DFW Trade B5/FP-CS 971119 (2) SRe Plan Application ~25 P~ay Blvd. F~: (gm) 3~35T0 Fi!~ D~: N~ofAppii~r: Industrial Deve3op~ent Intornation.1 ACCrual: 5420 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, Towmm 75?40 Tm~go~ Numar: (972) 991-0399 F~ N~r: (97?) 991-9414 A{~: 6001 Brid~e Street. Suite 100 Fort Wortht Texas 76112 T~[~p~* Nu~r: (817) 429-4373 F~ N~:: (817) 446-3116 N~e'. Mr. Robert H. Marshall. P.E. A~SS: Goodwin and Marshall. Thc_ ~ 6001 Brid~e Street. Suite 100, Fort Worth, Texas 76112 ' Tete~ho~ N~: (817) 4?q-&~TM . ~n~I~ ~omof~: South of Patriot Drive, East of Freeport Parkway ~m ~g: PD-136 To~ 0 0 ~~ 0 ~ 0 ~plex 0 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 1 City of Coppell: Final Plat Checklist r'-] 17 blue-line copies, initially (24' x 36' folded) [~] Accurate boundary & p, rpose of 17 revised blue-.l~ne copiea (24' x 36' folded)* public dedications '28, if pre,lin/nail p/al f/~oved pr[o~ to Feb., 1995. ~ A~urale ~undaw & purpose of ~ ~i~s~n name common ~ C~, coun~ and s~te ~ Building ~back lines ~ N~ & ed~ess of ow~r of ~ hivate ~es~io~ roc~ ~ subdividBr ~ No~ ~in~ and date ~ Accrue mates & bounds ~ Scale Bt 1' = 1~' or gmale~ L~a~on & ~h of adjoining e~.~O ~18 ~ Reglater~ Public Surveyor cenificm~n ~4icate of owne;ship & de.ca,on ~ Rare;ante to =oumW a~ ~y (ec~da ~ Roodpla~ ~ S~t names ~ Certification of approval blanks ~ A~ bn~, radi~ Ignore., ~ Tax internal ~s, ~oints of ~a~, tangent left.ha & bearinO6 ~ ~pa~ lee re~ip~ ~ Easements & rights.f-way ~ Easement or d0ht-of-way whh adjacent pro~ ~wne~ ~ Lot numbe~ - - ~ Construu~n pl~ ~ ~t line dimensions & bee~ngs ..;~' ~ ~moaeo~ plan ~ Lei fi~ e~Ole 1o streel and alley " . ~ Screen walls ~ Monum~t location, ma~riM & si~ ~ / City of Coppell: Final Plat Checklist I~ Anticipated building area C'! Certified copy of property owners . (for non-residential uses only) associat;on aflreemen{ '- I~ Landscape p~an i~ PaTk;no Ifm non-residential uses only~ LJ I~ Entw featurel Note: This checklist is only a supplement to ~he Subdivision Regulations. It is the applicant's responsibility to review and '~-' Subdivision Regulations. "0 'T'J m r- m Page I ;.~.. - I I 3,4g~ O0 3, BURR WOLFF, L.P. LZ<VOICE A T~ms Limimt l:~m~i:ip i~40 C~nr~' C~nmr ~'' S~ ~0! '~ ~ ~ --' ~ ~-~ ..... ~_~.. ~ I NE=. CN: 8014738 ' . ROr_.[~ 1707 ~ MC:~%~ ~ ~' ~E FOR PRO~ON.~ ACC O b~ 65i79~~3~0 c~ss I TAX CALC~'LATION >> The, e.s'tima~ed property..mx s;~gs fcr 1997 i~ $2,38.