Denton Tap1P/FP-CS 970911Board of Adjustment
September 11, 1997
Page 3
Public Hearing to consider a request for a special exception from Section 31-6-26 of the
City's Zoning Ordinance, concerning the number of required parking spaces based on use.
Mr. David Lewis. owner of the proposed North Texas Family & Sports Complex, is
requesting a reduction of parking spaces to allow 116 spaces, for the property located in Lot 5
of the Denton Tap Development. The City's Zoning Ordinance requires that private clubs
provide one parking space for each 150 sq. ft. of floor area or for every five members,
whichever is greater.
Greg Jones explained that this project was approved by City Council on Tuesday, August 12, 1997, with
certain conditions, one of which was to seek Board of Adjustment approval of a special exception to reduce
the required number of parking spaces. He noted that during Planning and Zoning and City Council
hearings, no one was opposed to this project. Categorizing it as a private country club, and considering that
the proposed facility is approximately 50,000 sq. ft., he reported that 333 parking spaces would be the
He explained that this organization also approached the Board in July of 1994 and requested a parking
reduction at its facility on Northlake Drive; at that time, they had 60 spaces available and requested a
reduction to a ratio of one space for every 500 sq. ft. of floor area; the variance was granted. By applying
that same ratio to the proposed new building, 100 parking spaces would be required, but the applicant is
actually proposing 116 spaces.
He further reported that Connell Development Corp. has expressed a willingness to handle overflow parking
for special events at this facility. He also explained that this is a drop-off facility, most of the time, and the
only time the parking might be used to its fullest extent would be Friday afternoons, Saturdays, and Sunday
afternoons. He referred to the charts in the packet showing car densities and car counts, compiled over the
past month, at the current facility. He noted that Staff recommends approval of this special exception.
Referring to the packet. Chairman Bizzell asked about the relevancy of the informational leaflet featuring the
Pavex product. Greg Jones indicated that it had been provided by the applicant, but does not appear to
pertain to this hearing.
Greg Jones distributed three letters that had been received in response to this special exception: 1) one in
support of the request from Southern Multifoods, owners of Taco Bell, which is adjacent to the lot under
consideration; 2) another from Price Edwards & Company, property manager of Woodside Village, the strip
center to the south of the concerned property, indicating their opposition to the request; and 3) the third
written anonymously by a member of their current facility, also in opposition to the request.
Greg Jones also reported that he has available, for viewing, a larger scale plan of this property from a recent
DRC meeting. Commissioner Stonecipher asked if the DRC plans show what is located between this facility
and the Skaggs property. Discussion continued as the Board reviewed the DRC plans.
The applicant was invited to step t'orward to present his case.
David Lewis explained that the variance is being requested because the nature of his business does not dictate
a large number of parking spaces, noting that this is not a typical health/fitness club for adults, but rather a
gymnastics studio for children. The clientele is primarily children, ranging in age from 18 months through
15 years, so this is mainly a drop-off facility, necessitating the double circle drive design at the front door to
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September 11, 1997
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alleviate possible congestion. Mr. Lewis indicated that he fully understands that a change in the use of this
building, in the future, would require additional parking. He reported that the 30 to 50 parking spaces at
their current facility have been adequate, even when enrollments reach 1,200 students per month.
Commissioner Stonecipher asked if the new facility would have a rear entrance, and Mr. Lewis indicated that
it would not have a rear entrance, but is equipped with exit doors throughout; he noted that patrons would be
expected to use side or front doors. Commissioner Stonecipher asked if any complaints have been received
regarding lack of parking at the current facility, and Mr. Lewis indicated that the only complaints received
have involved truck traffic and parking.
Chairman Bizzell asked about the annual gymnastics meet and the need for overflow parking, and Mr. Lewis
indicated that 116 parking spaces should be adequate, even for special events, due to the fact that 80
participants is the maximum allowable at any gymnastics meet. He noted that the arrangement with Connell
Development Corp. is a good back-up measure.
Commissioner Kertz asked if other related activities, such as parties, would be scheduled at this facility. Mr.
Lewis replied that, in addition to gymnastics activities, an on-site sports therapist will be housed in the
facility, as well as a Tae Kwon Do school. He also indicated that birthday parties would be scheduled, but
most would be held on weekends during non-class periods. Commissioner Kertz asked if the pool would be
used for recreational purposes, and Mr. Lewis reported that it would only be used for swim classes and
physical therapy.
Commissioner Glasener asked for clarification of the applicant's statement: "the additional required parking
would make the entire project unaffordable". Mr. Lewis explained that this is a 10-acre development
consisting of Taco Bell on the high-visibility frontage property, and his gymnastics facility, which is well
suited to the less-expensive rear area, because it relies heavily on recommendations, not visibility.
He noted that his business is doing well, but is still in the early stages of growth. He explained that this new
facility is a primary financial undertaking for him, noting that he really can't rationalize spending $50,000 for
a strip of unneeded parking, when the money could be better used on equipment to benefit the clients.
