Essex Wire/FP-DR 861104Minutes of November 4, 1986 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Development Review Committee met at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 4, 1986 at the Coppell Town Center. The following members were present: Ed Powell, City Engineer Taryon Bowman, Sr. Planning Technician Shohre Daneshman, Civil Engineer Steve Morton, Chief Development Inspector Troy Glidewell, Fire Marshal Dale Jackson, Building Official Steve Goram, Director of Public Works Linda Glidewell, Secretary Gabe Favre, Ginn, Inc. Richard Milner, Coppell Cablevision Jerry Davis, General Telephone Tim Branchau, Texas Power and Light Glen Fabian, Texas Power and Light Fred Harris, Lone Star Gas Doug Jones, Lone Star Gas The following items were reviewed by the Committee: Pa~e 2 Essex Wire Addition: Final Plat COMMENTS: Shohre Daneshmand - Engineering: (1) No space for Planning and Zoning Chairman to sign plat. (2) Lone Star Gas has not signed plat. (3) Existing & proposed utilities should be designated. (4) Need to show size of building. (5) Roof drainage, off-site and on-site drainage. (6) Minimum distance between utility service lanes. (7) Need detail on driveway approach. (8) Building line set-back is not clear. (9) See attached letter. Troy Glidewell - Fire Marshal: (1) No fire lanes shown on site plan. Dale Jackson - Building Official: (1) Need to specify size of building. (2) Need to specify estimated occupancy, so number of needed parking spaces can be assessed. Steve Morton - Chief Development Inspector: (1) Problem with floor elevation and street contour. (2) Need to specify what they are going to do with irrigation. (3) Need to remove cushion sand under concrete. Steve Goram - Public Works: (1) Utilities need to be more defined. (2) Water service off of fire hydrant lead will be a problem. (3) They need to furnish a landscape plan and maintenance agreement. Texas Power and Light: (1) No comments. (2) For detailed guidance or further information please contact the appropriate representative. Jerry Davis - General Telephone: (1) No rear easement shown for GTE. (2) Ail utility easements should be designated as such and not specified as to which utility company. Richard Milner - Coppell Cablevision: (1) All utility easements should be designated as such and not specified as to which utility company. Gabe Favre - Ginn, Inc.: (1) Provide details as to concrete strength, design mix, etc. (2) Radius at south property line at Crestside needs to be located within the property line. (3) Minimum parking stall width shall be 9' 0". (4) Indicate fire lanes on plan. Pa~e 3 (5) May need to provide additional fire hydrant on east side of property. Check with Fire Marshal. (6) Provide double clean-out at property line for sanitary sewer. (7) Provide meter vaI~t as per City Standards (for water line). (8) Rework grading plan along Crestside Drive to conform to landscape berms, grading, etc. (9) No parking is allowed within thirty feet of the front property line or within five feet of the rear property line. This plan. violates both regulations. (10) Indicate floor to area ration (F.A.R.) on plans. GENERAL COMMENTS: (1) Must provide cost of total development for improvements within City R.O.W., dedicated easements parking lots. (2) Ail development fees must be paid before final plat will be submitted to the City Council for consideration. Development fees will be computed by the Director of Public Works. (3) Provide Landscape Maintenance (see attached Homeowners Agreement). Pa~e 4 Fletcher Park Addition - Preliminary Plat & Site Plan: COMMENTS: Gabe Favre - Ginn, Inc.: (1) Front yard setback should be 30 feet. (2) On corner lots front yard setback should be 13 feet. (3) Side yard setback should be 30 feet. (4) Rear yard setback should be 20 feet. (5) Lot width should be 85 feet. (6) Indicate alley pavement. (7) Do not allow open cutting of Heartz Road for installation of storm sewer. Shohre Daneshmand - Engineering: (1) Inlet and fire hydrant too close - need to show some dimensions. (2) Specify widths of streets. (3) Specify width of pavement from front to back. (4) Minimum distance between service lines should be 10 feet. (5) Alleys - northeast and southeast corners - need minimum radius of 40. (6) Specify Preliminary Site Plan. Troy Glidewell - Fire Marshal: (1) No comments. (2) For detailed guidance or further information please contact Fire Marshal. Dale Jackson - Buildin~ Official: (1) 25 foot front building line is not adequate. (2) This subdivision should be classified as P.D. General Comments: (1) Must provide cost of total development for improvements within City R.O.W., dedicated easements parking lots. (2) All development fees must be paid before final plat will be submitted to the City Council for consideration. Development fees will be computed by the Director of Public Works. (3) Provide Landscape Maintenance (see attached Homeowners Agreement). (4) It is the feeling of this committee that this subdivision needs to go through the process of a zoning change request from "SF-12" to "PD-SF-12". Page 5 Northlake Woodlands East ~10 - Phase A - Final Plat: (and Phase B) COMMENTS: Dale Jackson - Building Official: (I) Show ~ of lots in subdivision on the plat. Steve Morton - Development Inspector: (1) Off site water and sewer drainage should have access for City in case repairs are needed. Should submit Engineering plans showing this access. (2) Check on erosion control. (3) Streets should be maintained. Steve Goram - Public Works: (1) Make sure development fees are paid. (2) Need permanent barricades for streets that will be dead end. Jerry Davis - GTE: (1) Utility easements should all be designated as general utility easements, do not specify which utility company, with the exception of the 10 X 10 transformer pad for Texas Power & Light. Richard Milner - Coppell Cablevision: (1) Same comment as General Telephone. Shohre Daneshmand - Engineering: (1) Left off north directional arrow. (2) Specify utility easements as general utility easements with the exception of 10 X 10 transformer pad for Texas Power & Light. (3) Submit letter indicating changes made on final plat since the time of first submittal. Advantage Self-Storage - Preliminary Plat & Site Plan: Page 6 COMMENTS: Shohre Daneshmand - Engineering: (1) Existing and proposed utilities should be more defined. (2) Designate existing and proposed with different lines. (3) Need landscaping plan, and construction cost estimate. (4) Show type of drainage and maintenance agreement. Troy Glidewell - Fire Marshal: (1) Not enough fire hydrants. (2) Does not show turning radius. Dale Jackson - Building Official: (1) Need vicinity map on site plan. Steve Morton - Development Inspector: (1) Need dual meters. (2) Need to specify utilities. (3) Need to show emergency gate. (4) Do not allow cushion sand. Steve Goram - Public Works: (1) Need to provide landscape plan and maintenance agreement. (2) Need dual metering system. (3) Provide detailed utility plans. (4) On site plan show fire lane only. Jerry Davis - General Telephone: (1) Need to put utility easement back on final plans. Ed Powell - Engineering: (1) Need to designate types of security fences to be used, and where they will be located. Gabe Favre - Ginn, Inc.: (1) On east property line, a 20' utility easement is shown on plat; on plans, I0' of recreational vehicle parking and canopy encroaches upon this easement. (2) A preliminary drainage plan should be indicated. (3) Indicate any preliminary water and sewer required. General Comments: (1) Ail development fees must be paid before final plat will be submitted to the City council for consideration. Development fees will be computed by the Director of Public Works. (2) Must provide cost of total development for improvements within City R.O.W., dedicated easements parking lots. (3) Provide Landscape Maintenance (see attached Homeowners Agreement). (4) Submit 15 renderings of site. Pa~e ? Barbecue Haven - Specific use Permit: Gabe Favre - Ginn, Inc.: (1) No objections as long as parking requirements for the shopping center are unchanged by this additional restaurant space. Dale Jackson - Buildin~ Official: (1) Need to check parking requirements. Northlake 635 Business Park - Preliminar~ Plat: Page 8 COMMENTS: Gabe Favre - Ginn, Inc.: (1) Provide signature blocks for Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council on preliminary plat. (2) Verify with City Engineer whether water mains, sanitary sewer mains and storm drainage system needs to be located within easement or not. (3) Verify with Fire Marshal that fire lane turnaround can be used in lieu of cul-de-sac turnaround. (4) Parking requirements of proposed building area is 79 spaces. What happens when future expansion is completed? Where will parking for new area be located? (5) Indicate pavement design (thickness, strength, etc.) on plans. (6) Use Technical paper 40, not TP-25 in design of storm sewer. Shohre Daneshmand - Engineering: (1) Grading plan and off site drainage do not match. (2) Contours are connected wrong. (3) Engineering plans - need cover sheet. (4) Need separate set of Civil Plans showing drainage - how it will be constructed. (5) Specify drive approach. Tro~ Glidewell - Fire Marshal: (1) Fire lane turnaround radius. Dale Jackson - Building Official: (1) Must show they are dedicated loading docks (12 X 30). Steve Goram - Public Works: (1) Landscaping in R.O.W. - provide maintenance agreement. Ed Powell - Cit~ Engineer: (1) Check with Fire Marshal - will 8" line provide adequate fire protection? General Comments: (1) Must provide cost of total development for improvements within City R.O.W., dedicated easements parking lots. (2) Ail development fees must be paid before final plat will be submitted to the City council for consideration. Development fees will be computed by the Director of Public Works. (3) Provide Landscape Maintenance (see attached Homeowners Agreement). Pa~e 9 Ready Mix Plant - Specific Use Permit: COMMENTS: Gabe Favre - Ginn, Inc.: (1) Since this is for a capital project for the City of Coppell, we have no objections. (2) Should stipulate length of time the S.EU.P. can exist. (2 years maximum). (3) Stipulate 1 entrance/exit onto Belt Line at gate in fence. (4) Provide fire protection near area of fuel tank. (5) Determine what will be at "storage" area and type of operation in "shop" area. (6) Stipulate streets to be utilized by carriers of stockpile material. (IH635, Denton Tap, and Belt Line Road only). Ed Powell - City Engineer: (1) Provide information in writing as to the source of water service and sanitary sewer service currently used at this site. Pa~e 10 Zoning Exhibit - East Side of Denton Tap Road; North of St. Louis & Southwestern Railway: COMMENTS: Taryon Bowman - Planning Department: (1) No site plan submitted. Applicant refuses to submit one. Ed Powell - City Engineer: (1) Street dedications should comply with future thoroughfare plan. (2) Not enough information to proceed to Plannning and Zoning Commission or City Council. General Comments: (1) Must provide cost of total development for improvements within City R.O.W., dedicated easements parking lots. (2) Ail development fees must be paid before final plat will be submitted to the City Council for consideration. Development fees will be computed by the Director of Public Works. (3) Provide Landscape Maintenance (see attached Homeowners Agreement). (3) Ail members of the Development Review Cow~ittee recommend denial of this item due to not enough information provided. Raintree Village - Abandonment of Alley R.O.W.: COMMENTS: Steve Morton - Development Inspector: Page I1 Letter from Roland Wright should include completion of wall to Dimension Brooks property.