Enclaves/FP-CS 94121412114/94 15:57 ~'214 278 8187 WP DALLAS ~002 WPC - PAR~Y DEVELOf~MENT COtlIP. 3960 BR~AY, ~t. JfTE 12~, LB 19 GAII~~, TEXAS 7S043 2,14-840-0~63 December 14, 1994 Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning and Community Services City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75019 Via Facsimile #: 393-0948 SUB J: Milsap wall bids - Enclaves on the Parkway Dear Gary: In accordance with our conversation of earlier today, please find attached bids received from Metroplex Retaining Walls, Inc., Ratliff Masonry, Inc. and Hardscape Construction Speciatties, Inc. Please note that the bid from Hardscape Construction calls for a different design than we had anticipated using. It is my personal opinion that we should stay with the proven desigr~ that currently exists in the canal adjacent to our tract (behind the Centex development).' Please note that the attached bids are based upon preliminary plat drawings and exhibits, and are subject to adjustment upon completion of final engineering drawings. However, based upon my experience, any adjustments should be very minimal. My recommendation is that we proceed with Metroplex, which would result in an estimated cost to the City of ,$4~,~i00, based upon Metroplex's bid and the estimated 1,250 linear feet of wall that is proposed as the City's portion of the project. 12/14/94 15:57 '~214 278 8187 WP DALLAS [~003 Page Two Mr. Gary ,Sieb Decem bar 14, 1994 If you should have any questions, please give me a call. Thursday evening. Kind Regards, David R. Biota President DIRe/am I look forward to seeing you on Bill Anderson, Dowdy AndersOn 12/14/94 15:$8 "~14 Z?$ 8187 WP DALLAS DF.C-!~-~!~a_z4 11:46 DOWD~Y,ANDERSON ~ ASSOC. 214 ~51 9538 ~ 004 P.la~ 12/14/94 15:55 ~214 275 $157 WP DALLAS 005 IJlO N. ~wsn Lew~,v~l~. ~ 7~?-311~6 ~t4) ~ PAX [E14) ~1-~ Be;