DFW Trade ROW-CS 950823Subdivision Application ci~ of Coppell Preli-Enm~ Bl~t D .......................... x x Z.~5 Barkwmy Blvd. ~ppe~, ~ 7~019 :.'. ~pl~ ~ ~g PI~ ,Vote: ~pli~ are ted j~r s~ prior ~ t~ ~ing ~e. ~ ~g ~e s~ be ~pli~n ~ bt F~g Data: N~a of Apgii~t; Xndus~rial Developments Xn~erna~ional Add:~: ~430 LB~ Fray, ~e 1600. Dallas. Texas 7~240 T~a~a~naNumhet: (21a3 663-q33q F~ Numbs: (2143 66~-q398 F~ P:~p~g Plat: Good,in & Marshall, inc. Addr~i: 6001 Brid~e ~ree~, ~e 100. For~ Worth. TX 76112 Telepione Number: (817) 429-4373 F~ N~b~: (817~ 446-3116 All ~e~oMence rel~ to this applic~ion s~ be dire~ed to: N~a: Mr. D.-HaS,hew Goodwin, P.E. of Goodwin & Marshall. inc. ~dr~a: 6001 Brid~e Teiephons Numbg: (817) 429-4373 Pax ,Numbe~: (RI 7) /,/,~_o,] ]~ Name of Subdivision: Freeport Parkway RiAht-of-wav Ganaral Locadon ofPrope~y: .Northwest of SH 121. .qn,,th nf Dmntnn within the limits of proposed D/~ Trade Center Pmje~ Emplo~ent ~on.r~t{al ~ o~y) ~oposed Subdiv~ion Conmim: Duplex N/A To~ ~n~r N/$ Office Development Signature: CASH Da,. '~--~ ~,~ 0027908 RECEIPT .._, Received From ~~,,~,~, i~ '~1,~~ -- .. Address ' ' ' "' .... ' '''" '' '' ' Dollars $ J ~ ~'~ . .. AC-ZOUN, .~e~ - ACCOUNt C~ : ' ~T.,.~ IIG --' .F"~' '~'-. - .' " ~NCE ' . ., ~ ' · ;' ' ~