Enclaves/FP-CS 950317KASHIR & KRAGE, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 200~ BrYAn tOWER SUITE 2?O0 DAllaS, TEXAS 75201-3059 214/969-7 500 March 17, 1995 TELECOPIER HAND DELIVERED Robert L. Dillard, III, Esq. Nichols, Jackson, Dillard, Hager & Smith, L.L.P. 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 North Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75201 Re: The Enclaves on the Parkway, a proposed addition to the City of Coppe11, Dallas Count'v, Texas Dear Mr. Dillard: In connection with the development of The Enclaves on the Park- way and the formation and organization of the Homeowners' Association of The Enclaves on the Parkway, Inc., you will find enclosed herewith copies of the following documents: (1) Articles of Incorporation of Homeowners' Asso- ciation of The Enclaves on the Parkway, Inc. that were filed with the Secretary of State of Texas on March 16, 1995; (9.) Certificate of Incorporation of Homeowners' Association of The Enclaves on the Parkway, Inc. that was issued by the Secretary of State of Texas on March 16, 1995; and (3) Bylaws of Homeowners' Association of The Enclaves on the Parkway, Inc. that were adopted by the Board of Directors. KASMIR & KRage, L.L.P. Robert L. Dillard, III, Esq. March 17, 1995 Page 2 Please call me if you need any additional documents or information with respect to the Homeowners' Association of The Enclaves on the Parkway, Inc. Very truly yours, Cyril D. Kasmir CDK/dgh Enclosures CC: Mr. David R. Blom President WPC - Parkway Development Corporation (Via telecopier to 278-8187 [without enclosures] and regular mail [with enclosures]) Mr. Jim Witt City Manager City of Coppell (Via regular mail) (With enclosures) William A. Anderson, P.E. · Dowdey, Anderson and Associates, Inc. (Via regular mail) (With enclosures) ws3\1203 ARTICLI~ OF INCORPOltATION OF- HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVE~ ON THE PARKWAY, INC. FILED In the Office of the Secretary of Stere of Texas M~ 1 6 ~995 Corporations Section I, the undersigned natural person of the age of eighteen (18) years or more, acting as an incorporator of a corporation under the Texas Non- Profit Corporation Act, do hereby adopt the following Articles of Incorpo- ration for said corporation: ARTICLE ONE NAME The name of the Corporation is HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC. {hereinafter called the "Association"). ARTICLE TWO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION The Association is a non-profit corporation. ARTICLE THREE DURATION The period of the Association's duration is perpetual. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC. - Page I of 9 Pages CDK-w~3 \892-03/02/95-03:18 PM 5~Ni ~: 0-1~-35 ; 14:5~ : ~ORD ~ ~RAR~- KA$~IR & KRAG~;; 4/11 ARTICLE FOUR PURPOSES The purposes for which the Association is organized are as follows: (1) Providing for the continuous and perpetual operation, maintenance and repair of landscape systems, features and elements, landscape irri- gation systems, screening walls, fences, subdi- vision entryway features and all other physical facilities and grounds that are to be installed and/or constructed by WPC - Parkway Develop- ment Corporation {hereinafter called the "Declar- ..a~..t") in (a) the areas that are designated as Common Area 1 (Lot C-l), Common Area 2 (Lot C-2), Common Area 3 (Lot C-3), (b) all above- ground improvements in the 20' wide Access and Landscape Easement and (c} the portion of Lot 22 in Block A that is designated to be main- rained by the Homeowners' Association on the Final Plat depicting The Enclaves on the Park- way, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas (hereinafter called the "Addition"), as approved by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, for recording in the Map Records of Dallas County, Texas, as the same may be amended from time to time (hereinafter called the "Final Plat"); and (2) Perform all of the Association's duties and obli- gations under that certain Development and Maintenance Agreement that will be entcred into by and among the Declarant, Parkway/Coppell Property Corporation (the owner of an adjacent tract), the City of Coppell, Texas and the Association. All of the areas that are to be dedicated to and/or maintained by the Association a.re hereinafter collectively called the "Common Areas". ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HOM]~OWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THI~.. PARKWAY, INC. - Page 2 of 9 Pages CDK-w~3\892-03/02/95-03:18 PM ARTICLE FIVE POWERS In order to accomplish its purposes, the Association shall have the authoriW to take any action that t. he Association deems to be necessary, appropriate or convenient including, but not limited to, the following powers: Exercise all of the powers and privileges and perform all of the duties and obligations of t_he Association that ~re set forth in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for The Enclaves on the Parkway which will be filed in the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, as the Declaration may be amended from time to time (hereinafter called t. he "Declaration"), which Decla~a~on is incorporated herein for all purposes; Fix, levy, collect and enforce payment by any lawful means of all assessments and charges pursuant to the Declaration; to pay all expenses in connection therewith and a. ll office and other expenses incident to the performance of the purposes of the Association, including all taxes or assessments which may be levied or imposed against the property that is owned by the Asso- ciation, if any; (3) Purchase, receive, lease or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, use, build upon, operate, maintain, convey, sell, lease, transfer, dedicate for public use or otherwise dispose of real or personal property i~ connection with the pur- poses of the Association subject to the limita- tions that are .~et forth in the Decla~ation; (4) Borrow money and mortgage, pledge or hypothe- cate any or all of its real or personal property as security for money borrowed or debts incurred; ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY,, INC. - Page 3 of 9 Pages CDK-=~3\8~2-03/02/95-03:18 PM (5) (6) (7) (8) Provide general sanitation, cleanliness, mainte- nance and upkeep of the Common Areas pursu- ant to the Declaration; Enter into and perform contracts and exercise all powers which may be necessary or conven- ient to the operation, management, maintenance and administration of the affairs of the Associa- tion in accordance with the Declaration; Promote the health, safer7 and welfare of the residents within the Add/t/on; and Have and exercise any and all powers, fights and privileges which a corporation organized and existing under the Texas Non-Profit Corpo- rat/on Act may now or hereafter have or exercise. ARTICLE SIX RESTRICTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS The Association is a non-profit corporation which has been organ- ized and shall be operated solely and exclusively for the purposes that are specificd in Article Four. No part of the Association's property or earnings shall ever inure (other than by acquiring, constructing or providing management, maintenance and care of the Association's prop- erty and other than by a rebate of excess membership dues, fees or assessments} to the benefit of any Member, Director, Officer or employee of the Association. No Member, Director, Officer or employee sba!_! ever receive or be lawfully entitled to receive any profit from the operations of the Association. , The Association shall not pay or distribute any dividends or other income to its Members, Directors or Officers or otherwise accrue dis- tributable pmflts or permit the realization of private I/aim The Associa- AI~ICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HOMt~O, WNERS° ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC. - Page 4 of 9 Pages CDK-w&3\8~2.03/02/95-03; 18 PM tion shall have no power to take any action that is prohibited by the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act. The Association shall not have the power to engage in any activities that a~e not in furtherance of the pur- poses that are specified in Article Four. Nothing herein shall prevent the payment to its Members, Directors and Officers of reasonable compensa- tion for services rendered and the reimbursement to its Members, Direc- tors and Officers of reasonable expenses that are incurred in connection with the Association's affairs. The Association shall have no power to m_ke any action that would violate the requirements for a tax exemption under Internal Revenue Code Section 528 and the related regulations, rulings and procedures. ARTICLE SEVEN MEMBERSHIP Each person and/or entity who owns a fee or undivided fee interest in a lot which is a part of the Addition, including homebuilders and contract sellers, shall be a Member of the Association. The foregoing is not intended to include persons or entities who hold an interest in a lot merely as security for the perfoxmancc of an obligation; provided, how- ever, that the purchaser at a foreclosure sale or trustee's ~ale shall be a Member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and shall not be separated from ownership of any lot which is a part of the Addition. