Eckerd/PP,SPRv-CS 980515 pG/01/1S98 iq: 28 21~8~86~1 RICHMOND GROUP PAGE 82 ' FF~ DJ~.L~S ~°C ~uv~ua HEDGES & ASSOCIATES ~ ...... - ..... ' ' ~ m~hR. ec~ planers .... May 15, 1998 Him/M. t4urgrevm In,~stmems 12221 Nle~ Suite 1750 VIA FA~CIMIL. E: (~) Oetlee, Texew ?S~251-2252 ATTN: Hirer Hergrave Amhll~aeural Cenlrol Eelm~l'e end Dr. (3lyre Solomon. D.O.S. Deer Hml~: Please ~ I~ew my eofnmantl, on the plans lubmittad for approval. t.q, iew of ttm fram for EcImna'e 1. It emi prefweble far tim gabled faSe~e ~lmTlefltl to be aH brick In lieu of l~e cLflvit mh~. l'hl mormllWn~l mien,minim in ii mote permanent material would reed mm mi bettor mtmm~n~t o~ quellS, 2. Column melds olevitlonm ~or We pmtmdiflg g~bie element mt Ibm flo~n slcle mw faC~lcle F. Jev~tlon 04 indl~ltem brick to the mppmxlm&te I S foe ~ on the columflt One or U1 ~ ir~l¢~ll~ns i~ in=or, eot emi We ~ cio not · consistent cmrKIIt~ In ~is n~4. C3m~ng ah,NmUofl 02 ir,claRe, brick egain to the mgffoxtmmte 15 fac~ line on the column leg detlltJ, however t~m 04 elevation inclk'Jtemi the ald~ at that protn3ding ~ elemm~ c:elumn Is non-b~k, therefor 3. The dewing, tfldiemle m foifly ~mall pmupet ho~gh~ t~d~ the ergot of ltd stem. This ama ie ve~ ~ because ef las dovmhill siol:,e northixmfld on hoighm bo inc~o~l In ONSet to reissue l~e semwttno of there urns from tho ecl[Jec~4 el~mtL Drewlngs in~alte en appmadmllB 3 foot parapet height ~ WB net be edequ~l~ for any ~itl ~ hell. eft ta be IccItld Iff ~e fo~dfl:J lr3 4. [nC1c, atlon el' metal metadet for IM bl~ at the gabb eloment~ Is not acc4q~t~. These 10er~GBIs will be visible from l~fltan Tap narth~ m~cl need to be flrdn~ed I~ elth&, the dmtvit metmid or Iff b~iCk ta meK~ L~e rest of me 5. Tharu appeers W mm rc i.K:llcation c~ llmdscapleg on ~ site plan. mlu~mR · IlN~ IPIIBII id~dfl(~B~J~g &rll.~ tO bi Jlrldnc, al:NKJ, ~ tO ~ ~VE<J. tM arums to Ifl¢iuclo tee placement 06/01/1998 14:28 2144848641 RICHMOND GROUP PAGE 03 0S/IS/e8 ~:L? ~&X g7Z 387 ~37 XI~S ASSOCIA~S bu~ 2. Pa~flg s~ ~ ne~h~ i tot light memO,s, , or ~ is ~ge~ for V~ T~