Dynasty Cln/SP,MP-AG011211 (2)CoPPELL AGENDA REQUEST FORM *j'.~"~%'?, ~~~~CITY COUNCIL MEETING: necemberll, 2001 ITEM# ]~ ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Dynasty Cleaners Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Site Plan, to allow the development of an approximately 10,100 square]foot retail building on approximately one-and-a-half acres of property located at the southeast comer of S.H. 121 and Denton Tap Road, at the request of Enoch, Inc. SUBMITTED ~~ TITLE: ~ Director or' }'lam~g and Community Services STAFF COMMENfS: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL DATE I¢.-/~-o I Date of P&Z Meeting: November 15, 2001 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners McGahey, Halsey, Dragon and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. McCaffrey, Clark, Kittrell, Approval is 2) recommended, subject to the following conditions: Staff recommends approval. DIR. INITIALS~ FIN. REVIEW: Agenda Request Form -~Revised 5/00 4) ............ F .......... J .......... ~ ........ F .................... ~ .... (CONDITION ~T) mi~_~;.. ~r .~- .~v r-~- (CONDITION ME~ CITY ~NAGER ~VIEW: @DynstyS CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: DynasW, Cleaners Addition Lot Block Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: November 15, 2001 (Originally heard by P&Z August 16, 2001. Again heard on October 18, 2001) December 11, 2001 Andrea Roy, City Planner Southeast comer of S.H. 121 and Denton Tap Road Approximately 1.606 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: HC (Highway Commercial) REQUEST: APPLICANT: Site Plan approval for a 10,075 square-foot retail building. Engineer: Jared Jackson Enoch, Inc. 10203 Corkwood, Suite 110 Dallas, TX 75238 (214) 882-1058 (214) 341-2982 FAX Applicant: Choi Dynasty Inc. 1219 Jeanett Way Carrollton, TX 75006 (972) 446-8843 (214)341-2982 FAX HISTORY: On August 16, 2001, the Planning & Zoning Commission denied the subject site plan request for a retail center, due to a significant number of outstanding issues. The applicant appealed to City Council on September 11, 2001, at which time the applicant withdrew their request. More recently, on October 15, 2001, the Planning & Zoning Commission held the site plan request under advisement to allow the applicant to make needed changes to the plata There has been no platting history on the subject site. The Final Plat for the adjacem Jack in the Box site was approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission on July 20, 2000. Page 1 of 7 Item # 9 TRANSPORTATION: State Highway 121 will eventually be built as a six-lane divided freeway. The subject tract is adjacent to the eastbound one way, three-lane service road of this highway, as well as adjacent to the northbound lanes of Denton Tap Road, which is a six-lane divided roadway, within 120' of fight-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- South - East- West - State Highway 121 Vacant; HC (Highway Commercial) zoning Jack in the Box, HC-SUP-1176 (Highway Commercial Special Use Permit-1176) Vacant; Magnolia Retail Center under construction, HC-PD 133 (Highway Commercial Planned Development- 133) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for regional retail uses. DISCUSSION: As mentioned in the History section, the subject application was recommended for denial by the Planning & Zoning Commission on August 16, 2001 and later held under advisement on October 18, 2001. The applicant has chosen to revise the plan and bring the request back to the Planning & Zoning Commission for review and approval. Again, the applicant requests site plan approval to allow the development of a 10,400 square-foot retail center on 1.6 acres of property located at the southeast comer of S.H. 121 and Denton Tap Road. As revised, the retail center will contain a 3,250 square- foot dry cleaner, 3,900 square feet of retail uses, and the remaining 3,250 square-feet will contain a restaurant or additional retail uses. Originally, the plan referenced a convenience store where the restaurant use is now shown. The restaurant use will require a Special Use Permit. The proposed retail center will be served by 71 parking spaces, again exceeding the minimum requirement by two spaces. The proposed plan has not been significantly altered from the prior plan; however, the applicant has completely reconfigured the parking layout, eliminated the drive-thru facility on the south side of the building, and enhanced the landscape plan. The applicant has revised the plan to correct the outstanth'ng issues, showing the proposed signage, correcting inconsistencies, and revising the landscape plan. The plan has also been revised due to the dedication of 5' of right-of-way along $.H. 121, slightly shifting the site and reducing the size of the building to 10,075 square-feet. The size of the proposed dry cleaners and retail/restaurant were not reduced, but the central retail area was reduced from 3,900 to 3,575 Page 2 of 7 Item # 9 square-fee~ The number of provided parking spaces remains at 71, with a surplus of 3 spaces. Staff remains concerned with regard to the compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, which supports "regional" retail uses in this area. Dry cleaners and "neighborhood" retail