Eckerd/PP,SPRv-AG 980714 ~.,~ ~:~__~Z~zCr~.~ AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: July 14, 1998 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Eckerd, Site Plan and Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of an 11,200 square foot retail building on 1.52 acres of property located at the southeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Parkway Boulevard. APPROVED BY ,~ CiTY COUNCIL~-~ SUBMITTED~~'~ DATE. ,,~-/~/~: TITLe. Direct~and Community Services STAFF RE CO~'M-~]~: APPROVAL STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: June 18, 1998 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (4-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, Stewart, Lowry and McCaffrey voting in favor. None opposed. Commissioners Kittrell and Turner were absent. Commissioner DeFilippo resigned. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FOR CONDITIONS. Agenda Request Form- Revised 3~98 -Document Name: ®eckerd.pps _ _. AGENDA REQUEST NARRATIVE Approval subject to the following recommended conditions: SITE PLAN APPROVAL: 1) The construction of two walls symmetrically placed on each side of Town Center Boulevard identifying Town Center in the same architectural style of the existing wall to the north of the proposed site which will be torn down. No tenant signage on either wall. This wall design will need to be provided before consideration by City Council on July 14th. 2) Matching of the brick on the building with that on the existing decorative wall. 3) Redesign of the proposed screen wall on the east side of the property to match the style of the existing decorative wall. +'~- ":~- -- +'~" west face). (CONDTION MET) 6) An increase in the amount of landscaping adjacent to the northeast corner of the building to lessen the visual impact of the blank wall of the building. 7) Screening of mechanical equipment, undergrounding of any additional electric facilities, and placement of utility meters in inconspicuous locations. 8) Ifthe back of the gables is visible from ground level, they will be bricked to match the building. PRELIMINARY PLAT RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL WITHOUT CONDITIONS. CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: ECKERD, PRELIMINARY PLAT and SITE PLAN P & Z HEARING DATE: June 18, 1998 C.C. HEARING DATE: July 14, 1998 LOCATION: Southeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Parkway Boulevard. SIZE OF AREA: 1.52 acres; proposed 11,200 s.f. retail building CURRENT ZONING: TC (Town Center) REQUEST: Preliminary Plat and Site Plan approval. APPLICANT: Developer: Architect: North American Properties-SW The Richmond Group 14990 Landmark Blvd, Ste 300 12200 Stemmons Fwy, Ste 317 Dallas TX 75240-6729 Dallas TX 75234 972-866-9555 972-484-5977 Fax 972-866-9888 972-484-8641 HISTORY: A preliminary plat of the property and a site plan for a bank received approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council in late 1995. The Town Center Architectural Review Board approved those building plans on January 8, 1996. The preliminary plat expired on September 10, 1996. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is an existing six-lane divided thoroughfare contained within a 100'-wide right-of-way. Parkway Boulevard is a developed C4D, 4-lane divided collector in a 105-wide right-of- way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Stonemeade Estates; "SF-7" Single Family-7 South - Princeton Park Office Building; "TC" Town Center East - Fire Station #2; "TC" Town Center West- Huntington Ridge; "PD-SF-9" Planned Development, Single Family -9 Item # 15 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for neighborhood retail use. DISCUSSION: Sixteen years ago the developers of over 750 acres of the city conceived of a Town Center to be bounded by Sandy Lake Road, Denton Tap Road, Parkway Boulevard, and Heartz Road. The resulting Town Center District was established to provide a focal point for the community. Clearly the creation of an Architectural Review Board and the requirement that the Planning and Zoning Commission, as well as the City Council, approve all non- residential site plans indicated an intention that property within the TC District be held to highest development standards. The most prominent site within the district is the Frost Bank comer, formerly Overton Bank. The property under current review is the second most prominent corner. Its importance as an entry to the governmental portion of the district, including extensive park land, an elementary school, a library and city administrative facilities, is further heightened by a landmark gateway feature located at the northwest corner of the property with its mirror image at the southwest corner of Stonemeade Estates. The design of each side of this entry feature is of a traditional style consisting of 8 limestone columns, 3 brick wall sections and 4 decorative metal sections with undulating upper finials. It denotes quality, complements the Georgian architecture of the Coppell Town Center building, and promotes the City's objective of creating an "old world" look. The site plan for the Eckerds facility shows its portion of this entry feature to be removed from the property, leaving only half a gateway standing on the other side of Parkway Boulevard. In evaluating the removal of one landmark and its replacement with another, namely a commercial building, the obvious question to ask is whether or not the proposed commercial building denotes the same quality, complements the surrounding architecture and promotes the City's objectives. The planning staff is of the opinion that the proposed building is not of that quality and therefore will not support the removal of the gateway feature. This will require the rearrangement of 7 parking spaces (which, incidentally, can be done) so that the existing wall can be preserved. Furthermore, because of the importance of the wall feature, staff believes that the brick on the building should match the brick on the existing wall, and that the proposed screen wall on the east side of the property should have matching details, including limestone columns and a limited amount of decorative metal. Item # 15 The applicant has modified the proposed building significantly from the corporate prototype. There is more portico, more brick and considerably less blue in the finish materials than that shown on the drawings submitted originally. (CIVIC recommended that accent colors, such as blue, be limited to no more than 1% of the surface of any one facade and that signs be limited to neutral colors.) Staff will include in its recommendation increased landscaping at the northeast corner of the building to help hide the blank wall of the building and a slight reduction in the number of signs. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: The planning staff recommends approval of the site plan with the following conditions: 1) Retention of the existing decorative wall at the northwest corner of the site and rearrangement of parking spaces accordingly. 2) Matching of the brick on the building with that on the existing decorative wall. 3) Redesign of the proposed screen wall on the east side of the property to match the style of the existing decorative wall. 4) Restriction of all sign lettering to white or neutral colors. 5) Removal of the "Food Mart" sign from the west face of the building (since it duplicates the sign on the south face). 6) An increase in the amount of landscaping adjacent to the northeast corner of the building to lessen the visual impact of the blank wall of the building. 7) Screening of mechanical equipment, undergrounding of any additional electric facilities, and placement of utility meters in inconspicuous locations. Staff further recommends approval of the preliminary plat. ALTERNATIVES: Relative to the site plan: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request Item # 15 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date Relative to the preliminary plat: 1) Recommend approval 2) Recommend disapproval 3) Recommend modification ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site plan 2) Building elevations 3) Landscape plans Item # 15 ~ [ ~ gJ._. ~ BXISTING TREE' W/ 6"~ B, AS~= C.O. I \ = 28.28' \ S46°00'58" E 01°00'58" E\~,.. :CAT_=~ NTER BLVD. \ x XiST. 8H W / D[NTON TAP ROAD ~ ) C x