Enclaves/FP-CS 950417KASHIR & KRAGE, L.L.R ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 2001 BRYAN TOWER SUITE 2700 DALLAS, TEXAS 75P01-3059 2i4/969-7500 214/22o-o25o April 17, 1995 HAND DELIVERED Robert L. Dillard, III, Esq. Nichols, Jackson, Dillard, Hager & Smith, L.L.P. 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 North Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75201 Re: The Enclaves on the Parkway, a proposed addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas Dear Mr. Dillard: In connection with the development of The Enclaves on the Park- way, you will find enclosed herewith a copy of the Development and Maintenance Agreement that was recorded in Volume 95067, Page 03601 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, CDK/dgh Enclosure Cyril D. Kasmir cc: Mr. David R. Blom President WPC - Parkway Development Corporation (Via telecopier to 278-8187 [without enclosure] and regular mail [with enclosure]) KASMIR & KRAGE~ L.L.P. Robert L. Dillard, III, Esq. April 17, 1995 Page 2 Mr. Jim Witt City Manager City of Coppell (Via regular mail) (With enclosure) William A. Anderson, P.E. Dowdey, Anderson and Associates, Inc. (Via regular mail) (With enclosure) ws3\1163 WHEREAS, the Developer and the Channel Tract Owner are devel- oping the Single-Family Tract and the Channel Tract into a single-family residential addition to the City to be known as "The Enclaves on the Parkway" (hereinafter called the "Subdivision"), in accordance with the Final Plat of The Enclaves on the Parkway that will be reviewed and approved by the City and that will be recorded in the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas (hereinafter called the "Final Plat"); and WHEREAS, the Homeowners' Association has been formed for the purpose of maintaining the areas of the Subdivision that will be desig- nated as Lots C-1, C-2 and C-3 in Block A on the Final Plat (hereinafter collectively called the "Common Areas"); and WHEREAS, the Parties have agreed to cooperate in the develop- ment and maintenance of portions of the Single-Family Tract and of the Channel Tract in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Devel- opment and Maintenance Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises, the agreements that are set forth herein and other good and valuable consid- eration, the receipt, sufficiency and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: (1) RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are true, correct and complete and constitute the basis for this Development and Maintenance Agreement and they are incorporated into this Development and Mainte- nance Agreement for all purposes. (2) DESIGN OF THE IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall retain the necessary parties and shall coordinate and supervise the preparation of the plans for the improvements that are to be made to the Single-Family Tract and the Channel Tract in accordance with this Development and Maintenance Agreement (hereinafter collectively called the "Development Plans"), at the sole cost and expense of the Developer. The Development Plans shall be subject to the prior written approval of all of the other Parties, which approval shall not be unreasonably with- held. The Development Plans may not be amended or revised without the prior written approval of all of the Parties, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 2 of 16 Pages CDK-ws3\ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95067 03602 DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT This Development and Maintenance Agreement is entered into nb=~n TOTL and among the following: aoot 7819 O0000OO 7363 (1) CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS (hereinafter called the "City"); (2) WPC - PARKWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORA- TION, a Texas corporation (hereinafter called the "Developer"); Sl.OC (3) PARKWAY/COPPELL PROPERTY CORPORA- TION, a Texas corporation (hereinafter called the "Channel Tract Owner"); and (4) HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC., a Texas non-profit corporation (hereinafter called the "Homeowners' Association"). The City, the Developer the Channel Tract Owner and the Home- owners' Association are hereinafter individually referred to as a "Party" and collectively referred to as the "Parties". WITNE88ETH: WHEREAS, the Developer is the owner of that certain approxi- mately 5.843 acre tract of real property that is located in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, the legal description of which tract is marked Exhibit A - Legal Description of the 5.843 Acre Single-Family Tract, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, and a map of which tract is marked Exhibit B - Map of the 5.843 Acre Single- Family Tract, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (hereinafter called the "Single-Family Tract"); and WHEREAS, the Channel Tract Owner is the owner of that certain approximately 2.729 acre tract of real property that is located in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, the legal description of which tract is marked