~. .: Ac~orcting to o'~ agr~-----_-~a:, our fee i~ b~.~ on ~ ccntingency f~ of ~% of ~e -,~'tim- au:d r,."o~..-y mx sav;.n§s' :'or 1997. P::ase ~ay the Total D'~ amount shown a: .~e top of this page before 9111~7. BL'LRR WOLFF, L.P. L2~-V'O!CE ! ACCOL%~ 6~7724~01012~C~ C~SS ~uc ~'.im~-md p~opc,,-ry mx sawings for 1997 'is $11,211. .-Xc~ordi.ug to our ag.,-~.~:=:.,..t, our fee. 'Ls based on a ¢on~iu§~acy f~-e of 2~% of Re ~dr'.,a~d ~roce..-zv ~ax savin_~s for 1997. ' ' ' pay the Total D~:e amctmt shm:~n at ,:he top of thi~ page before 9/1/97, about ~i$ avoid, plc~e ¢~1 !a,.a-r ',Vo~f ~ 713,'62g.-9800 BL/iR WOLFF, L.P. L-x,-VOICE Limued ~ip D ~.~ PRCP~ ~55 ~~KT P~f (D~V ~E ~~3 FOR PRO~ON.~ S~q~ ACC OC~ 9~2) ~2~! C~ C~S DIST W~HCUSE Cost cf c~a~on mppc~ ~%e :.~%~: v~. i'f'ne es'dmamd propen'y ,.ax saving/for 1997 is $,*3,748. ,: Aczorcliag ro our agreem~L our f~ is ba.~d on a :oa,ingevv~y fe~ of 2~% of ~e ~rfi-aamd p:op~.-'.! tax sa-,-k~gs 1997. Please pay u~.e Total Du~ amour:t ahcwn a~ ~ top of tI~ page before 911/97. Il' you I~v~ TAX CALCLTATION >> T?.a ~d.~.~m,,~ pro.~ mx saviags tot 1997 is ~?.8. -. A~corfling to our ag:--'~.menk o= f~ ~s ba.s~d on a contingsncy f~ of 2S% cf th~ e..~amd pr¢.~.-:ry, mx sav~gs for 1997. Pie-sc pay ~e Tots/Du~ amount shown a.c '.he :op of t.~ pa.sc 5~fom 9/U97. !997 ~ro~ose. d wai~-.. 1997 .~al PROP~.~ V~UA~ON >> { $18.a3.~30 { $I3,2812~ ~ ~md prup~ ~ m~ far 1997 ~ $I~,473. According ua our agr -eamenr~ our fee is based on m contingency f~ of 25% of the e~timated prope.~-W tax savings' for 1997. P!ea.~ pay ~ To',.al D",m amount shown at ~e top of this pag, be. fore 9/1/97. BURR WOLFF, L.P. I WOICE A T~ ;kimi~--q Ps.,men.hip ~ ~ 7~7 D~. ~,~/~7 !6~ ~m~ ~n= P~av -%~'~90~-f~~9~':'~{ 56.687.~ I S~ 131 _'~ -' ;;- '"--¢', .... r" . -- %~m¢~, ~-I 38 ~ ] M~ ~ a: 2~ ~ L2. PRC~f ~: 21 (D~ ~,.~ = ~%~'~, ._,,, FOR PRO~SSIO~ COUA~ ~-TI~NT ~7 f41.41 PRO~T ACC OL~ 0690fC05 C~SS ~ o~ ne~o~o~ ~ ~ App~ D~.ct on 4/29/97, ~c 1997 p~opo~ pr~ v~,~ 1 ) Cos: of co~m~on suppc~ ~ iow~ v~. !99'~ .ero~se.d value :~7 ~ ,,,-al~ PROPERTY, VALL'ATION >> l $19'""0g'-~6~ { $13'263'927i raxm82~ J Tax ~ i -~-'~P~ I t:~.r,~d ~.¢..~ { ~ ~ ~ i I c-n'~ c, ~m .moi, a~.mI ,..s.~ ;, , I ~ i TJX CALCULATION >> nLm~ ~,c,~ TI'.., cs",_mamd PrOtm.,,-~y mx ~aviu§s for 1997 i~ $26,746. Ac¢or~g to our a~-ee.,--ent, our f~ is based on: a ¢ontL-~§cncy f~e of 15% of .C~ ~tlmamcl :>roi:e--./tax savings for 1997. pay uh¢ Total Du~ amount showu at the mp of:his .~agc b~.form 9/1/97.