DFW Trade 1P/PP-CS 950525 ..,I L'~ '~o'1,.1 'II1.~~, I~:1~ I1~,11 ~,IF~I,' '~1'; 1~.'~1 I [.,Ii ~1 ~'~.~,'~ I .L'~ F~Transmi~ Memo ~ *"~'~ '"~ ~ ~ ,q ~V./~.-~- ..' GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COI~TRUCTION NEAR LONE ~'AR GA8 COMPANY PIPEUNE($) 1~ No changes aver the pipeline withaut permission of Lone Star grade Gas Core.ny. No concrete over the pil3etine exce;t at crossings of stmet~, curbs. guttem or sicl~mlks, 3. Psrking lot1 will have s 213' strip of asphalt (10' ~3rn center of pipeline in both directions) in,tailed, A pea gravel filled trench, 18" wide and 18" deep over the pipeline, will be installed prior to paving. Inspe~on vent~ will be installed in a~phalt at minimum .~O feet centers. VerYm are available at Tejll$ Plasti~ in Fort Worth, Texas. They ~an be maghed at ($17)551-11C1§,  ufilitiea shall the line within the easement. No parallel gas Crossings of the line must be made at approximately go degree angtes. 6. Ail utilfttes crossings the pipeline, such as water, sewer; electric and telephone, shall be at · depth sufficient to allow 18" minimum clearanoe beneath the pii~line. All el .ectdc, television and telephone lines crossing the pilc~iine must be in steel oonduit for a minimum clearance of 10 feet on each side of the pipeline. 8. Signs and light standards shall be considered on an individual basis. and in no case will ~ey be permitted clcaer than 10 feet on eacfl side of the taipeline. g. For develOl~lent involving Transmission (high p~easure-gaa linea) call the Lone Star Gas office in Datlas - 214/b'79-0232, forty eight hours prior to any wo~ being done in the easement right of way. For Distribution (Iow pressure gee lines) contac~ the local Distribution