Exhibit C - Legal Description of the 2.729 Acre Channel _Tr~act., attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, and a map of which tract is marked Exhibit D - Map of the 2.729 Acre Channel Tract, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (hereinafter called the "Channel Tract"); and DEVELOPMENT AND ~/)/~//~t~// ~ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 1 of 16 Pages ,,,~ .,~- CDK-ws3 \ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95067 03601 (3) BUDGET FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall retain the necessary parties and shall coordinate and supervise the preparation of the budget for the improvements that are to be made to the Single-Family Tract and the Channel Tract in accordance with the Development Plans (hereinafter collectively called the "Development Budget"), at the sole cost and expense of the Developer. The Develop- ment Budget shall be subject to the prior written approval of all of the other Parties, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Development Budget may not be amended or revised without the prior written approval of all of the Parties, which approval shall not be unrea- sonably withheld. (4) CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall retain the necessary parties and shall coordinate and supervise the construction of all of the improvements that are to be made to the Single- Family Tract and the Channel Tract in accordance with the Development Plans and the Development Budget. The contracts for the construction of the improvements that are to be made to the Single-Family Tract and the Channel Tract (hereinafter collectively called the "Construction Contracts") shall be executed by the Developer and shall be subject to the prior written approval of all of the Parties, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Construction Contracts may not be amended or revised without the prior written approval of all of the Par- ties, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The construc- tion of the improvements that are to made to the Single-Family Tract and the Channel Tract shall be performed in accordance with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, orders and restrictions of the City. The Developer shall obtain all necessary permits, licenses and approvals from all requisite governmental authorities. (5) AREA A ON THE DEVELOPMENT MAP. The following improvements (hereinafter collectively called the "Area A Improvements") shall be made by the Developer to the portion of the Single-Family Tract that is designated as "Area A" (hereinafter called "Area A") on the Devel- opment Map which is marked Exhibit E '- Development Map, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (hereinafter called the "Development Map"): DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 3 of 16 Pages CDK-w~3 \ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 95067 03603 (A) Five foot (5') wide sidewalk of approximately one thousand sixty (1,060) lineal feet; (B) Grass established by hydromulch of approxi- mately thirty-one thousand eight hundred (31,800) square feet; (C) System to irrigate approximately thirty-one thousand eight hundred (31,800) square feet; (D) Seventeen (17) two inch (2") Caliper trees as listed in the streetscape plan submitted with the Final Plat; and (E) Milsap stone "hard edge" of approximately one thousand eighty (1,080) lineal feet which will extend eighteen inches (18") above the water surface and eighteen inches (18") below the water surface with a twelve inch (12") base. The Area A Improvements shall be completed within one hundred twenty (120) working days following the approval of the Development Plans and the Development Budget by all of the Parties. The cost of the Area A Improvements shall be paid by the Devel- oper; provided, however, that the City shall pay and apply the park fee that will be paid by the Developer to the City upon the approval and recordation of the Final Plat in the amount of Twenty-Six Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-Five Dollars ($26,985.00) to the Developer to reimburse the Developer for a portion of the cost of the Area A Improvements that are set forth above in Subsections (A), (B), (C) and (D) of this Section (5) upon completion of the Area A Improvements. Until the completion of the Area A Improvements and the Area B Improvements (which term is hereinafter defined), the Developer shall be responsible for the maintenance of Area A, the Area A Improvements and the Common Areas. Upon the completion of the Area A Improvements and the Area B Improvements, the Homeowners' Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of Area A, the Area A Improvements and the Common Areas. The Developer will require the builder which is constructing houses on the Single-Family Tract to install a five foot (5') high decorative metal fence in general conformance in design and appearance with existing adjacent fencing along the rear of lots in Area A as each appli- cable dwelling unit is completed. DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 4 of 16 Pages 95067 