Enclaves/PP-CS 941012 CHAMIIIIL ~ The Enckw, N on MILSAP STONE: 18" above wmer surfac~ (S40,00 per l.f.) a) AtN adjacmt to The Enclave~: b) At~ ad~cent to P~kview Addition: c) Aroi udjicent to Pecan Hollow Additi(M Six foot wide sidewalk ~djm~.~at ~o '['he ~ Five foot high decorltive mald bitce; Chmael Excavation (48' wide top, ~:1 ride I)ispoml of unusable vegetmion: 4200 CY HYI~OMUI.CH FINISHED S4.~FACE: Adjacent to The Enclaves: b) Ad~.~t to Park-view Addition / Pecan [(~ ftx 1 ! 65 I of )VINE)iT1 TO Parkway 18" below water suffice, 12" base 1080 LF ~ S40.OO/LF = $43,200.00 715 LF (~ $40.00/LF -- $25,600.00 $35 LF (~, $40.O0/LF ,, $21,400.00 ~o~o L~ @ $~2.00/LF = $~-,?~0,00 1042 LF(~$20.OO/LF - $20,$40.00 slo~, 8' de~): 8100 CY <~ $2.00/CY = $I6,200.00 10 CY / truck x $35.00/truck = $14,700.00 30 ~ x 1060 ftx ~0.04/$F = $1272,00 Hollow Addition: ft) + (40 ftx 430 ft)] x $O.04/st- $2086.00 2 0CT-20-1994 16:16 DOWDEY,ANDERSON & ASSOC. 214 931 9538 P.03 '7, lrriplion actja~.em to T'he ~nclave$: 2" e. diper trees ~ 65 ft O.C. adpe. eat to TI 1060 L1;/65 fl + 9. Sixty (60) inch storm sewer Coeeween Park 10, F.a$,ineerinll, Surveying, Construction Mare D~VELOPEIt PARTICIPATION: 0) Tilli CITY PARTICIPATION: (bau ]Co),](c),9) l'rl&rM 9 'P.~la, ve ~ (C~aeml Fred) (Dmn~le Fund) 2 of 30 ftx 1060 ~ x $0,30/sf = $9540.00 te Enclaves: tree -- 17 Ttee~ {~ $200.00 ea, -- $3400.00 Addition and Pecan Hollow Addition): 430 LF (~ $105,00 = $45.150,00 gemeat, Land~.~pe Architect: 173,958 x 0. I0 = $17,396.00 T~I'AL ALL 1Tg~: $141,384.00 - 26,915.00 $114,3~9.09 $50,000,00 $45,150.OO $26,915.00 S122,13SJ0 2 TOTAL P.OJ