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC. - Page 5 of 9 Pages CDK-ws3 \ 892.03 / 02 / 95-03:18 PM ~L.~I ~1; o-iO-U~ , ig. Ui ~UKD ~ rLKKAKV- R~IK & RKAOL.~ O/ii ARTICLE EIGHT VOTING RIGHTS The Association shall have the following two (2) classes of voting membership to be designated, respectively, as Class A and Class B: Class A. The Class A Members shall be all lot owners, with the exception of the Declarant (until conversion of the Declarant's Class E1 Membership into the Class A Membership as hereinafter provided), and shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each lot owned. When more than one person owns an interest in any lot, all such persons shall be Members of the Association, but the vote for such lot shall be exercised as the owners of the particular lot shall among themselves deterrcdne. In no event shall more than one (1) vote be cast with respect to any lot. A Class A Member shall not be entitled to vote on any matter in the event that the Class A Member is delinquent in the payment of any assessment. Class B. The Class B Member shall be the Declarant which shall be entitled to three (3) votes for each lot that it owns. The Class B Member- ship shall cease and be converted to Class A Membership on the happen- lng of either of the following events, whichever first occurs: (1) Thirty (30) days after the tot~l votes outstanding in the Class A Membership with respect to the entire Addition equal or exceed the total votes outstanding in the Class B Membership; or (2) Ten (10) years following the earliest date upon which ownership of any lot becomes vested in a person other than the Declarant. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY. INC. - Page 6 of 9 Pages CDK-ws3 \892-03/02/g5-03:18 PM ARTICLE NINE INITIAL R]$GISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT The street address of the initial Registered Office of the Association is 2001 Bryan. Tower, Suite 2700 in Dallas, Dallas Court .fy, Texas 75201- 3059. The name of the Association's initial Registered Agent at that address is Cyril D. Kasmir. ARTICLE TEN BOARD OF DIRECTORS The affairs of the Association ~hall be managed by. the Board of Directors. The qumliScation$, manner of selection, duties, terms and other matters relating to the Board of Directors shall be provided in thc Bylaws of the Association. The number of Directors of the Association shall be fixed by the Bylaws of the Association but shall not bc less than the numl~r that axe required by dae Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act. The initial Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of three (31 persons. The names and addresses of the persons who shah serve as the initial Directors of the Association are as follows: Name (1) David R. Blom {2) W. A, Barney (3) Nancy D. Robbins Address 3960 Broadway-Suite 125 Garland, Texas 75043 3960 Broadway-Suite 125 Garland, Texas 75043 3960 Broadway-Suite 125 Garland, Texas 75043 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE I~NCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC. - Page 7 of 9 Pages CDK.ws3 \ 892-03 / 02 / 95-03: I 8 PM ARTICLE ELEVEN NO CUMULATIVE VOTING Members shall not be able to cumulate their votes in the election of Directors. ARTICLE TWELVE INCORPORATOR The name and address of the Incorporator are as follows: Cyril D. Kasmir 2001 Bryan Tower Suite 2700 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75201-3059 ARTICLE THIRTEEN LIMITATION ON LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS No Director shall be l/able to the Association or its Members for monetary damages for an act or omission in the Director's capacity as a Director except to t. he extent otherw/$e Provided by a statute of the State of Texas. ARTICLE FOURTI$I/;N INDEMNIFICATION The A$~ocia~on shall indemnify a person who was, is or is threat- ened to be made a named defendant or respondent in litigation or other proceedings because the person is or was a Director, Officer, employee or agent of the Association as provided in the Bylaws of thc ANnunciation. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION. OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAY, INC. - Page 8 of 9 Pages CDK-ws3 \ 892-03 / 02 / 95-03 :18 PM IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on this the /]f/~day of March, 1995. INCORPOI~TOR AKq'ICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE ENCLAVES ON THE PARKWAy, INC. - Page 9 of 9 Pages CDK.w'~3 \ 892--03 / O'2 /95-03: ~.8 PM