0360 CDK-w~3\ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM (6) AREA B ON THE DEVELOPMENT MAP. The following improvements (hereinafter collectively called the "Area B Improvements") shall be made by the Developer to the areas that are designated as (hereinafter collectively called "Area B") on the Development "Area B" Map: {A) Grass established by hydromulch of approxi- mately thirty-four thousand nine hundred fifty (34,950) square feet in the portion of Area B that is adjacent to the Parkview Addition and approximately seventeen thousand two hundred (17,200) square feet in the portion of Area B that is adjacent to the Pecan Hollow Addition; and (B) Milsap stone "hard edge" of approximately seven hundred fifteen (715} lineal feet in the portion of Area B that is adjacent to the Parkview Addition and approximately five hundred thirty-five (535) lineal feet in the portion of Area B that is adja- cent to the Pecan Hollow Addition which will extend eighteen inches (18") above the water surface and eighteen inches {18") below the water surface with a twelve inch (12") base. The Area B Improvements shall be completed within one hundred twenty (120) working days following the approval of the Development Plans and the Development Budget by all of the Parties. The cost of the Area B Improvements shall initially be paid by the Developer; provided, however, that the City shall reimburse the Devel- oper for the cost of the Area B Improvements in an amount that shall not exceed Forty-Four Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-Eight Dollars ($44,588.00} immediately after payments are made by the Developer in accordance with the applicable Construction Contracts. Any additional improvements that the City deems necessary or desirable shall be paid in full by the City. Until the completion of the Area A Improvements and the Area B Improvements, the Developer shall be responsible for the maintenance of Area B and the Area B Improvements. Upon the completion of the Area A Improvements and the Area B Improvements, the City shall be responsi- ble for the maintenance of Area B and the Area B Improvements. (7) AREA C ON THE DEVELOPMENT MAP. The following improvements (hereinafter collectively called the "Area C Improvements") shall be made by the Developer to the area that is designated as "Area C" DEVELOPMENT AND /~/}1~/ ~ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT- Page 5 of 1/5 Pages ,,-,, ~- CDK-w~\ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95O67 03605 (hereinafter called "Area C") on the Development Map (which Area C is designated as Lot 23, Block A on the Final Plat): (A) Installation of approximately four hundred thirty (430) lineal feet of storm sewer not to exceed sixty inches (60") in diameter; and (B) Grass established by hydromulch of approxi- mately nineteen thousand (19,000) square feet. The Area C Improvements shall be completed within one hundred twenty (120) working days following the approval of the Development Plans and the Development Budget by all of the Parties. The cost of the Area C Improvements shall initially be paid by the Developer; provided, however, that the City shall reimburse the Devel- oper for the cost of the Area C Improvements immediately after payments are made by the Developer in accordance with the applicable Construc- tion Contracts. Upon completion of the Area C Improvements, the Channel Tract Owner will convey Area C to the City. Beginning upon the completion of the Area C Improvements, the City shall be responsible for the maintenance of Area C and the Area C Improvements. (8) CHANNEL TRACT. The following improvements (hereinafter collectively called the "Channel Tract Improvements") shall be made by the Developer to the Channel Tract: (A) Channel excavation of approximately eight thou- sand one hundred (8,100) cubic yards of mate- rial to dimensions of a forty-eight inch (48") wide top, 3:1 side slopes and a depth of eight inches (8"); and (B) Disposal of unusable vegetation of approxi- mately four thousand two hundred (4,200) cubic yards of material. The Channel Tract Improvements shall be completed within one hundred twenty (120) working days following the approval of the Devel- opment Plans and the Development Budget by all of the Parties. The cost of the Channel Tract Improvements shall be paid by the Developer. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 6 of 16 Pages CDK-ws3\ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95067 03606 Beginning upon the completion of the Channel Tract Improve- ments, the City shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Channel Tract, except for the portion of the channel Tract which is designated as Area A, which Area A shall be maintained initially by the Developer and then by the Homeowners' Association. 