DFW Trade B5/FP-CS 980105LANDSCAPE CONSULTANTS January 5, 1998 Mr. Pert Virtanen, Assistant Director The City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 RE: DFW Trade Center- Building "F" Landscape Submittal of January 5, 1998 Dear Mr. Virtanen: First of all, Happy New Year! Enclosed are our drawings for the proposed landscape at DFW Trade Center - Building "F". Please note that we have made these changes per the stipulations outlined during the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting last month: · Large Holly added for future loading dock screening. · Three foot high (3' ht) Earthen Berm added for future loading dock screening. · Provision for an additional 23 trees has been made at the time of the construction of the future loading dock. Proposed are seven (7) Cedar Elm 3" caliper and forty- eight (48) Yanpon Holly 6'-8' ht. · The future loading dock will be modified at a later date to provide the required amount of interior landscaping. · The fire lane has been added to the future loading dock area. · The Canaert's Red Cedar has been deleted since it is not required and it is not on the City's approved plant list. · The plans have been re-dated to January 5, 1998. I hope that these modifications will meet with your approval and the approval of City Council. Please call me if you have any questions or comments and thank you and Ms. Moro for all the assistance. Respectfully submitted, Michael Sullivan Landscape Consultants cc: Mr. Doug Johnson, IDI Mr. Robert Marshall, Goodwin & Marshall 16 18 SAN FR A N C IS C O / C AR R O L LT O N . TEXAS 75007 (9 7 2 ) 2 4 5- 04 4 4 FAX (9 7 2 ~ 2 4 5- 0 4 4 5