Eckerd/PP,SPRv-CS 99012681/26/1999 16:37 9724848641 RICHMOND GROUP PAGE Jarluary 26, 1999 Greg Jones Commercial Building Inspector 500 Southwestern Blvd. Coppell, TX. 75019 RE: Eckerds Drugstore MI'. Jones: Per our conversation on 1/21/99 we are proceeding with the relocation of the Princeton Park dumpster screen wall to match the existing screen wall. Per the access agreement between Princeton~ Park Development and North American Properties / Eckexds, we are also being requested to provide a four-foot sidewalk along the shared parking area. As a result of adding this sidewalk, Eckerd is giving up some of their required landscape (approximately 200 s.f.). Due to the los~ landscape we axe adding additional trees to make up for the deficiency. Please sign and approve this letter in vn expeditious manner so we may proceed with construction in this area. If you should have any questions or commen~, please call me. Best regards, ~i~gg ~- <~ommcrcial Building Inspector 1~00 S~a~ao~s Fni~Ew~¥. Surf; 317 Eb~.u,~, T~s 75234 (uT2) ~-~/4'~-~- ]0' SIDEWALK AND UT - ~-~'~ EASEMENT TO DE DED \ / ' N O1 ~XIST. 1§" W NEW 4' StD[WALK FOE PRINCETON ~r 66,289 S.F. - DRUG STORE ~'~-- 8LDG SHELL LOCA~ON FO~ ~ LOADING L.. R=275.00' 180.00' S EASE~T TO BE DE~CA~O " ~--,~-/.~"~,,z~',o~ t0' SIDEWALK AND U ,,,; ~ ~.o~.~ EASEMENT TO BE DEl ~XIST. 16" W NEW 4' S/DE'WA FOR PRJ'N, PARK r~**;~ r SI TE AR"E-A'~'~'~''~ ~ 66,289 S.F, .£ DRUg STORE ~1'" 10,909 ._.qF -- ~'~"'~ BLDG SHELL NEW DUNPSmR ~_ Ip~o/os~a ~ ~ ~ ~oc~o~ r~ ~ ~ ~ 11,200 SF PRINCETON PAR~ r CRO~ ~ rT~ ~ ~ o ~ S.S I ,5' ' 180.00' S R=275.00' , 2~ ~ 10' SIDEWALK AND UTILITY L=$O. ' , . 24 9-CE/4 "CAL I'"'- 25-EE/SG/J6"OC ~ C,,I BERMUDA SOD .