Enclaves/PP-DR 940929City of Coppell Planning Department The Endaves on the Parkway, Preliminary Plat DRC Date: September 29, 1994 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: October 20, 1994 City Council Meeting: November 8, 1994 1) 4) Indicate zoning of adjacent properties. Preliminary homeowners association agreement is needed. Common area will have to be maintained by the association. Landscape renderings need to be labeled as "Landscape Plan" and bear a seal of a registered Landscape Architect. Brick pavers, plant materials, etc. required The RTC land holdings issue needs to be resolved. Note: A. Bo Co Do Staff written comments will be fluted to each applicant and the marked up blueline prints can be picked up at City Hall or if requested will be sent by mail. Please revise plats, landscape plans, and utility plans based on staff recommendations or provide reasons why our comments should not be followed when you attend the October 6th DRC meeting. Each applicant will bring a new set of plats and revised plans to the October 6th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, October llth to resubmit twenty-six (26) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies and one (1) transparency of each exhibit to the Planning Department.