Enclaves/FP-CS 95062606/26/95 14:21 ~214 278 8187 WlLBOW-DALLAS ~002/009 WPC - PARKWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION June 26, 1995 Mr. Gary Sieb City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Subject: The Enclaves on the Parkway - Partial Payment for the Channel Wall Dear Gary: Pursuant to the Development and Maintenance Agreement between WPC - Parkway Developme~and the City of' Coppell, we are requesting paym~21,49200 pr 2,160 sq. ft., approximately 600 I.f., of milsa{~ been con- structed in Area B. I have attached a copy of our contract with Giles Masonry, copies of the invoices and copies Of the checks that we have written. If you have any questions or require any additional information please call me at 840-0953. Sincerely, Operations Manager enclosures BROADWAY * SUITE 125 · LOCKBOX 19 · GARLAND, 1T=XAS 75043 TELEPHONE (214) 840-0953 · FACSIMILE (214) 278..8187 06/26/95 14:22 ~,LIUix-~e~.I~.OuP~, .ti,iL. , 278 8187 WI LBOR-DALLA$ ~] 003/009 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS CITY OF COPPELI~ TEXAS This a~reement made this day and entered late by and between WPC-P~WAY DEVI~LOPM]~NT COP,.PORATION party of the first part, hereinat%er re_+'e, rred to as "Owner" and GILES ]VtASO~Y party of the second part, hereL~afler referred to as "Contractor". WITN]~S St[TH Contractor agrees to furnish all labor, max~ials, tools and necessa-,7 equipment for the construction of the stone gravity retalni~ walls/n the Bnclave~ on the Parkway Addition az ~hovm on Sheet _~L_of !1__ of the construction plans prepared by Dowdcy, Anderson & Associates, Inc. emtitlcd The Enclave~ on the Parkway, Coppell, Texas, City of CoppeJl Standard Speci/ications and the attached Proposal 0ixh/bit "A") approved by the City of Coppell, Texas. Said work to be done under the supervision of the City of Coppell and more speGifical[y described as the construction of the stone gravity retaJrdng walls the Enclaves on the Parkway Addition, CoppeH, Texas. The Owner shall have the fight to dire~t that said installation be made in conformity with thc layout, plans and specifications approved and inspired by the City of Coppell. Owner agrees to pay the Contractor for sa/d work the sum of Ninety Thousand Eight Hundred Seven and $0/100 Dollars ($90,807.80) to be pa/d on a unit price basis in accordance w/th the attached Proposal ( F.,xhibit "A"). On the twenty-fourth (24th) day of each month parfia~ estimates shall be prepared including all of the completed work plus all of the material on hand for the uncompleted portion and shall be paid in full, ie~s ten percent (liPA) retainage, not later than the tenth (10th) day of the following month. A final eatimate shall be prepared immediately upon completion of~he work and shall be paid w/thin §teen (15) days of acceptance of the work by the City of Coppei[. It is agreed by both parties to this agreement that any and all costs of litigation to obtain monies due the Contractor shall be at the expense of the Owner. The Contract is based on all engineering, grades, easements, inspection fees. testing and alignments being furnished by the Owner. together with all necessary permits and fees from the City, County, State or other inter.ted parties, The Contramor agrees to maintain at Contractor's sole cost and expense comprehensive general liability insurance coverage of not less than $i,000,000 and Workers Compensation Insurance coverage and to provide the Owner with certificates of insurance evidencing said coverage. 06/26/95 14:22 'J~214 278 8187 WILBOW-DALLAS ~]004/009 ILl..-2,. ./.,.../. '-i. ,./, MI ,.~ ' J,. ,.2 J- '-t ,,.' ~.~. i ~ .~- '.-, .-,, ~ ~'-' ' ' '-" ........ ~ Owner and Contractor state this i$a separated oontract and it is hereby understood that Owner intends to donate all s~t r/Ijht-of-way as shown on the subdivision plat and material installed ia said risht-of-w&y and easem~ts to the City of Coppell. The City of Coppcll intends to agent the property and matel/als b~ore the subdivision is incorporated into the City or used by the Contractor or Owner. In testimony whereofWPC-PARKWAY DEVF. LOPMENT CORPORATION, Owner and OILJ/$ ld_A~OI~IP.Y, Contractor, herei)y bind th~nseJves, their heirs, su~ors, assilp~s and r~pr~s~lti¥~s For tl~ full p~forrnsnce of'th~ terms and provisions of this contract, jointly ~d s~verslly. F..X~CUTED this ~ day of'_ .,~~ ~ 1995. WPC-PARKWAY DEVELOPMI/lqT CORPORATION G~LES MASONRY 3960 Broadway Suite 125 Garland, Tucas 75043 (214)g40-0953 By: David P,. Blom President 1721 W. Piano Parkway Suite 100 Piano, Texas 75075 (214)S81-1941 ~214 278 8187 WILBOW-DALLAS I r'l. · ,I.--,~..L~--~t~-- &,-~/~4 CONTIO, CTOR'$ YROI~OS-~ 4,260 sq.~ 9.95/s.f. 42,387.00 Wall 450 sq.tt. 10.00/s.f. ~ ~gk~ BiD S90,807.80 ~005/009 shall provide structural engineering plato to the City of Copp¢ll for approval. ~214 278 8187 WILBOW-DALLAS ~]006/009 g214 278 8187 WILBOW-DALLA$ 007/009 278 8187 WILBOW-DALLAS c..I- · .L--./-.LLI.--DO~)-- J,~) J-~l' ~008/009 ! 06/26/95 14:24 '[~214 278 8187 WILBOW-DALLAS ~]009/009 ~A~AY D~ELOPM~ CORPOra, INC.