Dynasty Cln/SP,MP-DR010927 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comment~ Planning Department Dynasty, Cleaners Addition Lot Block 1 Site Plan Southeast Corner of Denton Tap Road and S.H. 121 DRC Date: September 27, 2001 and October 4, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: October 18, 2001 City Council Meeting: November 13, 2001 Staff would encourage the applicant to consult with the developer across Denton Tap Road. Both proposed developments (Dynasty Cleaners and Community Credit Union), including landscaping, building design and materials, should compliment one another; particularly within a primary image zone and at the gateway to the City. The applicant is PGAL lnc, Gary Weeter (214-880-0100). Site Plan Remove notation regarding drive-thru on both the landscape plan and site plan. As indicated by the elevations and site plan, there is no longer a request for a drive-thru. Staff remains concerned with the placement of the parallel parking spaces on the subject site. As proposed, two spaces are placed on the southern end of the building; again, in an awkward location where drivers would not expect to see an automobile pulling in/out. Further, the lack of clear visibility for maneuvering continues to be a concern. Staff would recommend the relocation/removal of these parking spaces. The placement of a parking, door and canopy at this location appears to serve as a make-shift drive-thru -is this the intent? Clarify the design of the pavement on the south side of the building. The elevations show a door and the site plan shows what appears to be an edge of sidewalk line. What is adjacent to the parallel parking spaces? Grass/paving? Clarify note "A permanent roof ladder is located on the plans and will be built according to city specifications". Further clarify this note to indicate that access will be provided via an internal ladder. Clarify note" Site Lighting consists of can lights under canopies and wall mounted units on the back of the building." Does this shine through the canopies or is this along the front covered storefronts. While signage criteria is placed on the plan and will aid future tenants in designing attached signs, staff would request that the applicant indicate the proposed sign design for the proposed Dry Cleaners use. Only in circumstances where all tenants are unknown, do site plans and retail centers proceed without the provision of attached signs. Provide a Site Data Table on Site Plan sheet, including the following information: · Existing Zoning · Proposed Use · Square footage of each use · Building area · Building Height · Required and provided parking per each use · Proposed lot coverage · Floor Area Ratio Landscape Plan There remain to be several concerns with regards to the plant materials and design of the landscaping. Please contact the City's Landscape Manager (972-304-3554) to discuss some alternative plant materials. g 10. Perimeter Landscaping 20 Perimeter Trees are reqtfired and only 9 are provided within the required 15' perimeter landscape buffer. Provide 11 trees within the 15' perimeter landscape buffer. (No trees are provided in the buffer area along Denton Tap & 121) Interior Landscaping · Revise notation to indicate that 11 Interior Trees are required, instead of 7. The Interior Landscaping requirement is based on both a square footage calculation (requiring 7) and the site design of the parking and islands (requiring 11), complying with the most restrictive. As indicated on the plan, 7 trees are required based solely on the square feet of paving, but the applicant isn't taking into consideration that each island and the end of every row must contain a tree. As shown, 12 Interior Trees are provided and only 11 are required, resulting in a surplus of one tree, which may be applied to Non-Vehicular Landscaping. Non-Vehicular Landscaping The majority of the trees shown in non-vehicular landscaping (the area just beyond the 15' perimeter buffer) will have to be shifted to be located within the perimeter buffer area. However, 4 non-vehicular trees are required and only one surplus tree can be applied from the interior requirement; 3 additional trees must be located within the non-vehicular area. Overall, based on the current layout of the site, the following should be provided: 20 Perimeter Trees 11 Interior Trees _~4 Non-Vehicular Trees 35 Total Note: If the applicant has questions regarding the landscaping requirements, please contact Coppell Planning Staff for clarification at 972-304-3678. 11. 12. The landscape island to the east of the two parallel parking spaces and the landscape island at the end of the east row of parking (adjacent to the dumpster) both appear to be deficient in size. All landscape islands at the end of rows of parking must measure a minimum of 150 square feet. Please remedy. Verify that the plan has been prepared by a registered landscape architect or landscape contractor. According to Section 12-34-5 Landscape Plans, paragraph II, of the Zoning Ordinance, a landscape architect or landscape contractor that belongs to a bonafide nurseryman's association must the submitted landscape plan. Note: A. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the October 4th Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the October 4th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, October 9th to resubmit fourteen (14) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and JPEG files or POWERPOINT SLIDES of each exhibit to the Planning Department. City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Dynas .ty Cleaners Addition Lot 1~ Block 1 Minor Plat Southeast Corner of Denton Tap Road and S.H. 121 DRC Date: September 27, 2001 and October 4, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: October 18, 2001 City Council Meeting: November 13, 2001 Minor 1. 2. 3. Plat Provide curve radii and curve data table for fire lanes. Minimum inside radius is 30' and outside is 54'. Revise R.O.W Dedication notation across Denton Tap Road to indicate the actual volume and page, not ???. Revise notation on property at the southwest comer of Denton Tap & S.H. 121; the property has not been platted-eliminate X's. Note: A. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the October 4th Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the October 4th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, October 9th to resubmit fourteen (14) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and JPEG files or POWERPOINT SLIDES of each exhibit to the Planning Department.