19) AERATION PUMP. The Developer shall install an aeration pump (hereinafter called the "Aeration Pump"} at the location that is shown on the Development Map in' accordance with the specifications and requirements of the City. The Aeration Pump shall be installed within one hundred twenty (120} working days following the approval of the Development Plans and the Development Budget by all of the Parties. The cost of the Aeration Pump shall be paid by the Developer. Beginning upon the completion of installation of the Aeration Pump, the City shall be responsible for the payment of the operating costs of the Aeration Pump and the maintenance of the Aeration Pump that is required in addition to the manufacturer's warranty of the Aera- t. ion Pump. (10} RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES. Neither this Development and Maintenance Agreement nor the actions of the Parties are intended or shall be deemed or construed by any of the Parties or by any third party to create an agency relationship, general or limited partnership, joint venture or any association among the Parties. The relationship among the Parties shall be limited to the performance of the specific obligations that are described in and contemplated by this Development and Maintenance Agreement in accordance with the terms of this Devel- opment and Maintenance Agreement. (11) COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. The Parties shall each perform their specific obligations that are described in and contemplated by this Development and Maintenance Agreement strictly in accordance with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, orders and restric- tions. Each of the Parties shall obtain all necessary permits, licenses, approvals and/or exemptions from all requisite governmental authorities prior to the implementation of the respective action with respect to which such approval, license, permit, authorization or exemption is required. DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 7 of 16 Pages CDK-w~3\ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95067 036O7 I (12) INDEMNIFICATION. Each of the Parties hereby indemnifies the other Parties and agrees to hold each of them harmless from any and ail claims, actions, causes of action, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable attomeys' fees and expenses) that are incurred by or asserted against ail of the other Parties in connection with or with respect to the performance of the specific obligations that are described in and contemplated by this Development and Mainte- nance Agreement that are caused by the negligence, willful misconduct or fraud of that respective Party or the officers, directors, employees or authorized agents of that respective Party. (13) COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE LAND. The specific obligations of the Developer that are described in and contemplated by this Development and Maintenance Agreement shall be obligations that shall run with the Single-Family Tract and shail be binding on ail parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Single-Family Tract or any part thereof. Upon the completion of the Developer's obligations under this Development and Maintenance Agreement, the Parties will execute and deliver to the Developer a release of this Development and Maintenance Agreement in recordable fo,u, with respect only to Lots i through 21, inclusive, in Block A of the Single-Family Tract as shown on the Finai Plat. (14) NO ASSIGNMENT. None of the Parties may assign any of its respective rights, duties, responsibilities or obligations under this Devel- opment and Maintenance Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Parties. (15) FORCE MAJEURE. None of the Parties shall be deemed to be in breach of this Development and Maintenance Agreement in the event that it is prevented from performing any of its duties, responsibili- ties or obligations hereunder as a result of acts of God, inclement weather, riots, strikes, fires, storms, public disturbances or any rule, regulation, statute or ordinance of the federal government, the State of Texas, the County of Dailas, the City and/or any agency or instrumental- ity of them having jurisdiction over the Parties or over the Single-Family Tract, the Common Areas or the Channel Tract. DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 8 of 16 Pages 95067 CDK-ws3 \ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 03608 (16} ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Development and Maintenance Agreement and the attached exhibits, which are incorporated herein for all purposes, supersede any and all other understandings and agree- ments, either oral or in writing, among the Parties with respect to the development and maintenance of the Single-Family Tract, the Common Areas and the Channel Tract and constitute the sole and only agreement among the Parties with respect to the development and maintenance of the Single-Family Tract, the Common Areas and the Channel Tract. All prior negotiations and agreements among the Parties with respect to the development and maintenance of the Single-Family Tract, the Common Areas and the Channel Tract, including, but not limited to, the various correspondence among the Parties, are merged into this Development and Maintenance Agreement. Each Party to this Development and Maintenance Agreement acknowledges that no