Enclaves/PP-CS 941007MEMORANDUM
Date: October 7, 1994
To: ~g~ohnson, Finance Director
Fro~~L. Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services
Subje4t': 'Consideration of Expenditure Out of $600,000 Fund Balance Designated for C.I.P.
Alan, as I discussed with you briefly yesterday, a situation has recently arisen which prompts
this memo of Fund Balance consideration.
As you know, we have been through a rigorous exercise in rezoning several parcels of property
in the City over the last several months, one being the old ABQ tract east of city hall. A
continuing problem with development of that tract is the fact that the drainage area on its east
and south border has never been recognized by the city or property owner for maintenance.
Indeed, the area is currently owned by the RTC--whom we all recognize has not performed
proper maintenance in the canal for at least as long as I have lived here--and from time to time
city forces have taken it upon themselves to clean out the canal.
I am now processing a preliminary plat for single family development on the 5.8 acre parcel
adjacent to the canal and also negotiating with the RTC to transfer ownership of the canal itself
to the city. We have an opportunity to capitalize on improving the canal (similar to the
subdivision to the west with sidewalk, retaining walls, etc.), sharing cost of improvements with
the developer, hence the reason for this memo.
I request that the Finance Committee consider an expenditure not to exceed $40,000 to assist the
city in correcting a long standing problem with drainage improvements in this canal.
Specifically, the RTC is willing to transfer ownership of the canal area to the city. The
developer adjacent to the canal is willing to pick up half the cost of building the retaining wall,
will prepare the entire drainage site for construction of the retaining wall, provide the
engineering drawings, put in the sidewalk we need to connect to Andrew Brown Park, and
maintain the open space adjacent to his east and south property lines. The city would be
responsible for our $40,000 construction contribution and maintenance of the east and south side
of the canal.
In my mind this is a "win-win" situation for everyone. The city resolves a long standing
problem with drainage, an adjacent developer picks up the majority of engineering and
construction cost, the citizens adjacent to the canal should be delighted to resolve a nuisance to
the community, an eyesore becomes a pleasant walkway, and the city made it all happen!
At any rate this is my request and I would appreciate you passing it on the Committee. I will
be available to answer any questions or address any other issues you might feel need to be
explored--just let me know.
cc: Jim Witt