Dry Clean/MP,SP-AG001212 T H E ~ I T Y 0 I~ COPPEL£ * j' ~ '~'% ~ ~ ~~~~CITY COUNCIL MEETING: December 12, 2000 ITEM # AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Dry Clean City., Lot 1, Block A, Minor Plat and Site Plan, to allow the development of a shopping center on approximately 0.842 of jlrl~ctr~l~lr~ocated along the west side of Denton Tap Road, north of Town Center Drive. BY CITY COUNCIL DATE l~-I,,z-eo SUBMITTEI~Y.' Gary L. Sieb'~ ~D~I t~~. _~¢~..J~ TiZLE~_~Directo~anning and Commlgnity Services STAFF COMMENT~. --'~-~ Date of P&Z Meeting: November 16, 2000 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Commissioners McGahey, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: (~ Any restaurant use will require a SUP prior to the issuance of a building permit for that use. 2) 3) 4) each "~* ..... (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) oh o- *, .... .ooto_e~ ...~.h ~,~,,~, ~**~-;.,- (CONDITION MET) 5) (CONDITION MET) Drive ~ ....... : ...... . t.~ ~.;~ ....;.h -,h;* ....~ (CONDITION MET) (~ Provide easements(s) as required by TXU Electric and Gas. Staff recommend~val. 700 vI 'W: ¢ Agenda Request Form -tRevised 5 CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: ~DryCmsp CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT A~TACHED TO C.C. PACKET CASE: DRY CLEAN CITY ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A, MINOR PLAT AND SITE PLAN P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: November 16, 2000 December 12, 2000 Along the west side of Denton Tap Road, north of Town Center Drive. Approximately 0.842 of an acre of property. CURRENT ZONING: C (Commercial) REQUEST: Minor Plat and Site Plan approval for a 3,996 square foot retail building. APPLICANT: HISTORY: TRANSPORTATION: Mark Wainscott Wainscott and Assoc., Architects 4815 Keller Springs Addison, Texas 75001 (972) 447-9119 Fax: (972) 447-9110 There is no zoning history on this particular tract, however, the tract immediately adjacent to the south was granted a SUP and a Minor Plat for a Sonic Restaurant. Denton Tap Road is a P6D, six lane divided thoroughfare within 100 foot right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Huntington Ridge Homeowners Association's common area; SF9- PD129R South -Sonic Restaurant; C-SUP 1077 East - Eleanor's Square Shopping Center; TC Item # 10 West - Huntington Ridge Subdivision; SF9-PD129R COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for neighborhood retail uses. DISCUSSION: The applicant is proposing a 3,996 square foot retail building. The initial application was for a 4,884 square foot building with two drive through facilities. However, the site was too small to accommodate the parking and the landscape requirements. This submittal includes a 2,996 square foot Dry Cleaners with a drive-through on the southern 2/3rds of the building and a 1,000 square foot restaurant (donut shop), without a drive through, on the north side. The restaurant will be required to obtain a Special Use Permit prior to occupancy. These uses will be served by 25 parking spaces, determined at a ratio of one space per 200 square feet for the retail (cleaners) and one space per 100 square feet for the restaurant (donut shop). Access to this site will be via a shared driveway with Sonic. Given that these proposed uses are mainly A.M. peak uses, and southbound Denton Tap Road is most congested during this time, a deceleration lane is being required to serve this site. Currently, there is a 4 foot gap between this property line and the existing driveway. This mutual access easement will have to be extended via separate instrument with the abutting property owner. The plan indicates a 6 foot sidewalk, this sidewalk should be reduced to 5 feet in width. The plan indicates that a 6 foot high masonry wall will be erected along the north and west property lines, as required when non-residential abuts residential uses. The plan states that the wall will "match existing." Additional specification as to color and materials needs to be included. It is assumed that the wall will match the existing wall on the Sonic property and the Huntington Ridge Addition. The Landscape Plan indicates that just over 40 % of the site will be devoted to landscaping. This plan generally meets, or slightly exceeds (in number of trees) the requirements of the ordinance. The perimeter landscaping meets the requirements. Minor modifications to the areas counted toward non-vehicular versus interior landscaping could balance the requirements of each. However, the figures in the Landscape Tabulations do not reflect what is indicated on the plan (i.e. total perimeter is 8,257 vs. 8,157, number of trees required and provided are off by one tree in almost all categories, and summary of the square footage of landscaping provided are miscalculated.) These differences need to be rectified prior to forwarding for City Council consideration. Item# 10 The Elevations indicate a brick veneer with less than 20 % split face block along the base and stucco detail along the roofline. Hunter Green awnings are proposed along the east elevation, facing Denton Tap Road. The roof over the drive through for the cleaners is proposed to be a standing seam metal roof in generally the same dark green color as the awnings. The signage is proposed to meet the maximum allowed for attached signage, which is one square foot of sign for every one linear foot of frontage, allowing for 74 square feet of sign area. The plans indicate that the signs will be back lit with medium Helvetica font, however, the color is not specified. The monument sign is also proposed to meet the maximum allowed, 40 square feet, but again the color of the letters is not specified. The Minor Plat establishes this 0.842 acre tract as a separate lot. This plat designates the fire lane and existing and proposed easements. As noted above, to allow for this site plan to function as planned, an additional mutual access easement will need to be obtained from the property owner abutting to the south to utilize the shared driveway. Finally, TXU is requesting additional easements within this tract. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of a Site Plan and Minor Plat for Dry Clean City subject to: 1. Any restaurant use will require a SUP prior to the issuance of a building permit for that use. 2. Modification of the Landscape Plan tabulations to assure the required amount of landscaping is provided in each category. 3. Rectify the differences in the Landscape Tabulations and the landscaping provided on the site plan. 4. Specify color and materials of lettering on proposed attached and monument signs. The color of raceway on the attached signs needs to match the brick on which it is mounted. 