DFW Trade ROW-DR 950831 (2) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COM~' .~~'~ ~ ~ i~ : .,-.. i lqq5 ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Freeport Vodovay RtglU-of-Way. Ftnal Plat, to allow a 630.32 fl. extension of Freeport Parkway northwest of $.H. 121, within the limits of the proposed D/FW Trade Center, at the request of Industrial Developments International, Inc. DRC DATE: August 31, 1995 and September 7, 1995 CONTACT: Ken Griffin, P.E., Assistant City Manager/City Engineer (304-$679) COMMENT STATUS: ~PRELIMINARY FINAL SUBSEO. UBNT TO P-&Z 1. A floodplain reclamation study will be required. 2. Provide the Floodplain Administrator signature block.