Enclaves/FP-CS 94121212/14/94 16:00 9214 278 8187 WP DALLAS I~C%12-1994 11:47 DfiI~DMY,RND£R~N ~ ~SOC. ~ 001 P.05 HARD$CAPE CON TKN INC. Pho,'a,: (6~7) 267~6 Proposal To:. Fix: ProjeCt: December 12, ~ Dowries, A~ctemen amcl ASaeciales. Inc. c/o Ted D, 1~250 Dallas Datla~ TX 75,~I~ 214-93,1-06~ 214-93t Enclaves on tim ~y c~y o~ copp~ O~on 1: Acl~d Wall ~ stom~ remim~ well, Per shop cira~r~ #1 = Aclvancad W~ lymem 'Stonetace" (com:m~ reteini~g wall ~ .~_'tmlion ~tone feee), Per shop dra~ Jl~ = · Sul~ject to final testing of ~ bY 12-1e-94; ~ i~ proven and ~. S 75,025.00 Note: It is our professional ol~i~ien that 3,~ ~ind the ~11, ~ ~ ~ is ~mr ~ully sul~mittecl, 12/14/94 16:01 ~214 278 8187 ~P DALLAS D~C-1.~.-1994 ll:,~B DOWDE¥,I:~qlI)t~ON & 002 HAftDSCAPE CON~UCTK3N ~P~IC,~TIE~,/NC. Phone: {817) 267-600~ -.d-.5, I-Io R. I,Z" -:""' q ~ itt! -_-'::lip "^DV^ CED WALL STONE RETAINING WALL PATENT PEN~ING ) TOP VIEW 12/14/94 15:01 '~214 278 $187 WP DALLAS DEC-~2-1994 11:4B DDb.rDEY,P, bLDERSON & i:C.~SOC. ~ 005 P.O? HAJIOSCAPE C OJi~ ~ TJON ~ ~, IAPC. Eul~, 'Tpm~ 7'J040 P',O. B¢~ 4OOOB~ Fmc (~'17) 540-1313 Pt~ne: (017) 2~7.6006 ~ "ADVANCED WALL STONE { PATENT' PENDING TOP VIEW fi SYSTF_M$ WALL '