~-reto and incoqx~ra~ed l~r~in for aU purposes (thc '2ascment Ar~a"). The ~nscm~nt, rights and privileges l~rcin gram~i shall be used by the Grantee and ~ employ~cs, servic~ p~rsonnel, ~, invitc~s, cusvomers, contractors, ag~ts, lessees, subl~ssoes and concessionaires, solely for ingress and ogres to and f-r~m Dcnton Tap Road and prop~xxy owned by tl~ C, mntcc (tl~ 'Ora~c's Grantor twains, reserves ~ shall continue to ~ujoy g~ uso of tl~ Iiasc, m~t Area for any ~ all purposes which do not int~rf'c~ with and prc¥cnt thc ur~ bl C, ra~tc~ of thc cas~m~nt ~ h~. This Agr0ement contains tl~ ¢~t~ agreement I~twcc-n the pani~ rchting to the rigl~s herein granted and the obli~alions hel, ein asmmcd. T~is Agrccm~nt shall bind and enu~ to the tmnefit of the n~ective parties, and their successor and assigns. IN WITNESS ~F, thi~ Easem~t A~m~ne~t is executed of lane, 2001. 3-1 9-1 996 1 1 = 04PM FROM WA I NSCOTT. ASSOC I NC. 21 z~ 447 91 1 I~ 05/0)~/200! 80:86 9724621S24 ~¢J:~K H P. 3 STATEOF~~( ~ COUNTY OFfs- § day of.~t/_,ve.~ ..... thc Lee ~roperti~$, ]ac. 3-1 9-1 995, 1 1: ID4.PM FROM WA I NSCOTT. ASSOC I NC. 214. 4.4.7 91 1 ID 06/0i/208! 00:~$ 9"/24621624 ~ H P. 4. Lot IR, Block A of Zhe Sonic Ad__ditt'on, an addition to the City of CoppeH, Dallas County, Tetras ac~ordinz to the Map re~o~led in Volumo 2000156, Page 1823 of tho Map of Dtlla,~ County, Texas. 3-1 9-1995 11 .- E),IpM FROM WA I NSCOTT, ASSOC I NC. 21,4 ,tz~7 91112) ~6/0~/2001 00:86 97246216~4 ~ H 3~7-1~ 9:~ ~ waZ~. ~ I~. 214 ~7 9118 e2