Enclaves/PP-DR 980326 (4)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE FIRE PREVENTION COMMENTS ITEM; CONTACT: TRAVIS CRUMP, ~ MA~HAL. COMMENT STA TI]S: L~.~,~ ~ EN~VB AT I~IORTHI..4K~ WO0~, P~ARY PLAT 1. The Fire Department can not support this development as shown. The two ways in/two ways out pertains to the residents as well as the Fire Department. With a major thoroughfare immediately south of this development, a railroad adjacent to the south boundary and a natural gas metering station just to the west, the possibility of a major evacuation is very real. Attempting to remove 91 families on one street while trying to move emergency apparatus into the subdivision on the same street would be impossible. Should the street dumping onto Mockingbird be blocked there would be no way to access the families in the subdivision. A twenty feet wide "Emergency Access Easement" does not meet the criteria for emergency ingress/egress. In addition, the emergency access comes off of an alley which can not be used for an emergency road. In order for the Fire Department to support this development, a full roadway would need to be installed on the back (east) third of the development. There are also serious concerns on the dead end eight inch water line supplying this entire project.