Eckerd/PP,SPRv-CS 980520ECKERD SITE PLAN AND PRELIMINARY PLAT Responses to your comments and questions MAY 20 1998 1. The attached signs proposed for the Denton Tap frontage exceeZF3Tg~ almost 50 °/3o. Signage along Denton Tap total square footage is 91 sf. The max allowance area is 106' - 0" square feet. Dimensions taken from edge of letter to edge of letter. 2. Explain what the notation "Storefront Sign Band" mean and to what does it apply? Storefront sign band has been removed. 3. The frontage along Parkway Blvd and along Town Center Blvd. are as important visually to the City as the frontage on Denton Tap Road The north and east elevations of the proposed building do not do much to enhance the substantial investment the City has made in its facilities across the street. Standing seam hip roof added at Parkway Blvd. Elevation at Town Center Blvd is hidden with trees. 4. When will the Town Center Architect Review Board's recommendations be available? In progress. 5. Describe the sign materials and colors. Specify the brick and roofing * selections. ( * the visible sloping part above the pediment). Ref. Elevation 6. Title block on the preliminary plat should be enlarged using a larger font size. Also, provide the Lot and Block number. Increased font size and made bold. 7. Do not superimpose the site plan on the Preliminary Plat. Site plan shown in shaded pen for reference use only. 8. Staff has some concern with regards to the Proposed Cross access with the Princeton Park development. As shown on the site plan, Princeton Park will lose 4 parking spaces. The reduction of parking spaces on that site will cause them to be in violation of city regulations. We suggested that Eckerds and Princeton Park enter into a shared parking agreement to make up for the elimination of 4 parking spaces. However, Eckerd will have to provide 2 additional parking spaces on their site to accommodate the Princeton Park parking shortage. 3 extra parking spaces provided. 9. Match location of the monument sign on Site Plan with the Landscape Plan. Landscape Plan is coordinated with site plan. 10. Provide total parking, driveway pavement area under the site data table on the Site Plan. Total driveway and pavement calculation is provided. 11. Provide elevations of the 6foot high loading area screen wall. Detail for screen wall provided.