DFW Trade B5/FP-CS000411AP~.11.2000 ll:IOAM IDI M0.686 P.1/2 D IDI 5420 LSJ Freeway Suite 1275 Dailas~.~ ? ~.:~,~0 Phon~ Facsimile Date/time: tax: / 072/~ ~ -~4 ~ 4 lotal pa~es (includin~ Message: Confidential.ty note: The information in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information intended omy for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of th~s message is not the ntended recip ant. you are herePy notified :hac any dissemination, distribution or copy of this telecooy is strictly prohibited. If you have received thru telecopy in error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return the original message adore via the United States Postai Service, Thank, you. Mar-30-O0 0B:G:~A City of Coppell gT~ :~05 2514 P.01 be City With A Beautdul ~:u~u"~re''/1 TM ;5 ,J 2000 t,~_.~/ /~ ,o ~e~,, Kb, JiMA January t4, '99g industrial Developmen~ Inte~io~ co.~o.m. ~4~ ~ ~ ~420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1275 .ho~ i_ Dallas, TX 75240 ~a'"~ 72 7~- 1) ~di~m on ~e Sitc PI~ ~ ~ds~ Pl~ ~t a v~ w~ approv~ by CiW CouncQ ~o allow a 3 f~t ~ ~ wi~ liv~g sct~u ua ~op ~ad of a 6 f~t ~gh ~so~ w~l. 2) ~ea expa~sioa of ~e ~ck ~ ut bufld~g is d~m~ n~css~, ~c applic~t sh~l comply wi~ ~e ~ds~pmg Order. As a ~ of ~O~tion, ~ ~ditio~ of ~e ~e l~e p~lel to PaTiot Drive for ~e pu~se of pmvid~g adeqmte ~e prot~don coverage to ~c Rout of ~e build,g, temov~ approx~tely 17,~ square ~eet of lands~p~g ~om ~c to~ of 224,558 sq~e feet shown on Sh~t L1 of your sub~ssion document. s~c time, it ~cr~ ~e ~o~t of ~tetior ve~cul~ I~pblg r~u~ by 1,7~ sq~c feet, ~creby reducing ~e ~ouut of non-ve~cular l~ds~p~g ~ shown au ,Sheet LI from 145.536 to appwx~ately [26.836 squ~e feet. A~ord~g to Stuff ~latiom, ~e m~nim~ ~ou~t of ao~-ve~cul~ laeds~p~g which must ~ provid~ is approxL~tely 74,~2 sq~e feet. ~ developing ~e ~mte ~ck ~ont of ~e buUdmg, ~y addition of more ~ apptox~ly 48,~ sq~e [~t of va~cul~ pavement would violate ~a~ requ~emeut. ~crcfotc, ~e s~e of ~y ~e ~ck ~ or p~U~g area. [nclud~g ~e ~e ~. must ~ l~t~ to au more ~ appto~tely 65,~ sq~e f~t. We ~mt ~is out to you bemuse your drawings show a pro~s~ ~mte ~ck ~u~ of over ~,~ sq~c fi~t. [[ you have ~y questiom, please contact us at (972) 3~-3675. ~ere!y. habile Moro, AICP, P~ Build~g