Dynasty Cln/SP,MP-DR010726 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Dynas .t3, Cleaners Addition Lot 1, Block 1 Site Plan and Minor Pla.t Southeast .Corner of Denton Tap Road and S.H. 121 DRC Date: July 26, 2001 and August 2, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: August 16, 2001 City Council Meeting: September 11, 2001 *Please note that there are numerous development issues surrounding the submitted Minor Plat and Site Plan. Staff strongly recommends against forwarding to the Planning & Zoning Commission until all issues have been resolved. If the applicant wishes to proceed, any outstanding issues may result in a recommendation of denial. In the event that the applicant remedies all noted issues, staff will conduct an subsequent full plan review. Minor 1. 2. Plat Revise Title Block to read Minor Plat and not Final Plat. Revise east fire lane/access drive alignment to correctly tie into the adjacent Jack in the Box site. Indicate on Plat that the two cross access easements (II-A and II-B, Vol. 99171, Page 2413) will be abandoned by separate instrument. These will no longer be needed, as driveway access will be from two existing curb cuts. Revise Utility Signature Block to read Verizon instead of GTE. Remove paragraph regarding Floodplain. While the floodplain signature block must remain, all other information surrounding should be eliminated from the Plat. Site Plan 6. Revise Label on Site Plan and Landscape Plan Sheets, which indicates the site is Lot 1, Block A of Dynasty Cleaners Addition. The Plat indicates the site is Block 1. 7. Revise site and landscape plan to comply with Section 12-34-8 C2, which allows for a maximum width of accessways between lots to be 25'; as currently proposed, the accessway between the subject site and the property to the south is approximately 35' in width. 8. Provide one loading space per Section 12-31-3 of the Zoning Ordinance, which requires all retail/commercial structures having 5,000 sq. fi. or more of gross area to provide loading/unloading of merchandise, measuring a min. of 12' x 30'. Additionally, please note that loading docks and areas shall not be located on the street side of any structure unless screened according to section 12-33-1(4). 9. The dumpster screen shall be constructed of the same materials and color of the building. Revise dumpster detail to indicate a brick dumpster enclosure will be constructed. 10. Provide doors on the dumpster, which are to remain closed unless in use, to adequately screen the dumpsters. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Remove all proposed landscaping from site plan; this should only be shown on the landscape plan. Please note that the standard required parking space dimension is 9' x 19'. Additionally, Section 12-31-5 of the Zoning Ordinance allows for 9' x 17' parking spaces, where the spaces adjoins an open area, allowing for proper overhang. (Note that this overhang area cannot be counted as landscaping area) Eliminate Construction Notes on Site Plan sheet and provide Site Data Table on Site Plan sheet, including the following information: Existing Zoning · Proposed Use · Square footage of each use Building area · Building Height Required and provided parking per each use · Proposed lot coverage · Floor Area Ratio Indicate type of lighting facilities which will serve the site, including placement, height, type, etc. Indicate on site plan that convenience store will require a special use permit. Revise layout of three perpendicular spaces and one parallel space at the north end of the building; this is extremely awkward. Indicate that wheel stops will be provided for all parking spaces, which are immediately perpendicular to the building. These spaces are located directly on top of a window with no spacing in between. Explain or revise row of parking immediately in front of the building. Currently it is noted that 12 spaces are provided; however, one space contains an "X". Is this a walkway, handicapped space, etc.? Indicate location of proposed handicapped parking spaces and ensure that proper access is provided per ADA requirements. Placement of the drive-thru facility on the south end of the building at the entrance is extremely awkward. Indicate how traffic will be directed to the drive- thru, i.e. signage, etc. The site plan shows what appears to be an additional overhang over the drive-thru area, separate from the actual covered drive-thru. This does not match the building elevations for this side of the building. Please remedy. Indicate right-of-way width for Denton Tap Road. Varied is not acceptable. The applicant may want to reconsider the layout of parking in front of the building. As currently planned, no parking is located in front of the entrance to the Dry Cleaner, but is placed further to the north. Landscape Plan 24. Please note that, according to Section 12-34-5 Landscape Plans, paragraph II, of the Zoning Ordinance, a landscape architect or landscape contractor that belongs to a bonafide nurseryman's association must the submitted landscape plan. 25. Please note that 33 trees are required and only 31 are shown on the landscape plan. Provide one tree at the end of each row of parking, which will address this deficiency. 