Denton Tap1P/FP-CS 970911 (2)FAX COVER Sl4g. Wl' PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: FAX NO. TRANS~ BY: NUMB~ OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SBEgD: ~ IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGe: lq~-~_- CAI-L BACK AS SOON PO~iBLE. PI-EASE DIAL DIRF. C~ TO THE P_~'~ -_gON SENDING Tlitq FAX BY DIALINC: THE DIRECT DIAL NUMBER LIST~_. THANK YOU. SEP-10-1997 16:58 DOWDEY,ANDERSON & ASSOC. 214 931 .q$58 STATE TEXAS COUNTY OF v~m.~$ THAT ~K ~. ~ of ~11as ~ty, ~s , in consideration of the sum ~e ~llar ($1.00) and.other good and x~luable cens~dera~io~ in h~d p~d by C.B. & b. Joint vent~e receipt of which i~ hereby acknowledged, ~c., the~ pre~nts ~nt, bargain, ~ll and convey unto to C.B. & B, Joint v~t~e , i~-~e and u~t~upted u~, libe~y and pri~lege of the p~ge i~, along, upon and across the owned by Grantor , Situated in ~llas County, Texas, in the ~rge W. Jack Su~ey, Abs~act No. 694 BOUNDARY DESC~TION FI~ LANE & ACCESS ~AS~E~ BEING a ~ip of Ired slanted M ~¢ George W. Jack $~ey, Abagaet No. 694 in Dallas Counw, Texas being p~ of Lot 3 of ~nnell Skaggs Addition. ~ addition to ~ Ci~ of Coppell as recorded in Volume 88006. 5895 of file D~d Records of Dall~s, Count, Texas and being mom p~cularly described as follows: COM~C~G at a ~t on ~e west line cf ~mon Tap Road (a variab · wid~ right-of-way) said point berg ~ no~e~t comer of Lot 2 of the above said C~nell ~ag~ Addition; 'l~ence S. gg*39'ta" W., 940 l I feet leaving the said we~t line of ~nton Tap Road, ~d along ~e n~h I ne of said:Connell. Skaggs Addition to the PO! OF B~G~G, ~id point ~ing ~ g non-tangent cu~* to th~ I~R ronn~g i¢ ~ sou~cssterly direction ~.d hax. mga cen~l ~gl* of76'30'2a" a radius of 30.00 feet ~d a chord b~ing nfs 53°05D5'' E.: THENCE along said cu~e 40.06 fe~ to ~e end of said curve, a point tbr comer being on th~ no~h line or ~xisting $0 foot wid, fir* I~ ~ record*d in s~id Vol~, 88006, P~g; 5895.of th* ~ed Records of Dallas Text; ~ENCE S. 88'39'11" W.. 20.03 feet along the said no~h line of the ~xisting 30 foot wide fire lane to a for comer, said point being ~o beginning of' a cu~e ~ ~e left h~ing a cen~al ~gle of 45°4y3 I" a radius of 60.00 fe and a e~ord b~g of S, 65'a7'28" W.; · THENC8 ~ong said e~ve, and cominuing along ~* s~ifl no~h line of il0* exisling 30 foot wide fire Irene, 47 S':¢ feet to the end of said cu~e, a ~int for corner being in a non-truest curve t~ the [e~ running in a no,hotly and having a renal mgic of43elT'58'' a radius of 30.00 fe~ md a chord bearing of N 21016'44" E.: ~{ENCE along said cu~e 22,67 feel to the end of said c~ve. a point for corner; THENCE N. 00*22'16" W., 20.68 feet to a ~int for comer b~ing o~ the said no~h line of Co~el: Skaggs Addition; ~ENC~ N. 88'39'14" E., 24.96 l%et along the said north line of Connell Skaggs Addition to the Poi::: B~ginning and con~g 893 aquae fe,t of land. And it is fu~h~ agreed that the sltid Grantor in con~deration of the benefits a~ve ~t out, wi~ remove from the prope~y above de~fibed, such buddings and other obstructions as may now be found upon ~id p~e~y. For the purpo~ of construing and mintaining a Fire ~ne and hc~ss Eas~n~ in. along, upon a~o~ said pictures, witll the ~ght and privilege at all times of the ~antee herein, his or its employees, workmen and representatives having ~ess, e~ess, and re~ess in, along upon and across p~mises for the pu~ose of making additions to, improvements on ahd.~ repa~s to thc said eas~ne or any pa~ the~of. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the ~id erang~ ; as afotesM'3 l:,~ the Pu~o~s aforemid the premises above described. Witn~ ~ hand , this the day of ~pg. , A.D. ! 997 : - ,:' ---.~.,~ ,~.~,a~ ~.~ ' , :==,--~ ..... SEP-10-i997 16:59 DOWDEY,ANDERSON ~ ASSOC. 214 'DENTON TAP ~POIN]' OF" COMMENCING $ I/2 ~ III ROAD LOT 4 SHADY OALE VOL. 4 I FIRE LANE E~ ACCESS EASEMENT CITY OF COPPELL GEORGE W, JACK SURVEY , ABSTRACT 694 >. DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS · D~OWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, (97~] 931-0694 PLANO . TEXAS T5095~ SEP-10-1997 16:58 DOWDEY,ANDERSON & ASSOC. 214 931 ?=]z ~ DENTON TAP ~,POINT OF COMMENCING ROAD _J <.n 0 0 cz) co _J i,,_,__:: -- 7;.~ -LANE ~ ACCESS EASEMENT CITY OF COPPELL GEORGE W. JACK SURVEY , ABSTRACT 69C DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. $2Z$ VtLI..AGE CREEK DRIVE SUITE 200 I972) 9:~1-0694 PLANO , TEXAS 7509~'