representations, induce- ments, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any Party or by anyone acting on behalf of any Party, which are not embodied in this Development and Maintenance Agreement and that any agreement, statement or promise that is not contained in this Develop- ment and Maintenance Agreement shall not be valid or binding or of any force or effect. (17) GENDER AND NUMBER. Words of any gender that are used in this Development and Maintenance Agreement shall be held and construed to include any other gender, and words in the singular num- ber shall be held to include the plural, and vice versa, unless the context requires otherwise. (18) MODIFICATION. No change or modification of this Develop- ment and Maintenance Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the Parties unless the change or modification is in writing and signed by all of the Parties. (19) HEADINGS. The headings that are used in this Development and Maintenance Agreement are used for reference and convenience purposes only and do not constitute substantive matters to be consid- ered in construing the terms and provisions of this Development and Maintenance Agreement. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 9 of 16 Pages ,.. CDK-ws3\ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95067 03609 (20) TEXAS LAW TO APPLY. THIS DEVELOPMENT AND MAIN- TENANCE AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY, CONSTRUED AND ENFORCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS (EXCLUDING ANY CONFLICTS-OF-LAW RULE OR PRINCIPLE OF TEXAS LAW THAT MIGHT REFER THE GOVERNANCE, CONSTRUCTION OR INTERPRETATION OF THIS DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT TO THE LAWS OF ANOTHER STATE). (21) LEGAL CONSTRUCTION. In the event that any one or more of the te~-~s, provisions or agreements that are contained in this Devel- opment and Maintenance Agreement shall be held by a Court of compe- tent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect for any reason, the invalid, illegal or unenforceable te,~, provision or agreement shall not affect any other term, provision or agreement that is contained in this Development and Maintenance Agreement and this Development and Maintenance Agreement shall be construed as if the invalid, illegal or unenforceable term, provision or agreement had never been contained herein. The Parties acknowledge that each Party and its counsel have reviewed this Development and Maintenance Agreement and that the normal rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting Party shall not be employed in the interpre- tation of this Development and Maintenance Agreement or any amend- ment hereto. No provision of this Development and Maintenance Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by any of the Parties unless the waiver is in writing and signed by the Parties. No custom or practice which may evolve among the Parties during the te~iA of this Development and Maintenance Agreement shall be deemed or construed to waive or lessen the right of any of the Parties to insist upon strict compliance with the terms of this Development and Maintenance Agreement. (22) NOTICE. Any notice that is required or permitted to be given or delivered under this Development and Maintenance Agreement shall be deemed to be given or delivered only when actually received by the Party to whom the notice is addressed or when actually delivered to the address of that Party, as evidenced by a receipt signed by a person at the MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 10 of 16 Pages CDK-ws3\1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95067 036 lO I appropriate address, at the addresses that are set forth below, or at any other addresses that they have theretofore specified by written notice delivered in accordance herewith: (A} Notice to the City shall be addressed and delivered as follows: CITY OF COPPELL 255 PARKWAY BOULEVARD COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 ATTENTION: JIM WITT CITY MANAGER With a copy thereof addressed and delivered as follows: PETER G. SMITH, ESQ. NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. 1800 LINCOLN PLAZA 500 NORTH AKARD STREET DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 (B) Notice to the Developer shall be addressed and delivered as follows: WPC - PARKWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION C/O WILBOW CORPORATION INC. 3960 BROADWAY - SUITE 125 GARLAND, TEXAS 75043 ATTENTION: DAVID R. BLOM PRESIDENT With a copy thereof addressed and delivered as follows: CYRIL D. KASMIR, ESQ. KASMIR & KRAGE, L.L.P. 2001 BRYAN TOWER - SUITE 2700 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-3059 (c) Notice to the Channel TraCt Owner shall be addressed and delivered as follows: PARKWAY/COPPELL PROPERTY CORPORATION C/O WILBOW CORPORATION INC. 3960 BROADWAY - SUITE 125 GARLAND, TEXAS 75043 ATTENTION: DAVID R. BLOM PRESIDENT DEVELOPMENT AND iff/~0~//~//~ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 11 of 16 Pages ~ CDK-w~3 \ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95067 0361 I With a copy thereof addressed and delivered as follows: CYRIL