5. Width of the sidewalk being reduced from 6 to 5 feet. 6. Specify color and materials of the proposed 6 foot high wall along the north and west property lines. 7. Obtain a mutual access easement from abutting property owner to allow for the shared driveway. 8. Provide easements(s) as required by TXU Electric and Gas Item # 10 ALTERNATIVES: 1) 2) 3) 4) Recommend approval of the request Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Department Comments Site Plan Elevations Landscape Plan Minor Plat Item # 10 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department City_ Center Addition, Lot 1, Block A Site Plan and Minor Plat West side of Denton Tap Road, north of West Town Center Blvd. DRC Date: October 26~h and November 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: November 16, 2000 City Council Meeting: December 12, 2000 Site Plan: 1. Consider another name for the development and the plat which is more in keeping with the size and scale of the proposed development. 2. Need to specify the required brick screening wall along the north and east property lines. This wall should match color and materials of the existing wall around Sonic. 3. Need to specify the dumpster screening. Consider relocating the dumpster closer to the building, not adjacent to the single family nor visible from Denton Tap Road. 4. Parking calculations indicate 32 spaces being provided, however only 31 appear on the site plan. There are only 12 spaces along Denton Tap Road. · If the proposed use is 100% retail, then only 25 spaces would be required. The maximum ratio of restaurant to retail would be 3,600 square feet of retail and 1,284 of restaurant to meet the parking requirements. · Need to submit a conceptual floor plan to clarify the proposed size and access points to the individual tenants. 5. Any restaurant (donut shop) will require a SLIP. 6. Add the curve data to the fire lane, 30' inside and 54' outside radii are required. 7. Need to demonstrate that the queuing for the drive though widows will not conflict with the fire lanes. 8. The proposed monument sign may be a maximum of 40 square feet with a height of 4 feet and must be setback 75 feet from the adjacent property line to the south and 15 feet from the property line adjacent to Denton Tap Road. · Need to provide elevations, color, materials and proposed font for the monument sign. 8. Need to add all existing and proposed easements, including access and utility easements and reflect the same on the plat. Elevations: 1. Need to indicate the proposed signage on the east elevation of the building. 2. Need to include manufacture's specification, including colors of all proposed materials. Page 1 of 3 o Provide a color board. All ground level and roof mounted equipment needs to be screened. Will both proposed uses utilize the same door, or will there be two doors on the east elevation? Landscape Plan: The amount of perimeter landscaping meets the requirement, however, the areas for parking lot and the non-vehicular landscaping is severely deficient and there are conflicts in the tree counts. Specifically: 1. Revise inconsistencies between the Landscape Tabulations which state that 26 trees are required, and the landscape plan, where 29 trees are shown. 2. Provide a table indicating the type, quantity, and species of trees provided. 3. Interior Landscaping: · Per Section 34-1-8 (B.3) of the Zoning Ordinance, provide an island and a tree at the end of each parking row. The tree islands need to be a minimum of 150 square feet, with a minimum width of 9 feet, a minimum of 4 islands are required for 32 parking spaces. · As indicated in the Landscape Tabulations Table 2,120 square feet of interior landscaping is required, and only 1,450 square feet is being shown (over a 30% shortage). 4. Non-vehicular landscaping: · As indicated in the Landscape Tabulations Table 4,770 square feet ofnono vehicular landscaping is required, and only 1,160 square feet is being shown (over a 75% shortage). · Per the landscape ordinance, 50% of the non-vehicular landscaping (2,385 sq. fr.) is required to be in the front yard, only 300 square feet is provided in the front yard. IT APPEARS THAT THE BUILDING SIZE WILL NEED TO BE REDUCED TO ACCOMMODATE EVEN THE MINIMAL LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS. Plat: Need to rename the plat "Minor Plat" of the City Center Addition. Need to add the fire lanes to the plan (with dimensions and curve data), and access and utility easements, which need to conform with the easements and circulation patterns on the site plan. The City Secretary's signature block needs to be revised to reflect the correct name of the plat, being City Center Addition, not the Sonic Addition, and to correct the year from 1999 to 2000. The Owner's Certificate needs to be revised to add a signature line for the owner's signature. Revise the Franchise Utilities signature block to reflect TXU Electric and Gas. Page 2 of 3 Note: Bo Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the November 2nd Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the November 2nd DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain, and defend any revision. A representative for this project is required to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, November 7th to resubmit sixteen (16) folded copies of revised plans and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) of each exhibit to the Planning Department Page 3 of 3 ITEM: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COM_~.~FE~ - - - ENGINEERING COMMEN~[~] o,;; : 7 2000 Ci~ Centre Addition, Lot 1, Block ,4, Minor Plat ana Site ~ian, to aiiow development of a 4,884 square foot shopping center on approximately 0.842 of an acre of property located along the west side of Denton Tap Road, north of Town Center Drive, at the request of Wainscott & Associates. DRC DA TE: October 26, 2000 and November 2, 2000 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679) COMMENT STATUS: C/PRELIMINARY A deceleration lane should be provided for the existing driveway, therefore additional right of way and/or easements will need to be dedicated. Label 5' sidewalk adjacem to Denton Tap Road on site plan. The proposed 20' utility easement should be labeled as a 20' sanitary sewer easement. TXU TXU Electric & Gas 4200 North Belt Line Irving, TX 75038 Comments for the City of Coppell Development Review Committee October 26, 2000 City Centre Addition, Lot 1, Block A, Minor Plat and Site Plan Plat Unacceptable Easements for TXU Electric & Gas facilities will be required on plat. at 972-323-8907 to discuss easement requirements. Please contact David Dean JeffCurry OCT 2 6 2000