26. Staff would recommend the applicant provide seasonal color or smaller plantings at the comer of S.H. 121 and Denton Tap within the large green open space on the subject site. Additionally, staff would also encourage the applicant to enhance the 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. landscape plan, with a variety of plantings and the provision of some additional character. Please indicate on landscape plan the percentage of total site area devoted to landscaping. Revise proposed Plant List/Schedule Table to show the proposed trees and their scientific name. Substitute Texas Red Red Oak, Texas Pistache and Chinese Holly with plants that are shown on the City's approved Plant Palette. Provide a combination of Live Oak and Shumard Red Oak trees along the entire perimeter of the property, in keeping with surrounding properties. Increase line weight of text under the Legend and Landscape Data Table; this is difficult to read. Revise scale of Landscape Plan (currently 1-20) or Site Plan (currently 1-30) so that both plans are drawn at the same scale. Elevations 33. Revise building elevations to indicate north, south, east, and west instead of front, back, right, and left. 34. Indicate the scale of the building elevations. 35. Signs attached to the building shall consist of individually mounted channel letters in white, black, gray, beige, or brown, with the same color scheme used on all signs within the project. No signage is currently shown on the building. Staff would recommend that the type of sign proposed for the Dry Cleaners be submitted with the application in order to staff and Planning & Zoning Commission to conduct a full review. Otherwise, staff would recommend that detailed guidelines (font, color, proposed locations) for all proposed signs be noted on the site plan and elevations, ensuring full compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. (See attached sample) 36. Staff would recommend that the white accent brick be limited to no more than 20% of building materials. As currently proposed, it appears that it exceeds this level. Per the C.I.V.I.C Report, accent brick should be permitted provided that accent brick in combination with other non-masonry material do not exceed the 20% benchmark. 37. Ensure compliance with the C.I.V.I.C Report regarding windows. Glass should not exceed 50% of any one faCade of a building. Indicate percentage of glass on front faqade. 38. Staff would recommend that the applicant reconsider some of the architectural characteristics of the proposed building. While staff supports the building materials, the site is located at the gateway to the City and should reflect the standards and characteristics of Coppell, such as including typical roof slopes, architectural accent pieces, etc. (See attached plan) 39. Staff would recommend the lowering of the parapet wall along the front fagade of the building. While there is no objection to a parapet wall, the roof projection at only the entry features is 6' above the lower parapet wall. The side and rear of these projections is clearly visible, giving the appearance of an artificial facade. 40. Please contact the Fire Marshal (972) 304-3503 or Asst. Fire Marshal to discuss the height of the parapet. It is Planning Staff's understanding that a parapet wall can not exceed 4' above the roofline. 41. Please note that rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Staff would encourage the applicant to review the screening requirements. It should be 42. 43. 44. noted that the intersection of S.H. 121 and Denton Tap Road will be elevated when construction of S.H. 121 is complete. Utility meters shall not be visible from view. Indicate the proposed placement of meters on the building to ensure proper screening. Indicate type and colors all building materials (i.e. Acme Red Brick #274), including windows and additional accent materials. Provide staff with a color board of the proposed project at the August 2, 2001 Development Review Committee Meeting. Note: A. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the August 2nd Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the August 2nd DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, August 7th to resubmit fourteen (14) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and JPEG,[iles of each exhibit to the Planning Department. DI NAG, E C, I T ~I~N CRITERIA .~;ET FORTH HtEIREIN, .GHALI.. ~ ALL ~I~,NA~_._,-,-,-,-,-,-,-~ TO :21.Gt='IAY'~D IN TI-~ Cl~N~. 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