Commissioner Frnka asked Mr. Lewis if he anticipated parallel parking along North Texas Blvd., noting that
the width is 33 feet. Mr. Lewis reported that the engineers insisted on the 33 feet, due to the fact' that it is
considered a city street. He indicated that he would discourage parallel parking along the boulevard, but is
insisting on a wide, clear turn-around at the front door to encourage parents to simply drop children off at the
door and be able to easily exit.
Barney Barnett. of Superior Build, responded to Commissioner Stonecipher's question regarding the lack of
an entrance at the rear of the building for those wishing to use the rear parking lot. He verified that there are
three fire exits at the rear of the building, but no entrance. He noted that the rear parking may be used only
once a year for special events, but because of the length of the building, the fire lane is required. Mr.
Barnett indicated that placing some parking spaces along the fire lane reduces the cost of the project.
Commissioner Stonecipher conunented that human nature being what it is, it is only natural for people to
want to park as close to the front of the building as possible, especially when mothers with children are
concerned. He asked if any thought had been given to placing the building further back on the lot, and Mr.
Barnett indicated that it would be cost-prohibitive to do so, because another street would be needed to access
the additional row of parking, not to mention the traffic flow restrictions which must be considered at the
front of the building. Mr. Barnett also reported that Albertson's is considering re-working their entire center
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September 11, 1997
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to spin-off this facility, somewhat, as far as improved traffic flow is concerned. He further commented that
Mr. Lewis has a 15-minute period of heavy traffic on the hour, but this new facility will allow him a parking
growth of over 100 percent, not including the rear parking, compared with his current location. For the
safety of the children, he noted that all front door parking was purposely omitted on the plan. Commissioner
Glasener asked if there would be sidewalks around the side of the building for use by those parking in the
rear, and Mr. Barnett indicated that pedestrians can use the paved parking areas alongside the building to
access the front.
Commissioner Kertz asked if the plan shows the correct number of planter islands, and Greg Jones indicated
that this project has completed the review process by Planning and Zoning, as well as City Council, and
meets all of the zoning requirements regarding layout, circulation, and landscaping ratios.
For the record, Mr. Lewis also reported that the latest revisions, by the Engineering Dept., show'that the lot
numbers for this development have been changed to Lot 2 and 2X, and the street has been changed from
"boulevard" to "court".
Commissioner Glasener asked if there are any requirements concerning sidewalks, for the safety of children
walking through the parking lot from the rear to the front of the building. Greg Jones responded that there
really is no such requirement. Mr. Lewis indicated that the side entrances would also be open, emphasizing
that the safety of the children is also of primary concern to him. He explained that the rear parking area
would mainly be used by his staff, and would seldom be needed by clientele.
The meeting was opened to the public.
Virginia Seagall reported that her daughter has been going to the gym, six days each week, for the past two
years, and can verify that there is no problem with parking at the current location. She noted that 30 parked
cars in the parking lot is the maximum at any given time, and 116 parking spaces would be more than
Clifton Oden expressed his concerns regarding drainage problems and the placement of a retaining wall on
properties adjoining this development. Greg Jones advised him, however, that this matter was outside the
realm of this Board's consideration, and should be directed to the Engineering Department.
Thomas Crousen indicated that he is in favor of any project that will benefit children, noting that the location
is ideal for such a facility. He noted that he also had questions regarding drainage and retaining walls, but
would pursue those issues another way.
No one spoke in opposition to the request.
Meeting was closed to the public and opened to the Board for discussion.
Commissioner Stonecipher expressed his concern for the lack of an entrance to the building from the rear
parking lot, possibly resulting in overflow parking into lots 3 and 4 at the front of the developmeni. He also
commented that the one who stands to lose the most from a possible lack of parking is the owner of the
facility, who may lose customers due to parking problems.
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September 11, 1997
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Commissioner Kertz commented that perhaps the special exception should be tied, somehow, to its current
use; if the use should change in the future, the parking issue would need to be re-addressed. City Attorney,
Jason Marshall, advised that this special exception need not be tied to the use; if the use should change in the
future, and the new property owner did not have the required parking to match the new use, the issue would
need to be reconsidered by the Board at that time.
Motion was made by Commissioner Stonecipher that the special exception be granted for 116 parking spaces
for Lots 2 and 2X, formerly known as Lot 5, of the Denton Tap Development. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Frnka and a vote was taken. Motion carried, 5 to 0. Special exception granted.
ITEM 6: Other Business.
Greg Jones announced that three new members will soon take the oath of office to begin their terms on
October Ist. He thanked Commissioner Frnka for his years of service on the board, as well as Chairman
Bizzell for his service, and most recently for his leadership as Board of Adjustment Chairman. He reported
that the swearing-in ceremony had not yet been scheduled, but would take place prior to the October meeting.
Greg Jones reported that the election of officers would be the first item on the October 2nd agenda, and the
scheduling of a training session/orientation for new members will also be discussed.
Motion for adjournment was made by Commissioner Kertz, and seconded by Commissioner Glasener.
Motion carried, 5 to O. Meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Donald Bizzell, Chairman
Mat~y Be~/th Spletzer, Recording Sec~retary