D. IG~SMIR, ES(~. B~SMIR & KRAGE, L.L.P. 2001 BRYAN TOWER - SUITE 2700 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-3059 Notice to the Homeowners' Association shall be addressed and delivered as follows: HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC. C/O WIt,BOW CORPORATION INC. 3960 BROADWAY - SUITE 125 GARLAND, TEXAS 75043 A'FI'ENTION: DAVID R. BLOM PRESIDENT With a copy thereof addressed and delivered as follows: CYRIL D. KASMIR, ES(~. IQ~SMIR & KRAGE, L.L.P. 2001 BRYAN TOWER - SUITE 2700 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-3059 Rejection or other refusal to accept or the inability to deliver because of changed address of which no notice was actually received shall be deemed to be receipt of the notice. (23) PLACE OF PERFORMANCE AND VENUE. The duties, obli- gations and responsibilities of the Parties under this Development and Maintenance Agreement shall be and are perfoi~able in Dallas County, Texas. The Parties consent and agree that venue of any action brought in state or federal court under this Development and Maintenance Agreement shall be in Dallas County, Texas. (24) PARTIES BOUND. The terms, provisions and agreements that are contained in this Development and Maintenance Agreement shall apply to, be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective legal representatives, successors and assigns {when permitted). (25) ATTORNEYS' FEES. In the event that any of the Parties breaches any of the terms, provisions or agreements that are contained in this Development and Maintenance Agreement and the Parties become involved in litigation with regard to the breach of this Development and DEVELOPMENT AND ~ ~/, ~/~/~ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT- Page 12 of 16 Pagesw CD}[- s3\ 042-~2/g'~'-01:2'1 PM 95067 03612 I Maintenance Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to be paid · its reasonable attorneys fees. (P.6) NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. The only beneficiaries of this Development and Maintenance Agreement are the Parties and their respective legal representatives, successors and assigns (when per- mitted). None of the Parties intends to create, or will create, any other third party beneficiaries of this Development and Maintenance Agreement. (27) DATES OF PERFORMANCE. In the event that the final date of any period, any date of performance or any deadline that is set forth in this Development and Maintenance Agreement falls on a Saturday, Sunday, State of Texas legal holiday or federal legal holiday, then the date or deadline, as the case may be, shall be extended to the next following day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, State of Texas legal holiday or federal legal holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, acting under the authority of its governing body, has executed t~is Development and Maintenance Agreement on thi~ the ~,~ ~y of ~/~~,1995, to be effective as of the.Z~ ~y of _~aA~, 1995. ~ CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS NAME 7'0t~ BI O~ ~'~ TITLE ~ ~ ~ ~ ATTEST: NAME: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: cETER O. SMITH I TY ATTO RN EY /) ~J~--~/~ DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 13 of 16 Pa es ~DK-w~3\ 1042~03/02/95-01:20 PM 95067 03613 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WPC - PARKWAY DEVELOPMENT COR- PORATION, the Developer, has executed this Development and Mainte- nance Agreement on this the,~-~day of /~/~ , 1995, to be effective as of the ~f~day of ~ , 1995. WPC - PARKWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION DEVELOPER BY: ,~~ ~- ~ DAVID R. BLOM PRESIDENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, PARKWAY/COPPELL PROPERTY COR- PORATION, the Channel Tract Owner, has executed this Development and Maintenance Agreement on this the ~_~__~day of ~ ~, 1995, to be effective as of the ~ay of ~/~ , 1995. PARKWAY/COPPELL PROPERTY CORPORATION CHANNEL TRACT OWNER BY: DAVID R. BLOM PRESIDENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC., the Homeowners' Association, has executed this Development and Maintenance Agreement on this the ,~- day of ~~ , 1995, to be effective as of the ;~-~day of ~ , 1995. HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC. HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION BY: ~~-~, DAVID R. BLOM PRESIDENT DEVELOPMENT AND ~ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 14 of 16 Pages CDK-w~3\ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95O67 03611 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This Development and M~_ntenance Agreer~ent,was acknowledged before me on this the 5~ day of /4/)/-, ! , 1995, by T~.v~. ~-~ , the D~~e_~ ' of the cITY OF COPPELL, TEXAs, on behalf of the CITY'0?/~OPP~EL~TF~S. ~ My Coml~issipn Expires: . (Print Name) .... "'-. ..... ~.' ,'~7~- '-. · '~.'~"~,;.~ r. ".~. ' · i'i':'a,- .-"' STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This Development.