Fairway Drive/PP-CS 880209 i~IU BDI%'-IS1ON APPLICATION Date February g, ;? 1. Subdivision Name Fairway Drive 2. Preilminar¥. Plat _ x PINAL PLAT REPLAT ~.. A~llca~ Terra Corporate Jotn~ Venture Address . 5944 Luther Lane, Ste. $02 Dallas,. Texas 75225 Phone. I 2~4/69~-5566 gip 4..' Firm.Preparing Plat Nathan D. Mater Consulting Engineers, Inc. :. Three No=t~ r' AdSres8 8800 N. Central Ex~. Dallas, Texas 75231 .. '- S tree ~. C~y State .Phone' ~ 214/73924741 .. P%operty ~.er ._Te~ra Corporate Joint Venture . Addres~ .. 5944 Luther Lane, Suite 502 Dallas, Texas 75225 · street ...... C&ty State ~p ' Phone ~ 214/691-5566 '~. ~veloptr _ Terra Cor~rate Joint Ventur~ . Addre~ 5944 Luther Lane, Suite 502 Dallas, Texas 75225 ' Sere ' S~ate ' Phone f _?~4/69~-5566 ?. All CorresponSence relltlve, to ~s appllcitlon should be dlzected ~ whom: · ~%. Mike Daniel .. - Three NortA.Par~ suite 300 " - Address~88o0 N.. Centra~ ~xpw. fy; " Cl 8tats, . Dallal, Tekal 75231 . ' ..' P~OnO I '2X4/739-474X .. . _Belt Line R~ad ~[[h~n the "Rlverchise" Devei~e~t~ . ' '. ~. ~ot is the present Zoning Dls[r/ct?~ ~ Xre. you requesting any zoning change? No . If yes whit ti tho Case File ::- . . ~oning diltr'iC~' requested%- ' ~nd Use . Ho. of'~ or ~lts Ac}es {for ea~ use) · -- neu or ~o~yerson) ota i- SIGNATURR . · Terra Co: )orate nt Venture by Terra Land Dev. Co. (managing venturer) by Bobby Harrell, Vice President