Freeport-4.5/Re-DR001130 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department PD-186R Duke-Freeport West of Coppell Road, between Ruby and Bethel Road DRC Date: November 30, 2000 & December 7, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: December 21, 2000 City Council Meeting: January 9, 2001 Note: minor deviations exist on the landscape plan, the site plan and the plat as to the correct acreage, square footage and configuration of the lot and the sige of the building for Lot 4, Block A, which effects other calculations..411 submission documents need to match. SITE PLAN 1. A portion of the firelane/driveway along the northern botmdary of this tract will be "off-site" and will need to be established by separate instrument. 2. The office to warehouse ratio of 2.7% office to 97.3% warehouse, the concept plan indicated 4.4% office. If additional office is needed, will additional parking be made available? 3. CC&R's need to be submitted to insure the maintenance of the common properties. 4. Site Plan needs to be revised to eliminate the retention pond along Freeport Parkway which is not part of the current application. 5. A PD conditions which is yet to be resolved is: "All issues regarding the State Road right-of-way utility easement for the TXU electric service to Wagon Wheel Park and Hike and Bike Trail easement shall be resolved." LANDSCAPE PLAN 1. Note on landscape plan states "75 foot landscape buffer per PD". This is a 47' landscape buffer per PD. The 75 foot dimension is measured to the centerline of Coppell Road. The 47 foot landscape buffer is acceptable, however it needed to be labeled and illustrated correctly. 2. If drainage area (Lot 4X) is being utilized as non-vehicular open space, then this area needs to be included in the area calculations, and needs to be approved by City Council as a PD Condition. 3. It appears that only the trees three inch caliper and greater are being used to fulfill the required trees, the other landscape material (i.e. smaller trees) indicated on the landscape plan and the tree count need also to be reflected on the Landscape Tabulations Table. 4. The Landscape Tabulation table also needs to reflect what is also being provided in the landscape buffer areas in addition to what is required. 5. Need to provide an overall calculation of the landscaping being provided, included Lot 4X. Page 1 of 3 6. Revise the Landscape Plan to remove the drainage area along Freeport Parkway which is not part of the current request. 7. Consideration should be given to providing larger caliper trees (minimum 3 inch caliper) adjacent to the common property line with the residential homes to provide for a visual screen in addition to the proposed screening wall. A significant amount of trees are being preserved, however, there will still be "gaps" along this property line. 8. Dimension the landscape buffer adjacent to the single family homes. 9. Per the Landscape Ordinance, shrubs, berms, walls, etc. are required adjacent to the parking areas along the north and west property lines. If the planting of these shrubs is desired to be waived to delayed, then this will have to be approved by the City Council as a condition of the PD. 10. The parking row adjacent to the west portion of the building (along Freeport Parkway) does not have an island every 15 space or a tree at the southern end of this parking row. 11. The landscape islands in the parking lot to the northwest of the building (containing 54 spaces) appears substandard, having a width less than 9 feet. TREE MITIGATION/PRESERVATION 1. Per our meeting on November 27, 2000, you are requesting that a portion of the tree mitigation be addressed though the planting of trees in the median of Freeport Parkway and a portion be delayed until later phases of this development. A detailed plan, including specific accounting of the location and timing of replacement trees and funds must be submitted for approval by Brad Reid of the Leisure Services Department. 2. Tree mitigation legend and calculations will need to be revised to reflect City Council's Action in relation to Mesquite Trees. Prior to formal action, existing ordinance will apply. ELEVATIONS 1. Need to submit a color board to the December 7, 2000 DRC meeting. 2. Given the size of this building, the faqade needs articulation to break up the mass of the building. Techniques, other than painting, are needed to tone down the vast expanse (including Coppell Road frontage) of the structure, such as adding comers, reveals and windows. DO NOT NEED TO RESUBMIT CONCEPTUAL GRADING, UTILITY, OR IRRIGATION PLAN UNLESS MAJOR REVISIONS ARE REQUIRED B Y THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, THEN THREE SETS WILL BE REQUIRED.. Note: A. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the December 7th Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. B. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the December 7th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain, and defend any revision. A representative for this project is required to attend the meeting. Page 2 of 3 C. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, December 12th to resubmit sixteen (16) folded copies of revised plans and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) of each exhibit to the Planning Department Page 3 of 3