Denton Tap1P/PP-CS 970808QUC ~ ~ ~{~ ~ ~g~OL~ JCK~ON DLLRD ~1~ ~65 0010 TO 972304~67~ P.02×06 STATR OF T~XAS COUNTY OF DALLAs C1~'- This _Agreement is made on the day of ~-,,_a~. ¢opp,e,l_l, Texas, between ~o~'~ rporaczont ( Albert~on, ~ # ~ --= ......... · ' uezaware - ; Lq~.Lt~.rrea cO a8 "Gr&~tor". and · :: ~_, ~., referred =o as -- OF ~S~ ~ CONSIDB~~ON= . 1. For ~d ~n consideration Of . the s~ of Ten and No O0 ~$10~00) and o~her valuable co ' · . / . aha ass~s, a mutual access and f~re ~ane ess ~h roll,in /descr' ~ . ~en~ upon and ~_ . abed 9ropert~_lthe "Pro~r=y-] of th~ ~-ao i~~- ~ _ d. ~e~eto ~d incor~rated h~rein the ~u~ se= ~o~n herein at See~xhibit "B" attached hereto.and iucorporated herein same as ~-i-f--fOl~-y set forth herexn a2 length, the LOCATION OF ~.~: 3. The ~t~l a=cese and ~e l~ne easement is loaat~i upon =he ~rope~, p~ticularl~ descrzbed Ln E~bit 'A" referen,=ed ~ove. PURPOSB OF EASEMENT: Domina~ ~ ........... ---~.T?~~-au dnu egress co and from lying t~erein, g WL=h any public or private ut£1iti~s - PAGE i 214 ,.~04 214 965 0010 ~u-~z-~ Z~:~ GIIYUk C~2~LL ~lqG~Ih~ ~'214 D~ 0010 P.0~×06 N~.$0~ DURATION O~ EASEH~NT: $. This =a~em~nt shall be perpetual. WARRANTY OF TITLe: Grantor and .Grantor's heir~, personal repre~ntative~, successors, and assign9 are a~d shall be bound to wsrran~ and ~u~eeseors, ana ass~s, against eve~pergon lawfully cla~ng or c1~ all or any pa~ of the in~ere~ in the Prope~y. ~ON-BXCLUSXV~NES$ OF EASEMENT: The easement, rights, and priv£1eqes arante~ hv ~ ~nve~ance are non-exclusive, and Gr*~ .... z____I __~ w _~ -7U- ~*~ ~ u~vey ~malar rzghts and ~asements ~o such other persons as ~rantorma~ seem proper. - · . ~eu ~o persona~ ~njuries ~nd attorne s' fees .ara?lng from Grantee's exercise of eas~me-~_ v;,~ ..... ._~ ~_ .~ RIGBTS RESBRVED: 9. Grantor retains, reserves, and sba/1 continue to enjoy the use of'~he eur£ace o~ the easemen~ area described in Parag;'aph 1 of this Agreement for an~ and all pu~oses that do not in%e:cfere with and prevent Grantee,s use of the easement. · NTI~ A~NT: 10.. Thl~ Agreement contains =he ent par=~ee relating to its ~ubJec~ mat~er. An~ or~l repre:,enta~ions or modl~ications concernang thzs Agreement shall b~ of no force and wrizl~ ana agreed to Dy ail pa~ties. DISPUTE EXPBNSES /~D ATTORNB¥S, FBBS: 11. If any controversy, claim, or dispute arimes relating to this Agreement or its breach, the prevailing part~ shall be entitled to recover fro~the other DaVy reasonable ~penso~ attorn~.ys ~eem. ~d COSts. ' EAS~-M~NT AGREEMENT - PAGE 2 214 965 0010 P.04×06 N0.$09 BINDING ~FFECT- =eepe¢~£ve pa~c~e~, cne/zpe~$onal repreeen~a~i¢¢se. benefit of the a~oigns. · 1997 at Coppell, Texas, BY.' BY: EA~EM~NT AGRBBHENT . PAGE 3 ACKNOWAEDG~NT STAT~ OF TS~ COONT~ OF DALLAS This instrument was , ~97, b~ ack~owleaged~eforeme on the = of Albe~tson s, ~ncl, a Delaware-Corporation. _ as__ day of Notar~ Pub1~o, ACKNOWLEDGMBNT CO~ OF DALLAS This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 1997, by ...... of as .... , a_ orporation. ._ _. day of P.05×06 v~ r£; fO ze.q5 t* TOTRL PRGE.06 **