uses were not envisioned to be located at this comer. Staff does not object to a regional retail use in this location; however, the proposed use placed within our Primary Image Zone is not the contemplated impression Coppell intends to reflect at this major entry into the City. While many site plan issues have been resolved since the initial submission, the intended uses remain the same. Site Plan As noted, some changes have been made to the layout of the site, which allow for a more efficient parking lot design. Staff remains concerned with the placement of a parallel parking space on the south side of the building. This space is located on a mm, where an individual would not expect vehicles to be pulling in or backing out. Again, staff would recommend that this parking space be eliminated to improve on-site circulation and safety. Elimination of the parking space would not cause a deficiency in the parking, as the site contains a surplus of two spaces. Staff remains concerned with the placement of the parallel parMng space; however, the applicant has expressed the strong desire to maintain the space, indicating that it will likely be utilized by the owner of the dry cleaners. Due to the fact that the site is situated at the comer of two heavily traveled roadways, no additional curb cuts would be permitted. Access to the site is limited to the existing Jack in the Box mutual access easement to the east and an existing off-site curb cut to the south. Architecture The architecture of the retail center remains identical to that previously shown, with the exception of the drive-thru facility. The drive-thru has been eliminated and replaced with an awning and windows that mirror that shown on the north side of the building. The retail center will be one-story, measuring approximately 24' in height and constructed of red brick with white brick accents. At the request of staff, the architecture of the building has been altered from the original submission. However, review of the architectural features and additional attention to detail is still needed. The scale and/or measurements shown on the building elevations do not correspond to Page 3 of 7 Item # 9 Page 4 of 7 the site plan. Again, staff recommends that the elevations be revised to match site plan documents. The applicant has provided a color board, which indicates the building materials; however, two brick colors are shown, option 1 and option 2. Staff has requested that the applicant determine the brick color that is intended to be used as the primary building material. The applicant has indicated the primary brick color as option 2 (Rosemont). The architecture of the building has been slightly revised since the prior submission. The applicant has provided a more pronounced accent band (white brick) along the top of the storefronts and provided vertical accent features (white brick) at both main entrances to the retail center. The elevations have also been revised to show that the front building wall contains bump-out& While it is apparent, according to the elevations, that there is a variation to the front building wall, this does not correspond to the site plan, which indicates a straight building wall. Staff has recommended that the applicant provide a roof plan to clearly indicate the pattern and depth of bump-outs along the front building walL Because the applicant has not determined the design of the signage for the dry cleaning use, signage guidelines have been placed on the plan. While staffhas no objection to the guidelines, it is preferred that a specific user would show proposed signage, allowing for adequate review and comment by the Planning & Zoning Commission, particularly at this prominent location. The applicant has now shown the attached wall sign for the Dry Cleaners, which will be black plexiglass and measure 50 square- feet Additionally, a monument sign has been added to the plan, fronting Denton Tap Road The proposed monument sign will measure approximately 30 square-feet, constructed of red brick to match the building, and contain letters reading "Dynasty Plaza" (also proposed to be black plexiglass). The manner in which the sign will be illuminated is not shown; however, according to the note which reads "black plexiglass letter face-refer to signage criteria this sheet", the sign would be back-Ii& Staff has recommended that the sign be externally illuminated and the applicant provide a note to this effect on the sign detail Landscaping While the landscape plan has been improved since the prior submission, there continues to be unresolved issues that have not been addressed by the applicant, nor discussed with staff. Staff has indicated to the applicant that required Perimeter trees must be placed within the Perimeter buffer area (15' from the front property lines). As a result of this comment, the applicant provided an Item# 9 altemative landscape plan that shifted some trees closer to the property lines, but does not adequately address this comment. The required number of perimeter trees have been correctly placed within the 15' buffer area. While the grouping of some of the trees is somewhat awkward, the number and general location is in compliance with the regulations of the Zoning Ordinanca Additionally, the Department