Cambridge1P/FP-CS 970203TO: Gary Sims, Leisure Services Director FROM: Pert Virtanen, Assistant Director of Planning and Community Service~ ~~- SURJF~T: Hike and Bike Trail at Estates of Cambridge Manor DATE: February 3, 1997 Jack Bommarito would like something in writing which states the City policy regarding construction of trails. This is the background: The plat for Estates of Cambridge Manor provided the City an easement for a hike and bike trail. According to Jack, Beamer Development paid the $1,285 per lot park fee. It is his understanding that the City's policy is to allow the developer to construct the trail and deduct the cost from the park fee, or to allow the developer to pay the full park fee without constructing the trail. He put this understanding in the form of a letter to Pete Smith, but he has received no response. He would simply like to have something in writing from the City so that he can show his lot buyers what the City policy is. Could you furnish him such a letter? His address is: Mr. Jack Bommarito Beamer Development, Inc. P. O. Box 2312 Coppell TX 75019