DFW Trade B5/FP-CS 980213 Cop~e~l. lexas 750~0 ~ /~ PO BOX 478 COPPELL. TEXAS 75019 Feb~ 13, 1998 Ci~ of ~~ P. O. ~x 951~ G~, T~ 76099 ........... -- ~: ~I ~du~ T~ Pursuant to our previous conversations, and th~ ono most receatly held on Tuesday, February 10, I will attempt outline what appears to be the final solu~on to the developmeat of the IDI property whose boundaries encompass areas of both the Cities of Cnapevine and Coppell. 1. Thc City of Grapevine will bc responsible for all site planning and site engineering activities and related processes. 2. The City of Coppell, for buildings wholly in Copper or pa~ially in CoppeR, will be responsible for all building inspection procedures, including shell construction. Thc IDI rcprcscatativcs, therefore, will bc dealing with your staffon any site planning issues, and thc City of Coppell staff for any building-related issues only. If you find this consistent with our conversation on Tuesday, February 10, please sign thc space provided below and return a copy to my office so it can bc dis~butcd to thc appropriate departments. Once again, I appreciate your patience and cooperation o~ this unusual matter. We look forward to working thc City of Grapevine in other areas of joint interest. I itt Cit~ Manager JW:kb APPROVED: Roger NeLson, City Manager .., City of Grapevine Coppell, Texas 75019 (~ ~ ) The City With A Beautiful Future//..__,,/COPPELL.P'O' BOX 478TEXAS 75019 972-462-0022 Fe, bmary 13, 1998 P,.oSer Ne, lsou City of~ P. O. Box 95104 G~e,, T~xas 76099 ~ RE: IDI Industrial Tract ~ Pursuaat t~ our pt~ou~ co~versatio~ ami th~ o~ most re~mtly he. Id o~ Tue~lay, February 10, I will attempt t~ outli~ wha~ appea~ to b~ th~ final solution to It~ d~volopme~t of tho IDI property who~ bouadarie~ eacoml~ areas of both tl~ Citie~ o£~ and Coppeil. 1. Tho City of~¢ will bo re~po~ibl~ for all ~ pimming and sit~ engineering activiti~ and related proce~s~. buildi~t inspection prcx:~lu.n~, iaclu,~in~ shell coasmz~oe. Coppell staff for any buildjng-r~lated issues only. If you ~ th~ coasisteat with our coav,Jrsatioa on Tuesday, Fcbruaxy 10, pl~se sign the space provided I~iow and r~mra a copy to my office so it can bo distributed to the appropriate depattmeats. the C~ of C.-apevine ia od~r anw ofjoi~t ~ / - City of ~