Freeport-4.1/PP-CS00071707/17/00 10:13 CITY OF COPPELL ENGINEERING ~ 97~ ~3S ~-o44 Sub~ou App~mflou ' Ci~ of ~1 ~elimina~ Plat x PI~ D~~t F~ ~at ~5 P~Y Blvd. M~or E~ (4 1o~ or I~ on e~fin~ s~) Pho~: (972) 3~3678 ~~ P~t ~ of A~l~: Duke-Weeks Realty Corporation Ad~c--: .... 5495 Beltline Road, Suite 360 , Da~as, Texas 75260 TcI~honc N~r:(~72) 3~-~700 F~ N.~ber: (,97~ 361-~soo F~ ~~ Plat:Pachec° Koch Consulting Engineers A~rcss: 940~'"L53 Freeway, Suite 300 Da~Zas, Texas 75263 ~ ~e~po~nce re.ye to th~ ~pli~ion ~ be dire~ed ~: ~C:__.Jack Evans ...... Ad~s: Pacheco ~och Consulting ~n~neers ,,, 940~ LSJ Freeway~ Suite 300~ ~as~ Texas 7~263 Tcl~o~c N~ber: (~72),, 235-303~ F~ N~r: (972) 235-9544, N~C of ~'~ioo' ..... Duke'Freeport Addition , ~ ~~ of ~~: Bethe~ Ro~d ~ ~eport Park~9~ .... ~opos~ SuMiv~ioa ~~: ~l~ .... ~t ~~ 3 , ~ 33. O et's ..... , ......