~]~ Mainten~r~e Agr~,_ement was acknowledged before me on this the ZD"~day of [~ ~ , 1995, by DAVID R. BLOM, the President of WPC - PARKWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORA- TION, a Texas corporation, on behalf of said corporation. NOTARY PU~.LIC STATE OF TEXAS · - J(Print Name) My Commission~.l~xpires: -7- 1 . STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This Development ._an~[ Maintena2}~c_e At~,e_ement was acknowledged before me on this the 2.~_x~'"day of ~~ , 1995, by DAVID R. BLOM, the President of PARKWAY/COPPELL PROPERTY CORPORATION, a Texas corporation, on behalf of said corporation. NO~,RY PU~.L~¥~STATE OF TEXAS ~ (Print Name) My Commission Expires: MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 15 of 16 Pages CDK-ws3 \ 1042-03/02/95-01:21 PM 95067 03615 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This Development and Maintenance Agreement was acknowledged before me on this the ~day of ~~1~ , 1995, by DAVID R. BLOM, the President of HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC., a Texas non-profit corporation, on behalf of said non-profit corporation. ~~-~*e-~NdTARY ]~UBLIC STATE OF TEXAS L~I-[ ~'71'1 Notay Public, State of Texas  My Comm. Expi~ 07-11-96 [t-'1'1n1:; My Commission Expires: UPON RECORDATION RETURN TO: CYRIL D. KASMIR, ES(}. KASMIR 8s KRAGE, L.L.P. 2001 BRYAN TOWER - SUITE 2700 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-3059 DEVELOPMENT AND . ~//~ ~ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page 16 of 16 Pages CDK-ws3\1042- 3/02/95-01:21 PM 95067 03616 EXHIBIT~ TO THE DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE 5.843 ACRE SINGLE- FAMILY TRACT EXHIBIT B - MAP OF THE 5.843 ACRE SINGLE-FAMILY TRACT EXHIBIT C- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE 2.729 ACRE CHANNEL TRACT EXHIBIT D - MAP OF THE 2.729 ACRE CHANNEL TRACT EXHIBIT E - DEVELOPMENT MAP EXHIBITS TO THE DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Page Solo CDK-ws3 \ 1042.-03/02/95-01:21 PM EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE $.843 ACRE SINGLE-FAMILY TRACT BEING a tract of land situated in the Clarinda Squires Survey, Abstract No. 1327 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of a 66.6453 acre tract of land as conveyed to ABQ Development Corporation in Volume 88103, Page 2326 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING, at a l/o,, iron rod for comer on the south line of Parkway Boulevard (an 88 foot right-of-way), said point being the northeast comer of Lot 15 in Block "B" of Parks of Coppell, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 93093, Page 1531, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas said point also being in a curve to the right running in an easterly direction and having a central angle of 11 degrees 36 minutes 44 seconds a radius of 2156.00 feet and a chord bearing of N 80 degrees 57 minutes 51 seconds E; THENCE, along said curve, and the said south line of Parkway Boulevard, 436.96 feet to the end of said curve, a 1/2" rod for comer; 1. S 03 degrees 13 minutes 47 seconds E 2.55 feet leaving the said south line of Parkway Boulevard to a 1/2" iron rod for comer; 2. S 03 degrees 10 minutes 34 seconds W 123.82 feet to a 1/2, iron rod for comer; 3. S 03 degrees 06 minutes 37 seconds W 113.98 feet to a 1/2 iron rod for comer; 4. S 02 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds W 124.02 feet to a 1/2,, iron rod for comer; 5. S 08 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds E 144.35 feet to a 1/~, iron rod for comer; 6. S 05 degrees $7 minutes 56 seconds W 95.82 feet to a 1/~, iron rod for comer; 7. S 19 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds W 29.37 feet to a W' iron rod for comer; 8. S 86 degrees 55 minutes 17 seconds W 47.53 feet to a 1/2: iron rod for comer; 9. S 88 degrees 31 minutes 31 seconds W 130.07 feet to a 1/~. iron rod for comer; 10. S 88 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds W 124.31 feet to a 1/~,, iron rod for comer; 11. S 88 desrees 57 minutes 16 seconds W 8.06 feet to a 1/~. iron rod for corner; THENCE N 76 degrees 30 minutes 48 seconds W 97.81 feet to a W' iron rod for comer, said point being on the east line of the said Parks of Coppell; THENCE N 00 degrees 52 minutes 32 seconds W 546.56 feet along the said east line of Parks of Coppell to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 5.843 acres (254,502 square feet) of land. EXHIBIT A ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE 5.843 ACRE SINGLE-FAMILY TRACT - Page Solo 95067 03618 EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT "B" - MAP OF 5. 843ACRE SINGLE -FAMILY TRACT  Z~ - 14'04'51' R - 2156.00' _ T - 266.27~ L - 529.85 ,, CIT¥ OF coPPEL't' ~ '--"~~~- ~c LE:I =100' ........~" .~_.__~BOUL EVARD \ tOT coMMON ARIA / --- ~.2.55' ?C'" .I ,o .,'--"'"'-° ', m ..... .,.. r.;,-,,-_r..---~ ~.J,-.J'.. "-.,~.~ _ ,;7 /t ,8' ~ ,o"- .;_, ',>~ ~ -_,.,_-,-' -~, . ,j ~1.:. , % 7.m 'i . --I ~l; / ,. I I',l I , ' ,,,'" "' ~._ .ue~'._ ....... ?~v_ ~ ~' '~ ' ;;',t,4,",;',.; ;o ... ,. ., . ,c,,, ~, ,, ,-~.~ LU I~'''''''"''''' ., I~ M,N. ~, ~.~ /~_; ,", ..__L ...... :!,9 Iz ,~,,~,. . __1~, ~ . ' . ~ ' ~ COMMON /.~1' 12 MIN,. Ir..