DFW Trade B5/FP-DR 971125 (4) -! DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI'ITlz'E DRC DATE: NOVFA~B~g 25, ~7 1. All portions of the structure to be within 150 feet of a fire lane. Additional fire lanes are rcquh'cd. 2. Fire lanes to be platted as easements. 3. Ali fire lines to be looped. 4. Fire hydrants to be spaced maximum of 300 feet on center as measured along the fire lanes. Additional fire hydrants will be required. 5. Fire Department Connection (FDC) can not be located on building. Locate between three and six feet from a fire lane and within fift~ feet of a f~re hydrant. 6. Fire Department ingress doors required every 100 feet along exterior of building. Doors to have a minimum four feet wide concrete walkway leading to a paved area such as a parking lot, street or other paved area.