Eckerd/PP,SPRv-CS 990203 HARRY M. HARGRAVE INVESTMENTS lsabelle Moro February 3, 1999 Planning Department City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Via Facsimile: 972-304-3570 Hard Copy to Follow Via US Mail Dear Ms. Moro: This letter shall serve as approval from the Town Center Architectural Control Committee of the Eckerd's design as shown on the attached exterior elevation A-5 dated 10/27/98 and more fully described in the 2/1/99 letter from the Richmond Group; copy attached hereto. Please call me if you have additional questions. Harry M. ~rgrave cc: Henry S. Quigg, Richmond Group Steve Lipscomb, North American Properties 12221 Merit Drive · Suite 1750 · Dallas, Texas 75251-2252 · Office: (972) 386-9157 · Fax: (972) 233-5881 February 1, 1999 Harry Hargrave Harry M. Hargrave Investments 12221 Merit Drive Suite # 1750 Dallas, Texas 75251 RE: Architectural Control Committee Review Eckerd's Harry: Below please find a response to the review that was made on May 15, 1998. Due to the time that elapsed, we have stated that the original commcnts and tbcn how it was addressed in bold type. 1. It is preferable tbr thc gabled facade clements to be all brick in lieu of thc drivit as shown. The monumental elements in a more permanent material would read as a better statement of quality. Response - Gabled elements were revised to be all brick ( complied ). 2. Column side elevations for the protruding gable element at the north side as indicated in Elevation 01 indicate brick at only the base of the columns, yet the facade Elevation 04 indicates brick to the approximate 15 tbot line on the columns. One or the other indications is incorrect and tile draxvings do not reflect a consistent condition in this area. Drawing Elevation 02 indicates brick again to the approximate 15 foot line on the colulnn Icg dctails, however the 04 elevation indicates the side of that protruding gabled clement colunm as non-brick, thcrclbre, the drawings arc incorrect on one or the other of thc elevations. Response - Elevations were revised to better show what was intended. Material is brick to approximately is 15' above finish floor ( complied ). 3. Thc drawings indicate a fairly small parapct height toward the front of thc store. This area is vel3, critical because of the downhill slope northbound on Denton Tap. It is mm~datory that roof-top units be screened and adequate parapet heights be incorporated in order to assure the screening of these units fi:om the adjacent streets. Draxvings indicate all approximate 3 foot parapet height which will not be adequate for any units that happen to be located in the forward 1 / 3 of thc building.. Response - Increasing the parapet height for northbound traffic is not seen as necessary due to the location on the site and recently constructed building to the south which blocks visibility,,.. In our conversation during the approval process at the city, it was agreed to that if HVAC units or any other objectionable objects are visible that we will take appropriate actions to maintain the integrity of Town Center. 4. Indication of metal material for thc back of the gable clements is not acceptable. These parapets 12200 STEMMONS FREEWAY, SUITE 317 DALLAS, TEXAS 75234 (972) 484-5977 * FAX (972) 484-8641 will be visible from Denton Tap nm'thbound and need to be finished in either the drivit material or in brick to match thc rest of the building. Response - Due to condition stated in item 3 these will not be seen ( co~nplied ). 5. There appears to mc no indication of landscaping on the site plan. Please resubmit a site plan indicating areas to bc landscaped, areas to be paved, and areas to include tree placement. Response - Landscape plan is included in this paclCage and exceeds the requirements that are set forth in the ordinance for this property ( complies ). 6. There are no indicmions of lighting, light pole sizes, or height and complete compatibility of adjacent uses will be required. Please submit photo metrics as part of your resubmittal. Response - Site lighting has been added to the site. The fixtures and lighting levels will match the cit-y offices within the Town Center ( complies ). 7. No indication is given for materials or type of construction for the screen wall at the back of the building.. This will be required to be masonry to match thc building brick. Response - The rear screen wall uses the same brick that is used on the building ( complied ). 8. Metal coping and gable top detail indicates a very small piece of metal coping. The fascia profile of this should be cxtcnded to bc at least 8 inches in order to bc proportional massing and size of the building.. / Response - The metal coping that is located at the top of the parapet is set at 5". This is a typical size of coping aud would be our request to use the understated approach. It' you have any other questions, please contact me. Best regards, l-lenry S. Quigg HSQ/aph cc: Steve Lipscomb, North American Properties