Enclaves/FP-AG 941129CITY COUNCIL MEETING~ AGENDA REQUEST FORM Noveln~e~ 29~ 1994 'r~mg # ITEM CAPTION= Discussion and consideration of potential single-family development on approximately 6 acres of land on the south side of Parkway Boulevard, east of Kid Country. SUBMITTRD BY: G~r¥ L. sie~ ~ TITLE: Dxrector of Planning & Co~unity Services INITIALS This xtem comes to Council as an outgrowth of an earlier worksh6p session. The potential developer of the tract under consideration will be available to offer a presentation and address any concerns of the Council. STAFF RECOMMENDATION EXPLAITATXON: &pproval Denial Bm~3BTMIT.$ FINANCIJ~L COMMENTS MiT, EST,$ +/- BUD:$ FINANCIAL REVIEW ~ CXTY MM~GBR REVZBW: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION FOR AGENDA ITEM STAMP RECEIVED BY CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED WITH .ITEM: MEMOS/LE~S/REPORTS/BILLS/MINUTE : NO, OF ORIGINALS REOUIRED 9 for a total of 16 pages CONTRACT/AGREEMENT ............ : C.I.P. CONTRACT .................. : CHANGE ORDERS ................. : 3 originals for signature 6 originals for signature 3 originals for signature ORDINANCE ' CAPTION ....................... : RESOLUTION ..................... : PROCLAMATION .................. : I blueback for signature + 3 copies I blueback for signature 2 blueback for signature + 1 copy 2 blueba~k for signatm~ + I SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (narrative) .... (over 10 pages or 5 double sided in length) LOCATION MAPS .................. : ZONING PLANS ................... : PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLATS .......... : SITE PLANS ...................... : LANDSCAPE PLANS ................ : ARCI-nTECTURAL RENDERINGS ....... : LENGTHY DOCUMP.,_NTS ............. : (zoning, subdivision ordinance, master plans) DATE PUBLISHED IN THE CITIZFaNS' ADVOCATE: (to meet legal requirements prior to consideration by council) NOTIFICATION TO: n/a METHOD OF CONTACT: n/a NOTES leach 19 + ori a 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Agenda Request Distribution- Revised 1/94 FAX KD¥ICF. ~ 0 Box 478 Coppeu Texas 750~9 214-462-0022 FAX NO. 21~/393-09&8 PLEASE DELIVER TIlE FOLOb~ PAGES TO: NANE:~ FIRN: ~ mm,m or r~,'~s (mcumnm cov~ s,,,~:) :~