DFW Trade ROW-DR 950831 (4)City of Coppell: i i. al t'iat Chechlist [~ 17 blue-line copies, initially 124" x 36" folded) [~ Accurate boundary & purpose of 17 revised blue-line copies 124' x 30' folded)* public dedications '28. if preEminar¥ p/at eppt'oved pttor to Feb.. O Aecu,ate boundary & purpose of ~] Subdivision name common areas [~ City. county and state D Buffdlng setback lines U Name & address of owner of [~ Private restrictions record or subdivider ~] Nortt~ point mtd date [~ Accurate metes & bounds ~ Scale It 1" = 100' or greater [~ Location & width of adjoining existing streets Registered Public Surveyor certification Certificate of ownership & dedication Reference to county abstracts an~ survey records D ~qoodplain ~ Street names ~ Certification of approval blanke ~ Arc lengths, radius lenoths, ["J Tea certificate intema~ angles, points of curvature, ts,gent lenglhs & bearings ~ )mpect fee receipls ~ Easemenl~ & rights-oi-wav EaSement ~r right-of-way agreements wi~ gdjscan/properly owners I---I Lot line dimensions & bearings [~ Irrigation plan ~ Loi line angle to street and alley 0 Screen walls ~ Monumant Jocalion. material & size ~ ~ ¢i! ¥ of Coppell: Fi~fal Plat Checklist £- ~ ~-] Anticipated building area Certified copy or property owners c.~ Uo~ no~-resideatial uses only} association agreemm~{ ~ Landscape plan ~ Parking (for noTYresiden~al uses enlv) ~ Ent~ features Note: This checklist is only ~ supplement fo the Subd~ision R~ulations. fl is the appEcant's respond/b/lily to review and complF w~h the r~u//e~nts of the Zonin~ Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. [-~ II} IL ~ Paoe 2 i