DTC Business C/FP-CS 860408 (2) ¢}RD I N~NC~S AND Item 7: Consider approval of a resolution endorsing the design configuration of State Highway 121 prepared by the State Highway 121 Planning Committee and authorizing the Mayor to sign. City Engineer Ed Powell gave a review of the Highway 121 committee's work and an agreement that was reached by representatives from Coppell, Grapevine and Flower Mound. This item is a resolution endorcing the design configuration proposed by the state. Following discussion on this item Councilman Smothermon moved that this item be tabled until the April 15th work session. Councilman Morton seconded; motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Ware, Councilman Wilkerson, Councilman Morton, Councilman Smothermon, Councilman Cowman, Councilman Wolfe and Councilman Stanton voting in favor of the motion. PLATTING ACTIONS - SITE PLAN Item 8: Plat Application #86-01-20.3 - to consider approval of a site plan for Southwestern Industrial Addition on property located at the northeast corner of Coppell Road and Southwestern Boulevard. Date of Planning & Zoning Meeting - March 20, 1986 Recommendation of Planning & Zoning - Approval 3-0 Mr. Charles Reibenstein made the presentation to the Council. He is requesting site plan approval for property located at the north east corner of Coppell Road and Southwestern Boulevard. This plat is in compliance with all City requirements and will have a mixed use designation. It is anticipated that corporate offices of Bonded Lighting Company will be located in the office warehouse area with retail use occupying the remainder of the building. Following discussion on this item Councilman Stanton moved that this site plan be approved. Councilman Cowman seconded; motion carried 6-1 with Councilman Wilkerson, Councilman Morton, Councilman Smothermon, Councilman Cowman, Councilman Wolfe and Councilman Stanton voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Ware voting against the motion. PLATTING ACTIONS - PRELIMINARY Item 9: Plat Application #86-02-20.7 - to consider approval of a preliminary plat for MacArthur Place on property located on the southeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Village Parkway. Date of Planning & Zoning Meeting - March 20, 1986 Recommendation of Planning & Zoning - Approval 3-0 This item has been withdrawn from the agenda at this time. PLATTING ACTIONS - FINAL Item 10: Plat Application #86-02-10 - to consider approval of a final plat for DTC Business Center on property located on the west side of Denton Tap Road, south of Sandy Lake Road and north of Bethel School Road. Date of Planning & Zoning Meeting - March 20, 1986 Recommendation of Planning & Zoning - Approval 3-0 Mr. John E. Levitt made the presentation to the Council. This plat complies with all City requirements and does include a reverta clause Ap 8, 1986 for the temporary cul-de-sac located at the north end of the development. Landscaping and entryway features w±11 be installed at the beginning of the development with the interior landscaping occuring as the development builds out. Following discussion Councilman Smothermon moved that this final plat be approved. Councilman Stanton seconded; d unanimously with Councilman Wilkerson, Mayor Pro Tem motion carrie ...... Smothermon, Councilman Cowman, man Morton, ~OUnC~Am~LL Ware, Council .......... e~, ~n n~ in favor of the motion. Councilman Wolfe aha ~ounclAman oLa ........ ti o STAFF REQUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS Item 10A: Consider settlement of insurance claim on 1981 Chevrolet Ambulance. Fire Cheif Jackie Mayfield made the presentation to the Council. He stated that the ambulance that burned was insured and presented the Council with several options for settlement of this claim. It is his recommendation that the City keep the salvage unit, accept $2!,970.80 from the insurance company, enter into a lease purchase agreement on a the five year contract at an annual cost of $11,096.04 per year, that salvage vehicle is to be rebuilt as a "disaster mobile command post" and that the funding for the rebuilding of this piece of equipment would be from the sale of 1960 Ford Pumper and 1973 GMC High Top Ambulance. Following discussion on this item Councilman Smothermon moved that the recommendation of Fire Chief be approved with the stipulation that the cost of rebuilding the disaster mobile command post not exceed those funds received from the sale of the two additional pieces of equipment. Councilman Morton seconded; motion carried 5-2 with Councilman Morton, Councilman Smothermon, Councilman Cowman, Councilman Wolfe and Councilman Stanton voting in favor of the motion and Councilman Wilkerson and Mayor Pro Tem Ware voting against the motion. OTHER BUSINESS Item 1t: Consider approval of minutes: March 25, 1986 March 31, 1986 April 4, 1986 Following discussion on this item Mayor Pro Tem Ware moved that the . , e a ~roved as submitted. Councilman Smothermon seconded; minutes b p_ · Mayor Pro Tem ........ imouslv with Councilman Wilkerson, ~ _ motlon carrxe~ oL~=~ ~ ~ .~ o----~^rmon Councilman cowman, Ware, Councilman Morton, ~ounc~zman vm~= . ~ ..... ~ the motion Councilman Wolfe and Councilman Stanton votxng ~n favor oz · Item llA: Consider change of color of carpet for the Town Center. Mayor Duggan briefed the Council on this item. Concern was expressed about the origin and authorization for the purchase of the color of carpeting and disagreement and confusion as to how this occurred. Following a lengthy discussion it was the concensus of the Council that this item be placed on the work session of April 15th for further consideration by the Council. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Item 12: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney. Item 13: Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. There were no items to be considered during the executive session at this time.