~ 4~,~.4 91.81" /- EXHIBIT "B" - MAP OF 5.843 ACRE SINGLE-FAMILY TRACT - Page 95067 O3619 Solo CDK-3/22/95 EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT C - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE 2.729 ACRE CHANNEL TRACT BEING a tract of land situated in the Clarinda Squires Survey, Abstract No. 1327 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and being part of a tract of land as described in a deed from Good Financial Corpo- ration to M. Douglas Adkins, Trustee, as recorded in Volume 76188, Page 2355 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more par- ticularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found for comer on the south line of Parkway Boulevard (an 88 foot right-of-way) said point being the north- west comer of Lot 1 in Block 4 of Parkview Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 88081, Page 1944 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said point also being 90.04 feet west of the intersection of the said south line of Parkway Boulevard with the west line of Alex Drive (a 50 foot right-of-way); THENCE S. 00 degrees 56 minutes 25 seconds E., 646.78 feet along the west line of the said Parkview Addition to a W' iron rod found for comer; THENCE N. 89 degrees 03 minutes 35 seconds E., 230.00 feet along the south line of the said Parkview Addition to a W' iron rod found for comer, said point being the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 14 degrees 29 minutes 32 seconds a radius of 435.00 feet and a chord bearing of S. 83 degrees 41 minutes 39 seconds E.; THENCE along said curve, and continuing along the said south line of Parkview Addition, 110.03 feet to the end of said curve, a W' iron rod found for comer, said point being the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 05 degrees 49 minutes 42 seconds a radius of 665.00 feet and a chord bearing of S. 79 degrees 21 minutes 44 seconds E.; THENCE along said curve, and continuing along the said south line of Parkview Addition, 67.64 feet to the end of said curve, a W' iron rod found for comer on the west line of said Parkview Addition; THENCE S. 00 degrees 56 minutes 25 seconds E., 22.59 feet along the said west line of Parkview Addition to a "X" cut in conc. found for comer, said point being on the north line of Pecan Hollow, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 90139, Page 2914 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE S. 89 degrees 03 minutes 35 seconds W., 930.55 feet along the said north line of Pecan Hollow to a W' iron rod found for corner, said point being on the east line of Parks of Coppell, Section One, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 93093, Page 1531 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE N. 00 degrees 52 minutes 32 seconds W., 62.55 feet along the said east line of Parks of Coppell to a point for comer; THENCE N. 88 degrees 57 minutes 16 seconds E., 102.81 feet leaving the said east line of Parks of Coppell to a W' iron rod found for comer; THENCE N. V2" iron rod found THENCE N. '/2" iron rod found THENCE N. 1/~,, iron rod found THENCE N. ~/~" iron rod found 88 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds E., 124.31 feet to a for comer; 88 degrees 31 minutes 31 seconds E., 130.07 feet to a for comer; 86 degrees 55 minutes 17 seconds E., 47.53 feet to a for comer; 19 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds E., 29.37 feet to a for corner; EXHIBIT C- LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~'-~ T--~ ~7-2'~ A~'~~--RACT - Page 1 of 2 Pages CDK-ws4\797-03/1 /95-08:37 AM 95O67 03620 THENCE N. 1/2" ~ron rod found THENCE N. V2" ~ron rod found THENCE N. x/2" iron rod found THENCE N. 1/2" ~ron rod found THENCE N. V2" iron rod found 05 degrees 57 minutes 56 seconds E., 95.82 feet to a for corner; 08 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds W., 144.35 feet to a for corner; 02 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds E., 124.02 feet to a for comer; 03 degrees 06 minutes 37 seconds E., 113.98 feet to a for comer; 03 degrees 10 minutes 34 seconds E., 123.82 feet to a for comer; THENCE N. 03 degrees 13 minutes 47 seconds W., 2.55 feet to a ¥2" iron rod found for comer on the said south line of Parkway Boule- vard, said point also being in a curve to the right running in an easterly direction and having a central angle of 02 degrees 28 minutes 07 sec- onds a radius of 2156.00 feet and a chord bearing of N. 88 degrees 00 minutes 16 seconds E.; THENCE along said curve, and along the said south line of Park- way Boulevard, 92.89 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 2.729 acres (118,881 square feet) of land. EXHIBIT C- LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~-~7~ A~ ~'~"~CT - Page 2 of 2 Pages CDK-ws4 \797-03 / 17795-08~7 AM 95067 03621 EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT "D" - MAP OF 2.7;::'9 CHANNEL TRACT ACRE pA BOULEVARD BE [ CHWO00 L. ANE EXHIBIT "D" - MAP OF 2.729 ACRE CHANNEL TRACT - Page Solo CDK-3/22/95 95067 03622_. EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT "E" - DEVELOPMENT MAP OOUL E:VARO AREA "B" ~ AREA PUMP d~LEX EXHIBIT "E" - DEVELOPMENT MAP - Page Solo CDK-3/22/95 L90~6