of Leisure Services has made comments related to the plan, which have largely been disregarded by the applicant. These comments are generated to improve the design, quality, and viability of the proposed landscaping, particularly at the gateway to the City. All Department of Leisure Services comments should be addressed prior to proceeding. The Department of Leisure Services indicated to the applicant that the landscape plan is not sufficiently detailed. While the applicant has provided the amount and type of species, the scale of the plan is extremely small, the design and placement of screening shrubs is misleading, the planting area at the comer is quite extensive, and in general, additional attention to detail is needed on the plan. Overall, the applicant needs to more clearly represent the design of the landscaping. Specifically, Leisure Services indicated that Texas Sage is a poor choice for a screening plant material and recommended that Needle Point Holly or Dwarf Burford Holly be used instead. While Texas Sage is listed on the City's Plant Palette, this plant is not intended to be used in the manner in which it is proposed, as a screening shrub. Staff would recommend that the applicant revisit these areas of the landscape plan and consider the long-term appearance of the proposed plantings. Since the prior Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, staff initiated a meeting between the applicant, the Department of Leisure Services, and Planning staff. During this meeting, staff communicated our concerns with the landscape plan and discussed the outstanding issues which needed to be addressed in order to receive staff support. The applicant has revised the landscape plans based on this meeting and the above comments, eliminating some of the awkward planting beds, providing an additional level of detail, and reducing the size of the seasonal planting bed. Page 5 of 7 Further, the Landscape Plan does not comply with Section 34-5 of the Zoning Ordinance, which states that "Landscaping Plans shall be prepared by a landscape architect or landscape contractor that belongs to a bonafide nurseryman's association." The landscape plans continue to lack this verification. The reference to "P & E Nursery" was placed on the plan with the prior Planning & Zoning submission and the applicant has indicated that the plan will be signed by a registered landscape architect with whom P&E Nursery consults. This is not acceptable; staffhas asked that the landscape plan comply Item # 9 with Section 34-5 of the Zoning Ordinance since the applicant's initial submittal. If the plan has not yet been reviewed or signed by a landscape architect, there is a strong possibility that when it is reviewed by a landscape architect the plan will change. The landscape plan has not yet been signed or sealed by a landscape architect; however, a letter from a landscape architect was provided to staff two days after the submission deadline. This letter indicated that the plans have been reviewed and approved by a landscape architec& While staff is concerned that this requirement has not been fully met, it should note that if any changes should occur to the plan, full compliance with Section 34 of the Zoning Ordinance is required. Conclusion As discussed, staffdoes not object to a "regional" retail use; however, a dry cleaners within a strip retail center is not a use which was envisioned nor suggested by the Comprehensive Plan, for this prominent intersection within Coppell. Staff remains concerned with the proposed uses within the subject site and has stated such. With regard to the site plan, the applicant has made some technical improvements; however, there are issues which must be addressed prior to final approval of the site plan. Inasmuch as there was no face- to-face dialogue between the applicant and the Development Review Committee (the applicant had a prior commitment), staff is at a loss over whether this request can address our concerns. Denton Tap Road is a Primary Image Zone and the intersection of Denton Tap and S.H. 121 is a major gateway into the City from the north. The use and structure placed on this site will set the tone for further development in this area. It is for these reasons that staff recommends that the case be held under advisement until the applicant has revised the plans accordingly. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of the site plan request, subject to the following conditions being met: 1) 2) 3) correct scale on the building elevations, Page 6 of 7 Item # 9 4) 6) 7) O\ 11) 12) Verify that a registered landscape architect or landscape contractor has prepared the plan. According to Section 12-34-5 Landscape Plans, paragraph II, of the Zoning Ordinance, a landscape architect or landscape contractor that belongs to a bonafide nurseryman's association must prepare the submitted landscape plan. Provide a landscape plan that has been signed/sealed by a registered landscape architect or landscape contractor. Provi~ a roof plan clearly indicating the bu~uts in the front building wall ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Hold case under advisement ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Landscape Plan 3) Elevations (2 sheets) Page 7 of 7 Item # 9